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StickK - Tour. The Best Web 2.0 Tools to Boost Your Teaching. Discovery Education Web2014 : Web 2.0 Tools. Kahoot! ABOUT & CONTACT - Marco Aslan. Marco was raised in a multi-cultural background in which traveling and hearing different languages in the household was normal. Marco was born in Mexico, and was raised in Uruguay and in Brazil. His father is Italian, and his mother is Uruguayan/French. He fluently speaks Spanish, French, Portuguese, and English. Geometry and visual aesthetics came easy to him. He has been capturing, editing, and seeing the world through a viewfinder since an early age. At the age of 28, visual storytelling has driven Marco to countless of regions in the world and has met people with vastly different backgrounds and perspectives on life.

What has attracted Marco the most about filmmaking is that it combines multiple arts into one medium. Contact: Touchable Memories. This EFL lesson plan is designed around a short film titled Touchable Memories by Marco Aslan, and the theme of photos and memories. In the film five people who have lost their sight share their stories about how they “see” a photograph.

The moving short film explores how 3D printing can help the blind “see” photographs for the first time, by offering a tangible version of a still photograph. Students describe a photo which is important to them and describe the memories it brings back. They talk about blind people and memories. They watch a short film, make notes, and speculate about how blind people “see” photos.

Language level: Upper Intermediate (B2) – Advanced (C1) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 90 minutes Activity: Watching a short film, speaking and writing Topic: Photographs, memories and 3D printerrs Language: Vocabulary related to memories Materials: Short film Downloadable materials: touchable memories lesson instructions Support Film English Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6. Everyday. This EFL lesson is designed around a beautiful short film called Everyday by Gustav Johansson and the theme of everyday routines and empathy. Students imagine and write about a day in the life of their partner, speak about their daily routines and watch a short film. I would ask all teachers who use Film English to consider buying my book Film in Action as the royalties which I receive from sales help to keep the website completely free. Language level: Intermediate (B1) – Upper Intermediate (B2) Learner type: Teens and adults Time: 60 minutes Activity: Writing, speaking and watching a short film Topic: Everyday life and empathy Language: Present simple for routines, vocabulary related to everyday activities and second conditional Materials: Short film Downloadable materials: everyday lesson instructions Support Film English Film English remains ad-free and takes many hours a month to research and write, and hundreds of dollars to sustain.

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Homework. RubiStar Home. Socrative. Teaching for Understanding in Practice. StickK − Sent Messages.