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The Ultimate Guide To Using iPads In The Classroom. How Students Benefit From Using Social Media 14.60K Views 0 Likes A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. The Must-Have App Review Rubric. Added by Jeff Dunn on 2011-11-22 So you just downloaded a few educational apps that you think might be useful in your classroom.

How do you accurately compare and contrast them? Thanks to a new app review rubric from by eMobilize , it’s easier than ever to understand just how useful an app may be in the classroom. On a related note, the Edudemic Directory features many educational apps and lets you quickly compare them to see how they stack up. Give it a try today! 100+ iPad Apps Perfect For High School. 100 iPad Apps Perfect For Middle School. 65+ iPad Apps Perfect For Elementary School.