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Tafta : Traité transaltlantique. Corporate Crime Reporter. CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names. Democracy Now! E-International Relations — the world’s leading website for students and scholars of international politics. FAIR — FAIR is the national progressive media watchdog group, challenging corporate media bias, spin and misinformation. Le Monde diplomatique - English edition.

Moon of Alabama. Nsnbc international | nsnbc international. PR Watch | Reporting on spin and disinformation since 1993. The Real News Network - Independent News, Blogs and Editorials. Revolting Europe | On Europe, the left, labour and social movements. Ripped-off Britons. SourceWatch. | dedicated to challenging the porn industry and the harmful culture it perpetuates.

Systemic Disorder « Essays on economic crisis, decoding dominant ideologies and creating a better world. TomDispatch. Truthout | Fearless, Independent News and Opinion. ZNet. About 1,600 people have so far signed up on the We Stand Site.

We need a great many more for this effort to sustain positive activity.Please Sign. Please take the statement to relatives, friends, schoolmates, and workmates. Please comment anywhere online, or in social media, or by blogging, or perhaps writing an article, or prodding alternative media to relate to the effort.Will you Sign? Will you seek other signers? FhdInitial signers include:Michael Albert, Noam Chomsky, Omar Barghouti,Walden Bello, Medea Benjamin, Patrick Bond,Bill Fletcher, Linda Gordon, Andrej Grubacic, Chaia Heller, Pervez Hoodbhoy, Kathy Kelly, Joanne Landy, Robert McChesney, Boaventura Santos, Marina Sitrin, Norman Solomon, and David Swanson Please visit the site, read the statement, and join them and others to sign…dfhd.