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History, Travel, Arts, Science, People, Places. Stone Pages • Web guide to Megalithic Europe. The Archaeology Channel - Welcome. Petra: Lost City of Stone. Deep within the deserts of Jordan lies the ancient city of Petra. Through a narrow gorge it emerges into view, revealing awe-inspiring monuments cut into the surrounding cliffs. What is this astonishing city? Who built it, and why? Two thousand years ago, Petra stood at a crossroads of the ancient Near East. Camel caravans passed through, loaded with spices, textiles and incense from distant regions--and through such commerce, the city flourished. The Nabataeans also erected monumental tombs, memorializing their kings and leaders. Today archaeologists are discovering clues to Petra's past. In New York, Petra: Lost City of Stone was made possible by Banc of America Securities and Con Edison.

Archaeology Magazine.