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All Google Sites. List of sites of Google listed in categories All Google services are free, only few have a more professional version requiring fee. The list illustrates that, through the services and tools offered, a strong trend is emerging, that is replacing the operating system and desktop software for browser running Web applications offline. One area in which Google is becoming the main actor. Many acquisitions have been integrated into the Google site and its services.

This list is completed by the List of Google Tools. Graphics and video Panoramio. Web design and development 20 things I learned Advices for webmasters. Social networks and hosting All For Good. Mobiles Admob. Advertising and e-commerce Double Click. Online search WDYL. Other sites and online services 20thingsIlearned. We must add to this list the 8 robotics enterprises and sites acquired in 2013, but they could be merged into one.

Google's blogs Official Google Blog. See also.

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17 Things You Didn't Know Google Chrome Could Do. 30 Simple Ways You Should Be Using Google | Google, Infografía y Tecnología Educativa. Google Apps Essential Infographic - Teacher Tech. Google Apps Essential Infographic - Teacher Tech. 82 Google Tools Tutorial Videos. 10 Excellent Google Drive Templates for Teachers. September 8, 2014 The template gallery that Google Drive offers to users is one of the best places I often have recourse to to look for ready made templates to use in my work. The gallery features a wide variety of templates pertaining to different topics from templates on albums and flipbooks to templates for resumes and cover letters.

You can refine you search either by type or category. You can for instance conduct a search for only Spreadsheets or Presentations templates by clicking on " Sdpreadsheets" or "Presentations".You can also sort these templates by frequency of usage. And if it happens that you have made your own template on Google Drive and you want to share it with other users, you can submit it using the "submit a template" button on the top right hand side.

The "Students and Teachers" section in this gallery features a plethora of useful templates that you can use in your class with your students. 1- Student Report. 10 Excellent Google Drive Templates for Teachers. Great Ways to Use Google Docs - Presented Visually. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Google Sites pour la création de site fait peau neuve. Après la période de test, Google vient de déployer Google Sites, son outil de création de site qui a été profondément amélioré pour permettre aux utilisateurs de G Suite de créer facilement et gratuitement leurs sites sans aucune connaissance de HTML. Google s’est appuyé sur les retours des testeurs pour inclure de nouvelles fonctionnalités telles que l’intégration de Google Analytics dans Google Sites afin de permettre aux entreprises de mesurer les performances de leurs sites. De même, Google Sites permet dorénavant de choisir parmi 6 thèmes (templates) pour personnaliser les sites créés.

D’autre part, la nouvelle interface permet de créer un site en équipe, et donc à plusieurs, tout en permettant de voir en temps réel ce que chacun des participants fait. Google Sites intègre vos applications favorites Le nouveau Google Sites est conçu pour fonctionner avec vos applications Google préférées. Pour créer un site en collaboration. Google Sites - Créez des sites Web rapidement et facilement pour votre entreprise. Comment créer un site avec google sites. Tutoriel pour la création d'un site web avec Google Sites.

Exemples - Google Sites - Trucs et astuces pour créer son site. Google Sites pour les nuls. Comment créer un Google Site ? Réalisations des stagiaires - Google Sites pour les nuls.