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Books (online) Survival tips. Teaching experiences. Itslife - Learning for Teaching - home page. Training and development resources and links. Training and development resources and links I Can Teach recommends the following links for Continuing Professional Development, Initial Teacher Training and In-Service Training.

Training and development resources and links

All sites have been recommended by teaching professionals. Featured Resource - I Can Teach Creative A design agency for people in education. Simple, effective and bespoke designs for classrooms, corridors, public profile pages, displays, postcards, sticker sets and much more. Take a look at the range of ideas and get in touch for a first class service to help you build your school's profile. Accelerated Learning In Training and Education - Alite Alite provides learning and motivation programmes for educators, developers and parents. Book store for fantastic range of reads on accelerated learning. Association of Teachers and Lecturers One of the main teaching unions in the UK. Dragonfly Training A well-established successful UK and International training company.

Kahoot! Teacher Educator UK - home. Teachers toolbox by Mediamerge. The UK's largest repository for discovering and sharing Open Educational Resources for HE, FE and Skills. UCU - University and College Union - HOME. The National Voice for LifeLong Learning. Foundation Online Learning. Improve your teaching and that of your team. Home. PTLLS/Award in Education and Training - General. Workshop Materials. Glossary of Instructional Strategies. Current number of strategies and methods: 1271 Last updated: 27 July, 2013 Definitions written by Kelly Jo Rowan. ©1996-2013 Kelly Jo Rowan. 10 + 2 (Ten Plus Two) Direct instruction variation where the teacher presents for ten minutes, students share and reflect for two minutes, then the cycle repeats. 1st TRIP (First TRIP) A reading strategy consisting of: Title, Relationships, Intent of questions, Put in perspective. 3-2-1 (Three-Two-One) Writing activity where students write: 3 key terms from what they have just learned, 2 ideas they would like to learn more about, and 1 concept or skill they think they have mastered. 5 + 1 (Five Plus One) Direct instruction variation where the teacher presents for five minutes, students share and reflect for one minute, then the cycle repeats.

Glossary of Instructional Strategies

A-B-C Summarize A form of review in which each student in a class is assigned a different letter of the alphabet and they must select a word starting with that letter that is related to the topic being studied. Acronyms. Models of Teaching 9th Edition. PowerPoint Slides – What they are for.

Models of Teaching 9th Edition

Twenty PowerPoint files are included here. They are for use by instructors and students. Each one focuses on central ideas underpinning the chapter. They can be used to open the study of a model or for review. However, they are not designed to carry a lecture on the content of the chapter. 01 — Chapter One — Where Models of Teaching Come From 02 — Chapter Two – Building Communities of Expert Learners 03 — Chapter Three – Learning Inductively 04 — Chapter Four – Learning by Investigating 05 — 1 Chapter Five – PWIM 1. Home - New2Teaching website.

Creating a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment - Literacy Online. It is important to foster a learning environment in which students feel safe, relaxed, and willing to take risks, especially for learners who may have had negative experiences in traditional classroom environments.

Creating a Safe and Supportive Learning Environment - Literacy Online

Students often describe supportive learning environments as expanding their sense of family and enhancing their self-esteem, which, when combined with increased literacy skills, help students take more chances in pursuing their goals. Here are some ways to create a supportive learning environment for your students: Build a strong classroom community The adult education classroom can play an important role in helping students build stronger and larger networks. Classrooms provide students and staff with friendship, skills, and contacts beyond their immediate communities. See our website for information on monthly workshops and field trips that teach about community involvement and service while improving language skills.

Further Education Finder. Home page - The Education and Training Foundation. City and Guilds 7303 - PTLLS. Learning To Learn: 7 Critical Shifts. Learning To Learning: 7 Critical Shifts by TeachThought Staff Guy Claxton is professor of education at Bristol University, and author of Hare Brain, Tortoise Mind How Intelligence Increases When You Think Less (1997).

Learning To Learn: 7 Critical Shifts

Among other concepts, he is interested in how people learn. And so are we, so that’s awfully convenient. Over at teachingexpertise, they recently overviewed Claxton’s work, including four “new Rs”: “Resilience: ‘being ready, willing and able to lock on to learning’. These, while interesting, parallel the 4 Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity), so perhaps more immediately interesting are the 7 dimensions of effective learning shown below. Stick & Static –> Changing & Learning Data Accumulation –> Meaning Making Passivity –> Critical Curiosity Being Rule-Bound –> Creativity Isolation & Dependence –> Learning Relationships Being Robotic –> Strategic Awareness Fragility & Dependence –> Resilience. The National Voice for LifeLong Learning. Improve your teaching and that of your team.

Teachers toolbox by Mediamerge. Itslife - Learning for Teaching - home page. Teacher Educator UK - home. Angles on learning and teaching at college, university and professional levels.