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The Must-Have App Review Rubric

The Must-Have App Review Rubric
Added by Jeff Dunn on 2011-11-22 So you just downloaded a few educational apps that you think might be useful in your classroom. How do you accurately compare and contrast them? Thanks to a new app review rubric from by eMobilize , it’s easier than ever to understand just how useful an app may be in the classroom. On a related note, the Edudemic Directory features many educational apps and lets you quickly compare them to see how they stack up. Give it a try today! I’ve rewritten the original rubric from eMobilize and tailored it to fit all school districts. Download The Rubric Here (PDF) Overview of the App App Title: App Publisher/Developer: Version: Link to App Store: Curriculum Compliance Yes/ No – Is it relevant to the curriculum framework? Operational Yes/ No – Is navigation easy? Pedagogy Yes/ No – Does the material accommodate diverse ways in which students learn? Comments are closed.

The Ultimate Guide To Using iPads In The Classroom How Students Benefit From Using Social Media 14.60K Views 0 Likes A lot of criticism has been leveled at social media and the effect it has on the way students process and retain information, as well as how distracting it can be. 30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation Apple sold more than 1 million copies of iPads in the first 3 months. This gadget is definitely more than just a larger version of iPhone or iPod touch. With 4x the screen of an iPhone, the iPad’s display is ideal for reading and for presentations.

Holograms On iPad Demoed On Video Using Sixth Sense Technology I’ve heard many people taking about technology as a whole and that it’s not advancing as fast as in recent years which will eventually lead to a stagnation. I don’t agree at all with this statement and I believe that the advancement in technology will blow the mind of those who disagree. Per example, take a look at a technology called Sixth Sense developed by a MIT research assistant called Pranav Mistry. During the TED conference a couple of years ago, Pranav demoed a portable projector which gives people the possibility to interact with objects and the information displayed by the objects. When Sixth Sense will be adopted at large scale will allow people to see the reviews of a book in real time then holding the book. The Sixth Sense projector knows that book your are holding and it will search the internet for reviews of that book.

The Limitations of Server Log Files for Usability Analysis Introduction One of the challenges faced most often by those of us in the field of usability is finding good data about user behavior quickly, accurately, and, in most cases, cheaply. In an environment where many stakeholders question the return on investment in usability, some in the industry have developed interesting ideas aimed at gathering user data. 80 Apps to Learn a New Language You’ve been telling yourself for years that you’ll learn a new language or at least dust off those high school Spanish skills. How about starting when you’re in line at the grocery store or waiting for the bus? Having language lessons on your iPhone means you can learn at your own pace, wherever and whenever you have the time.

Want to Build a New App? There's an App for That, Too Competition in Apple’s App Store is so tough that even strong concepts must be planned to perfection before any development should start. So enter App Cooker: A hot new iPad app that makes sure other apps have the right ingredients in place before any development begins. App Cooker ($19.99) from Sophia-Antipolis, France-based Hot Apps Factory helps aspiring designers organize, plan and get app projects ready for production. 30-year-old Xavier Veyrat — the designer of App Cooker — spoke to Mashable about the development of the platform and the steps that go into creating a masterpiece app recipe. - Best iPad App Developers 0 Comments December 19, 2011 By: Vicki Windman Dec 18 Written by: 12/18/2011 5:09 PM ShareThis Interactive projector that turns any flat surface into a touch screen wins UK design award - Image 8 of 8 Light Touch transforms a projected image into a virtual 10-inch touch screen Image Gallery (8 images) Light Blue Opitcs (LBO) has won the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Innovation Awards 2010 prize for Product Design with its Light Touch interactive projector. The device uses an infra-red touch sensing system that transforms a projected image into a virtual 10-inch touch screen. It allows users to interact with multimedia content and applications by touching the image, which can be projected onto any flat surface. View all

Remote Usability Testing – Remote Usability and UX Research Tools Tools for doing functional, soulful user experience, interaction, and usability research. If it’s related to behavior, it’s on here. We’ve assembled this over the years from our own use, UX Booth, Liz Bacon’s list, Craig Tomlin’s list, and magic. 100 iPhone Apps for Kids Anyone without children has a pretty difficult time understanding how a person decides to hand their $200 cell phone to a three year old, but the truth is iPhone’s can be an incredibly rich learning and entertainment tool for children. The directness of the touch screen interface means that children can easily figure out a number of different apps with very little instruction. If your kids love your iPhone as much or more than you do, you’ll definitely want to take a look at the huge list below of great apps for kids of all ages. The apps are divided into multiple categories but are almost all educational and/or focused on encouraging creativity. Music and Audio: Toddler JukeBox

Teaching Large Classes with an iPad » To this day I remain a big fan of the overhead projector. I truly believe it was more effective a tool for teaching than the projected Powerpoint slides will ever be. I stood facing the students, watching their expressions, which I could see since the lights were sufficiently bright. I could draw on the screen and change directions as questions arose.

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