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Visual History of War, Religion, and Government. History: Historic Figures. EyeWitness to History - history through the eyes of those who li. Face of Russia. Themed timelines. MAPAS ANTIGUOS INTERACTIVOS Duiker/Spielvogel Interactive Maps. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Art History. As a term, art history (also history of art) encompasses several methods of studying the visual arts; in common usage referring to works of art and architecture.

Art History

Aspects of the discipline overlap. As the art historian Ernst Gombrich once observed, "the field of art history [is] much like Caesar's Gaul, divided in three parts inhabited by three different, though not necessarily hostile tribes: (i) the connoisseurs, (ii) the critics, and (iii) the academic art historians".[2] Art history is not only a biographical endeavor.