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Jeremiah Bigley

I R 3d modeler.


Polycount. DWIV - 3D - JFletcher - Page 4. Subway station. Hey! Thanks for the feedbacks! @Fingus : I don't agree with you on that point. I think it's always good to get inspired by something, and reproducing art sometime, but in my opinion, it's more interesting trying new stuff and learn from the mistakes. I reproduced some artwork in 3d in the past, thanks to that I learned a lot but now I want to learn new stuff about concepting etc (but I still want to focus on 3D, so I'm just concepting what I'll do and thanks to some feedbacks I saw what was wrong on my concept). @OtrickP : Thanks ! Yeah about the linear aspect, I'll see what I can do about that, probably adding some elements breaking that etc @achmedthesnake : hmm, I really want to stay away from that dirt we see everywhere theses days. . @Ihazard : Heh, you're right about advertisements, I'll add more of them on the walls.

Tower Wars. I've been saying I was going to make a thread for this project forever now, so here it is! Tower Wars is an Indie game that myself and 8 others have been working on for the past couple years off and on. Its a game we all believe in and think will be really fun. We finally decided to get really serious about it and finish this thing. I'm taking a little over a year off to work on this full time. The rest of the team has full time jobs and works hard on it in their spare time. So enough of that and on to the arts. For an overview of the game towers and units, check out our website. Website: note: site doesn't work in IE. also, like us on facebook! Facebook: / I want this thread to just be a journal of our progress in making an indie game.

Thanks all! Bonus in game shot! Orb - Crasher. Update! Video and brush on page 5! Hello polycounters, i recently finished working on a little game called "Crasher". We were 2 environment artists, using the Unity engine. Its not a triple a or something crazy, but i really enjoyed working on it. Here is juste few exemples of the assets i made, explaining the process i used for some of them. more stuff I've done for crasher in my website (crasher page done, but the rest of the portfolio is still under constuction) hope you like it! Pirate Castle. First, thanks everyone for your comments ! Now i'll try to answer to questions but before i start, i must give some precisions : when i started the project i didn't intend to make an optimized map. The main purpose of this work was to make a beauty shot maps, so i hope you won't be too disappointed about the poor optimization I tried to keep a good definition on all objects of this scene, i also tried to make as much generic elements as possible in order to re-use them later.

Close shot of the wall texture : iniside -> i made most of my textures on zbrush and used photoshop to give them some color, using both photo sources and painting. ParoXum-> Yes i have ! Justin_Meisse-> thanks, i agree, i'm thinking about it ;) MeintevdS -> you're right, and based on the original source i intend to add some foliage to get some color variations. [UDK] Desert Palace - Prince of Persia inspired environment. Thanks for the replies guys Here's some early progress from my sculpting adventure: There a lot of work in front of me; some parts are still looking a bit blobby and other are not even touched yet. But regardless, I'm fairly happy with the way it's progressing so far.

MrBear: Haha, let's hope I will be able to replicate some of it's style. Jesse Moody: Cheers! I've been planning to use the method you described, however I found that to get decent sharpenss I had to subdivide my terrain up to 1.7m tris and even then I wasn't able to get the level of detail I wanted. For now, I will most likely stick with using a static mesh as my terrain and then add smaller rocks and cliffs to break up the repetition. Either way, I'm still experimenting with different approaches. Hboybowen: In all honesty, I have no idea :p I haven't considered that at all since it was never meant to be playable. And yeah, windmills would be great haiddasalami: Cheers! Nfrrtycmplx: Cheers man!