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Photo by jeremc7. How to Start a Company by Replacing Your Own Job. [Robert J. Moore, CEO, RJMetrics. YouTube, 2:53'] This is the first of a series of conversations with Moore about business intelligence and data analysis. In this short post, I wanted to introduce you briefly and share the video of his TEDTalk, which I'm sure will inspire you to learn more about his work. Moore got his start at a VC firm in NYC and got to analyze lots of data from successful technology companies.

He got to see how the data was stored, and how they were processing information. The objective of starting RJMetrics was to replace his own job. All that manual data analysis is how he came up with the idea of providing a product that could provide transactional businesses -- eCommerce, software as a service (SaaS) companies, gaming software companies, and social media -- in a very scalable way, the ability to do deep dive analysis of their own customer data.

Who are you selling to? [TEDTalk, 11:05'] Presenting the Conversation Agent WORKSHOP, where Robert J. The CBS Interactive Business Network. Online Copywriting and Content Marketing Strategies. Forrester Blogs | Making Leaders Successful Every Day. Chief Marketing Technologist. Customer experience matrix. Marketing Conversation - New Marketing and Social Media by Abraham Harrison LLC. Content Marketing Today. SmashMouth Dental Practice Marketing. B2B Lead Generation Blog. How to Change the World. Amazon start selling the paperback edition of my latest book, APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur. APE explains how to publish a book by breaking the process down into three stages: Author explains how to write a book. Publisher explains how to produce both ebooks and printed books.Entrepreneur explains how to market and sell your book with an emphasis on social media.

You can order APE here: There are 204 Amazon reviews for it: 181 five stars, 21 four stars, and 2 three stars which averages to five stars! Here are three of the blurbs: “Nuts, bolts, and inspiration too. Seth Godin, author and founder of The Icarus Project “Guy’s book is the perfect companion on the journey of independent publishing and great reading for the millions who aspire to become authors.”

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