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7. Creating and curating your digital profile

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YOUR LINKEDIN PHOTO MIGHT BE WHY YOU AREN'T GETTING HIRED. Career Hustle on Flipboard. Application Help. BackPrint Your CV is one part of the recruitment process that is entirely in your control.

Application Help

Get it right and you significantly increase your chances of being selected for interview. Get it wrong and you run the risk of your application being overlooked. Remember: if you apply to Accenture, yours will be one of thousands of CVs reviewed by our recruiters this year. You need to make sure it stands out for all the right reasons. Section 1 - Header No CV should be more than three sides of A4. Section 2 - Personal statement Your CV is your selling document. Section 3 - Career history Give this section the attention it deserves. List your jobs in reverse order, starting with the most recent and giving basic details for each: company name; dates; job title. Your summary shouldn't read like a job description. Section 4 - Qualifications List your degree, professional qualifications and relevant technology certifications in reverse chronological order. How to use social media to get a graduate job. The question is, how can graduates take advantage of social media opportunities in order to stand out from the crowd?

How to use social media to get a graduate job

Start your own blog Starting your own blog is a fantastic way to demonstrate numerous transferable skills to potential future employers. Writing well is a valuable skill and a blog is a simple yet effective way to demonstrate your ability to write a wide range of content. Setting up the blog itself also shows that you have initiative, while posting consistently will demonstrate reliability and an ability to see things through. Recruiter Hangout - How to market yourself on social media. Problem loading page. My Cover Letter. How to Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn [21 Useful Tips] As a LinkedIn trainer, I get a few recurring questions in my workshops and seminars.

How to Build Your Personal Brand on LinkedIn [21 Useful Tips]

I thought I would compile a little list with questions and answers here, hopefully they will be useful to you. Most questions are related to sales, marketing and recruitment which is basically the type of professionals I tend to train. Here goes the 21 LinkedIn questions and answers: Blogging during unemployment helped my career. Through blogging and working on social media, Brian John Spencer realised that a white collar 9-5 job wasn't for him.

Blogging during unemployment helped my career

Photograph: Alamy It was traumatising to leave university and not find work for over two years. I studied law and French and had always pushed myself, so having lots of free time and no purpose was an alient experience. Alongside this, the job hunt was exhausting, tedious and deflating. While my friends settled in to their chosen professions, rejections came flooding back to me, one after anothershattering my confidence.

However, being an amateur boxer, some famous words rang true in my head: it's not about how hard you can hit, it's about how hard you can be hit and keep moving forward. I started by blogging and drawing cartoons. 6 Steps To Managing Your Online Reputation. The 7 Essential Steps to Monitoring Your Online Reputation. Your online reputation is one of your most valuable personal assets.

The 7 Essential Steps to Monitoring Your Online Reputation

Whether you’re leading a company, starting a company, consulting for other companies or simply establishing your authority in the industry, you need a good reputation. It’s critical to your personal and professional success. Having a good reputation doesn’t come automatically. It is built -- one tweet at a time, one Facebook like after another, blog after blog, guest post after guest post. You Will Be Googled. Kevin Nakao is a guest contributor for Mashable and CEO of Meritshare.

You Will Be Googled

You can follow him on @knakao or on his blog. Chances are high that a recruiter or hiring manager will Google you online before offering you an interview or job. Search insiders tell me that non-celebrity people searches account for more than 10% of Google’s search volume. Here are five easy things you can do to manage your online reputation. 1. Admit it, we've all Googled our names. 2. When companies build an SEO strategy they look to own the first pages of results for their name, you should do the same. What is a Facebook shadow profile. 'Digital Shadow' Exposes Exactly How Much Facebook Knows About You. In the upcoming video game, Watch Dogs, you play a criminal hacker who exploits a city-wide surveillance network to "inflict your own brand of justice.

'Digital Shadow' Exposes Exactly How Much Facebook Knows About You

" And to show that maybe this futuristic tech nightmare is closer than you might realize, Ubisoft (the game's maker) created a promotion called Digital Shadow, that's actually one of the best ways to determine exactly what you are sharing online right now. While it may have started as a clever tie-in promo, it has turned into a red alert for many Facebook users, who realized the worth of their data and exactly how exposed they were. The website scrapes your Facebook profile (after you grant access), creating its own profile of you that focuses on vulnerabilities. The access granted is similar to the access offered to cameras, location services, apps and other websites that users commonly associate with Facebook.

Infographic: How To Rank For Your Name In Google (Hint: Use Social Media Sites) Student Jobs 101. BBC World News - Click, 15/02/2014 GMT, What is being said about you online? Study decries criminal defence lawyers’ online marketing. On one Toronto criminal defence lawyer’s website, an alleged sexual assault in a woman’s home by a man posing as a plumber is described as a “wardrobe malfunction” in which “his penis made a brief escape.”

Study decries criminal defence lawyers’ online marketing

Another law firm’s web page says sexual assault complainants are “often motivated by jealousy or anger” and “sometimes suffer from regret after sex.” Several lawyers’ websites promise “aggressive” or “confrontational” cross-examinations of alleged victims at trial. And some boast of previous cases in which apparently guilty men were allowed to go free. The websites, cited in a new study, offer a glimpse of a seldom-examined corner of online marketing by some criminal defence lawyers across Canada. Some of that marketing, the study concluded, “trivializes” sexual violence by invoking “outdated assumptions” about the issue, and could violate the legal profession’s ethical rules. “Some of the content on the websites, it’s troubling. Prof. In an e-mail, Mr. But Mr. ‘Right to Be Forgotten’ Should Apply Worldwide, E.U. Panel Says. Photo LONDON — Europe is taking aim at Google, again.

‘Right to Be Forgotten’ Should Apply Worldwide, E.U. Panel Says

Awesome Resumes Inspired By Amazon, Facebook.