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Healing properties of Druzy. Gail Miller Gail is an Access Consciousness Bars® and Body Practitioner and Facilitator, offers Amethyst Biomat sessions , Bodytalk preventive care analysis, Theta healing sessions, house and people entity clearings, leading edge evolutionary healer always looking for new , faster ways to heal, Reconnection energy worker, facilitator for a quantum healing program of Energetic Balancing and a teacher of metaphysics with a great passion for evolutionary ideas and leading edge technology.

Healing properties of Druzy

From 2003-2007 Gail worked closely with the Ascended Masters, studying the I AM DISCOURSES and meditating, invoking and communicating with the Masters. After going on spiritual pilgrimage, she was awakened most fully to her divine purpose and began teaching a Mystery School. Gail is also a Mahatma Initiate having done several Mahatma workshops (based on the work of Brian Grattan). To reach Gail for information or to make an appointment, click on Contact Us or call her at 586-264-5457.

Amethysts, Amethyst Crystal Jewelry, & Amethyst Healing Properties. Amethyst is a variety of quartz crystal, and its purple color is the result of manganese and iron inclusions.

Amethysts, Amethyst Crystal Jewelry, & Amethyst Healing Properties

Amethyst is great for healing the crown chakra, and is very calming and purifying. It promotes spirituality and enhances meditation to reach your highest vibrational frequency. Amethyst helps diffuse violence and promote peace and provides magnification for other crystal energies. They are also wonderful crystals for protection from negative entities and transference from dark to light. Amethyst is also great for healing migraines and headaches, acne, asthma, easing arthritic symptoms, enhancing circulation, strengthening immune system, and helps to heal infections and cancer causing cells. Astrological Associations: Pisces, Virgo, Aquarius, Capricorn All Amethyst Healing Jewelry: Druzy Healing Power - Mystical Rock. Pendants & Connectors.

Spirit Quartz Crystals Help You To Develop Your Higher Self. Want To Move Your Spiritual Growth To The Next Level?

Spirit Quartz Crystals Help You To Develop Your Higher Self

Amethyst Spirit Quartz Spirit Quartz is an unusual quartz that has many very small crystals growing on a central stone. Each tiny crystal radiates energy with all of these little crystals working in harmony to radiate a very strong vibration. These stones have powerful metaphysical properties that make them excellent stones to aid spiritual growth.

This makes a single piece a quite powerful stone. Spirit Quartz comes in a variety of colors... and may resemble the color of many other quartz varieties. It is the most common, but it is not really Amethyst of course, but because it has the coloring of Amethyst and many of its attributes it is named for it. Where Is It From... It is found only in South Africa, where a particular tribe is responsible for mining the stone. The interesting thing is that the qualities of the stone do in fact reflect the name. Some retailers sell it as Cactus Quartz Crystal because of the way it looks. Spirit Quartz. Black Druzy Quartz Meaning - Metaphysical Properties - Black Drusy Quartz - Silver Jewellery NZ. Black is not a colour, but rather the lack of colour.

Black Druzy Quartz Meaning - Metaphysical Properties - Black Drusy Quartz - Silver Jewellery NZ

In nature, black is the colour of night (at least when the moon is not shining). Black is often associated with death and ending. However, black crystals are believed to be very protective and offer a retreat, the safety of being hidden from enemies. Black is often associated with mystery and security. Black Quartz, like all black stones, protects against negative energies and fosters transformation,.

Black Quartz brings the Great Spirit into one's life and has a calming effect during times of stress, giving a sense of strength and courage, and eliminating self doubt. Black crystals are very synergistic with light green crystals, removing jinxes, and provide safety and confidence.