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Night Sweats and Alcohol. Can alcohol cause night sweats?

Night Sweats and Alcohol

You probably don’t think of being sweaty as a good thing, but it serves an important function. Sweat is a vital part of our body’s cooling system. Our sweat glands work hard, even when we’re sleeping. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night in a pool of sweat? If so, you’ve experienced night sweats. Menopause, low blood sugar, and fever can cause night sweats. Valerian Root Dosage: How Much Is Safe? If you’ve experienced anxiety or have trouble sleeping, you’ve probably thought about trying an herbal remedy for relief.

Valerian Root Dosage: How Much Is Safe?

Valerian root is a common ingredient sold in dietary supplements. It claims to cure insomnia and nervous tension caused by anxiety. Valerian has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy. It was used in ancient Greece and Rome to ease: insomnia nervousness trembling headaches stress. 9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Dreaming. There’s a lot we still don’t understand when it comes to sleep.

9 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Dreaming

We know certain changes occur in the brain, and we have a few guesses as to why, but even the experts only have theories about many aspects of sleep in general and dreaming in particular. Sleep has long been thought of as a way to process, sort and store the day’s events, and more and more research is supporting that notion. Imagine the brain as a second gut, says Rubin Naiman, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist specializing in integrative sleep and dream medicine at the University of Arizona. “At night, the brain metaphorically swallows, digests and sifts through information, and, just like the gut, eliminates,” he says. This Is Your Body Without Sleep (Infographic) Improve your sleep quality by waking up naturally. The myth of the eight-hour sleep.

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The myth of the eight-hour sleep

8 Sleeping Positions & Their Effects On Health. Disclaimer: The content on is information based on the opinions and scholarship of the authors.

8 Sleeping Positions & Their Effects On Health

This site is intended for educational and commentary purposes only, both of which are strictly protected by Free Speech. The Open Mind is not responsible for the opinions or content written by its writers. The information on this website is not intended to replace your relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. Bad sleep 'dramatically' alters body. A run of poor sleep can have a potentially profound effect on the internal workings of the human body, say UK researchers.

Bad sleep 'dramatically' alters body

The activity of hundreds of genes was altered when people's sleep was cut to less than six hours a day for a week. Writing in the journal PNAS, the researchers said the results helped explain how poor sleep damaged health. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity and poor brain function have all been linked to substandard sleep. What missing hours in bed actually does to alter health, however, is unknown. Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins. The brain uses sleep to wash away the waste toxins built up during a hard day's thinking, researchers have shown.

Sleep 'cleans' the brain of toxins

The US team believe the "waste removal system" is one of the fundamental reasons for sleep. Their study, in the journal Science, showed brain cells shrink during sleep to open up the gaps between neurons and allow fluid to wash the brain clean. They also suggest that failing to clear away some toxic proteins may play a role in brain disorders. 5 Ways Sleeping Naked Can Benefit You. It appears that sleeping naked is not only sexy, but is also beneficial for one’s health.

5 Ways Sleeping Naked Can Benefit You

Here are five surprising (and scientifically confirmed) ways sleeping in your birthday suit can benefit your health and well-being: How Much Sleep Do You Really Need? We spend about 24 years of our lives sleeping, yet the exact function of sleep is still being debated by scientists.

How Much Sleep Do You Really Need?

In experiments, researchers monitored three groups of participants who slept 4, 6, or 8 hours a night over an extended amount of time. After just two weeks, the group who slept 6 hours had a similar reaction time as a person whose blood alcohol concentration was 0.1 percent. CDC calls insufficient sleep a public health epidemic: Learn to sleep like a baby. (NaturalNews) The CDC has it right in declaring lack of sleep a public health epidemic.

CDC calls insufficient sleep a public health epidemic: Learn to sleep like a baby

Lack of sleep has been linked to a number of public issues such as industrial disasters, medical and occupational errors, and motor vehicle accidents. In addition to these well-known consequences, however, new studies have shown that people who receive insufficient sleep are at increased risk for chronic disease such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and even cancer.

Research backs the call for better sleep with shocking statistics Two recent studies have shown that unhealthy sleep behaviors and self-reported sleep difficulties are becoming more prevalent across the country, and insufficient sleep is becoming of increasing concern. According to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey, 35% of the nearly 75,000 adults who responded received less than seven hours per night. An alarming 4.7 percent nodded off while driving. The Science of Lucid Dreaming and How to Learn to Control Your Dreams. Lucid Dreamers Produce The Fastest Brainwave Frequencies Ever Recorded. Lucid dreaming is one category of dreams that many people experience. It occurs when the individual is dreaming and during that dream the individual is completely aware that they are dreaming. Some people report a low-level lucidity state where one is aware they are dreaming but not able to alter the content of the dream.

Other people have experienced high-level lucidity where one is aware they are dreaming but are also able to alter the dream, and have the freedom to do whatever they desire within the dream.