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The 17 Coolest Signatures Of Famous People, Past And Present. Understanding Letters. Today’s post was authored by Dan Mall, the founder and design director of Superfriendly design studio. In order to choose appropriate typefaces to set beautiful passages of text, it helps if we have a baseline for what constitutes ‘appropriateness’. The art and science of choosing a great typeface is in the details, and demands that we attempt to understand the fundamental building block of typography: a letter. In his book The Elements of Typographic Style—a book I consider to be a must-read for any student of typography—Robert Bringhurst begins with this powerful phrase: Typography exists to honor content. If ever there was one sentiment to summarize everything ever written about typography, this is it. The right configuration of letters within the right combination of words set in the right typeface or typefaces sends the clearest messages.

Perhaps the most pervasive example of a logo that demonstrates such a command of letters is the FedEx logo, designed by Lindon Leader. Like this: Font Color Codes: Most Popular HTML Color Charts. Font Color Codes: Understanding Hex and RGB codes By Kathy Scott, Online Editor What is (#FF0000), (#00FF00), (#0000FF)? If you answered Red, Green and Blue HTML font color codes, then you would be correct. How about (#00FFFF), (#FF00FF), (#FFFF00)? The first is Cyan or blue/green, the second Magenta or red/blue and the third Yellow or red/green. As you design your web page, how important do you think color is in communicating your brand or message?

Save 10% Off Select Font & Color Products! Final discounts will be displayed within the cart for qualifying items. On the web, font color codes, also referred to as HTML font color codes, are created using Hexadecimal triplets or Hexadecimal notations for RGB values denoting red, green and blue colors - (#RRGGBB).

Recommended Font Color Code Products Quiz #1: What color is (#000000)? Answer: These numbers represent the absence of any color so that font color code would correspond to black. Buy Me! A) (#FFFF00) b) (#00FFFF) c) (#FF00FF) A Brief History of Title Design. Anatol Knotek.