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NIKOLA TESLA. Security of Information Systems. Process Modeling. Statistics: Sample vs. Population Mean. Presentation Zen. The "Lessig Method" of presentation. The "Lessig Method" of presentation is not an official method per se, but many people who know about the work of Stanford law professor, Lawrence Lessig, have been inspired by his presentation style and informally refer to his approach as something unique indeed. Those who have seen Lessig present have been talking about his approach for a while. David Hornik at VentureBlog wrote a post entitled Putting the "Power" in Powerpoint over two years ago. In this post he heaps praise on the presentation style of Lessig. Hornik says Lessig's presentations "are a fantastic combination of content, art and brand.... " James MacLennan may have been the first to put a label on Lessig's presentation style, calling it the "Lessig Method" which he likens to the Takahashi Method in Japan because Lessig's slides often contain just a single word, short quote, or a photo.

Here is a good example of the "Lessig Method" of presentation. Hardt's presentation style is not applicable to every case, of course. Photography. Kanal von khanacademy. Christian Bischoff LIVE. Justice: What's The Right Thing To Do? Episode 01 "THE MORAL SIDE OF MURDER".