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DIY Projects, Homemade Body Product Recipes, Titanic Costumes, and Tasty Food. If you’ve got crazy long hair, or hair that you’re trying to grow out, or both (like me), you’ll probably find that your ends get a bit dry, especially if you are eschewing commercial conditioners like I am.

DIY Projects, Homemade Body Product Recipes, Titanic Costumes, and Tasty Food

I find that applying straight liquid oil to my ends leaves them distinctly oily for a few hours until the oil sinks in. Homemade Vaseline - Little House on the Prairie Living. When we have a cold and one very runny stuffed up nose there isn't anything better than a nice smear of petroleum jelly across the sore, red, chaffed spots.

Homemade Vaseline - Little House on the Prairie Living

Well, except the petroleum part. Wintergreen Essential Oil is Mother Natures Aspirin. Wintergreen Essential Oil contains 85-99% of methyl salicylate the same active ingredient as birch and is beneficial in massage for soothing head tension and muscles after exercising.

Wintergreen Essential Oil is Mother Natures Aspirin

This is a key oil in the Raindrop Technique. 6 Ways to Naturally Prevent and Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs. I share my life with many four-legged friends, owning 2 dogs and fostering at least 2 others at any given time.

6 Ways to Naturally Prevent and Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs

My canine companions make up a huge part of my life so, naturally, I want to care for them…naturally. Like human medications popular dog medications, such as flea and tick preventatives, are full of strange chemicals that could have potentially harmful side effects. If you have little ones running around the house, you don’t want them getting into the medication or touching the dog after it’s applied. Since I foster and have rescues coming in from all kinds of places, I have to be up on the flea care year round.

Instead of constantly applying synthetic repellents, there are natural substitutes I can turn to that can help keep the little beasties at bay. Why the ingredients: The essential oils/ingredients used here are all natural insecticide/pesticides, shown to either kill or deter the pests due to their various compounds/naturally occurring chemicals. Magnesium Oil: A necessary mineral to prevent many major diseases. Magnesium supplements can take five years to work...Magnesium Oil takes about four weeks!

Magnesium Oil: A necessary mineral to prevent many major diseases

"Ultra Pure" Magnesium Oil For Less "Deficiency of magnesium is associated with virtually every known major disease: Heart Attacks Diabetes Depression Obesity Cancer And more... AFH LIBRARY - Cosmetics Toxic Ingredient List. Ten Alternatives to Shampoo. Homemade Laundry Soap!! Sick of buying laundry soap?? Me too. This stuff is awesome because it is way stronger then the store bought laundry soap. Cinnamon Nutmeg Toothpaste. Methow Valley Herbs: Brush your teeth with roots!

To burn or not to burn…Oil burners and diffusers. Ok, I’m going to cut to the chase on this one.

To burn or not to burn…Oil burners and diffusers

If you want the full therapeutic benefit from your oils, don’t use them in an oil burner. These typically operate by placing the oil in a ceramic dish (or even metal tray), with or without water and using a candle or some other heat source underneath to vaporize the oils into the surrounding room. Yes I know. They look great. I even had one myself many years ago. However, the heat from the candle will actually damage your oils. If you’re only interested in the ‘nice smell’ from an oil in a room, then Ok, use an oil burner. The same goes with incense sticks. Diffusers. Burts Bees Lip Balm Homemade DIY Copycat Recipe. I absolutely LOVE Burt’s Bees Lip Balm and I recreated the perfect copycat recipe from scratch!

Burts Bees Lip Balm Homemade DIY Copycat Recipe

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent. Its Frugal Friday!

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent

This recipe is so stinking frugal, so easy its crazy, and you have to try it! It takes about 2 minutes, costs about $0.65 to make, and should last about 100 loads. Home Remedies for Headaches and Wildcrafting Wednesday. Instead of reaching for over the counter medication, you may want to give these home remedies for headaches a try the next time you have an aching head.

Home Remedies for Headaches and Wildcrafting Wednesday

What causes headaches? Mayo Clinic explains that headaches are classified as primary and secondary: A primary headache is caused by dysfunction or overactivity of pain-sensitive features in your head. A primary headache isn’t a symptom of an underlying disease. Chemical activity in your brain, the nerves or blood vessels of your head outside your skull, or muscles of your head and neck — or some combination of these factors — may play a role in primary headaches. Secondary headaches are a symptom of a disease that causes pain in the head. They note that there are several lifestyle factors that may trigger headaches, including: Alcohol, particularly red wine Certain foods, such as processed meats that contain nitrates Changes in sleep or lack of sleep Poor posture Skipped meals Stress Dehydration and Earth Clinic – Headache Remedies.

Practical Household Uses For SaltOne Good Thing by Jillee. A couple of weeks ago I found this great pair of black Calvin Klein jeans at Costco that I have absolutely fallen in love with!

Practical Household Uses For SaltOne Good Thing by Jillee

They are, most importantly, COMFORTABLE, they fit great, are the right length (ie. long enough!) , and they are a nice dark black color! I know that sounds strange, but not all black-colored fabric is created equal. Homemade Salve for Pregnancy and Stretch Marks - DIY Tutorial. Ginger and Coconut Oil Sugar Body Scrub. How to take a few things from around the kitchen and turn them into a ginger-infused coconut oil sugar scrub for body and face. 72K+ Today’s post is not about food that you eat. It is, however, about things you normally find in your kitchen like oils and ginger and sugar and kosher salt. While you could technically eat what we are going to make today, I’m suggesting that you feed it to your skin instead.My mom is a lotion fanatic.

She has a giant bottle that she is constantly using at home on her hands, her arms, legs, face, wherever. Natural Remedies- Herbal First Aid and Illness Medicine Chest. 20 Unusual Uses for Coffee for Home, Beauty and Cleaning. More ways to justify your addiction to caffeine. Virgin Coconut Oil for Skin Health. Virgin Coconut Oil is becoming a favorite in spa treatments for skin health.

Six natural alternatives to ibuprofen - Phoenix Alternative Medicine. The saying used to be, “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning,” but many people turn to ibuprofen to relieve inflammation, pain, and fever. This nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), available both over the counter and by prescription, is commonly used to treat arthritis, menstrual symptoms, headache, general aches and pains, and various inflammatory conditions.

Side effects of ibuprofen. Good Food Matters » Blog Archive » Home Remedy. Today’s post is a bit of a departure. It is not focused on food or drink. Homemade Shower Soothers. Coconut Oil Cleanse with Essential Oils. Homemade Herbal Shampoo - The Nerdy Farm Wife. Fresh Picked Beauty: Key Lime Pie Body Scrub. My favored dessert is a gigantic slice of freshly made Key Lime Pie made with a brown sugar crust. I put together this body scrub to smell exactly like Key Lime Pie.

You are going to BE IN LOVE WITH this beauty recipe!!! This recipe made enough to fill three 8-ounce jelly jars. Homemade Coconut Milk ShampooOne Good Thing by Jillee. DIY Projects, Homemade Body Product Recipes, Titanic Costumes, and Tasty Food. 19 Homemade Remedies for Headache Pain. Overnight, No-Cook Refrigerator Oatmeal. Natural Homemade Shampoo- Easy Recipe. Hybrid Rasta Mama: Natural Immune System Boosters (Guest Post) Coconut Oil - Certified Organic Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions.