high energy crystals
On this page you will find the highest of the highest frequency stones / crystals / minerals on earth. Many years of research have gone by to produce these results. All the crystals shown below boost the kundalini quite strongly, each in their unique way. Their incredible high vibrations and high energy reach deeper then any other crystal I know of. Some are even considered dangerous for the unexperienced seeker as it might create severe kundalini syndromes and detox reactions (headaches, emotional garbage, lethargy etc.) But what makes these specific crystals so energetic - is it all just a hoax - is there some real scientific truth to it? To answer this question lets take a look at one of the most powerful crystals of them all, Phenakite (especially from Russia): Phenakite For those who can feel, there is no question about it, it is one powerful piece of rock that makes your whole body vibrate and jump-starts the kundalini. Kirlian photo of crystal
18 Spiritual Teachings that Blew my Mind Wide Open.
After rejecting the Catholic Church around age 10, I stumbled upon the love of my life—yoga-—at the critical age of 12-going-on-13. I started reading New Age self-help books in college and met the Buddha in the San Francisco Bay area at 23. Each stage along the way has been illuminating and necessary to move to a higher level of consciousness. I am thrilled to continue learning and practicing throughout this lifetime, at least. At certain points in the past, I have wished for epiphanies, signals and sudden enlightenment. Of course, life doesn’t work that way. So, although I would like to gift you with these 18 teachings that have altered my mind and improved my life, they may not resonate with you. My dear friend Liz has a tattoo that reminds her, “This too shall pass.” What would you put on your list?
Welcome to ICA - All About Colored Gemstones
The Power of Stones... - Tree of Life Festival
Home \ The Power of Stones... The Tree Of Life Festival Crystal Grid: (Very interesting stuff here read carefully.) A Crystal grid is a layout of crystals chosen for a specific purpose, placed in sacred geometry patterns to connect, clear, amplify, generate and re-direct energy. Crystals create a very powerful web of mass consciousness upon which we all interact and co-create. As you already know, I am connecting gatherings around the world through crystal grids, in order to reach critical mass and assist the shift towards Unity Consciousness For the Tree of Life festival my idea is to create a gentle but powerful crystal grid focusing on the following intentions: .Connect The Tree Of Life party to other like minded gatherings in order to create an energy “belt “around the world for peace, unity and global transformation. Those are the crystals I would like to use: Aegirine is a very important stone that I have been working with intensively for 5 years. VICTORIA THE CRYSTAL LADY. More info?
Advice from Somewhere
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. TWO. This came around anonamously, identified as from a "Chinese Tantra Totem" - One definition of a tantra being a statement of principle or religious practice and collections of such principles and practices.
Diamond Production Map - Gem-Quality Diamond Mining Countries
World Diamond Demand In 2011 the world demand for natural, unset gem-quality diamonds was about $60 billion. The United States was the largest buyer of these gemstones with a consumption of about $22 billion or 35% of total world consumption. [2] Although the United States is the largest consumer of gem quality diamonds it has no commercial mine production. What Countries Produce Gem Diamonds? Since the 1870's most of the world's gem-quality diamonds have been mined in Africa. The map illustrates that diamond production has spread to many parts of the world. The histogram at right shows the estimated 2011 calendar year production for countries that produced over 1 million carats of gem-quality diamonds. Related: How Do Diamonds Form? Gem Diamond Production Trends Leadership positions in the gem-quality diamond production race are constantly changing as new discoveries are made and old mines are worked out. Botswana Russia Related: The World's Largest Diamond Deposit Canada South Africa Australia
The AMAZING Properties Of Selenite
Last updated on February 4, 2014 at 12:00 am EDT by in5d Alternative News * Visit in5D Connection where you can find your soul mate or join one of our amazing groups. EVERYONE is welcome! If you are looking for one of the most versatile metaphysical stones that can help you cleanse your aura, clear all energy blockages, bring 5th dimensional energy into a 3rd dimensional matter and MUCH more, then selenite is for you! Selenite is an element of creation. Selenite is extremely sensitive, and acts just like “liquid light” from the angelic realm and universe. This crystal is capable of displaying total transparency, and is the very essence of dreams and visions. Healing Properties of Selenite Selenite has a direct effect on the emotional body. These crystals are particularly effective in stabilizing the emotional body and bringing erratic emotions under calm control. Selenite has a variety of specific transformational qualities: source Please like and share!!! Chat Rules: 1. Thank you!
Confucius says: The Top 10 Quotes by Confucius
Confucius is one of the most quoted personalities ever. He is so popular that there is a special “Confucius says …” joke-selection, I mean who can say to have this kind of achievement ;) Confucius, whose name literally means “Master Kong”, lived 551-479 BCE. One of the best known sources of Confucius are The Analects, a collection of his teachings, which was compiled many years after his death. Many of them are universal and timeless in their beautiful and simple truth and they are as valid today as on the day they left Confucius’ mouth. Confucius says … 1. It’s the “Golden Rule” and the essence of real compassion. It doesn’t mean to lose individuality or self-worth, on the contrary – but the other person earns the same gift. 2. That’s my personal favorite quote since it expresses something very profound which also is very useful to know: Ignorance is a willful neglect or refusal to acquire knowledge. 3. Those quotes are just perfect. 4. Amazing. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Pearls: Very Cultured Pearls are an organic gem, created when an oyster covers a foreign object with beautiful layers of nacre. Long ago, pearls were important financial assets, comparable in price to real estate, as thousands of oysters had to be searched for only one pearl. They were rare because they were created only by chance. Today pearls are cultured by man: shell beads are placed inside an oyster and the oyster is returned to the water. When the pearls are later harvested, the oyster has covered the bead with layers of nacre. The quality of pearls is judged by the orient, which is the soft iridescence caused by the refraction of light by the layers of nacre, and luster, the reflectivity and shine of the surface. Cultured pearls and natural pearls can be distinguished from imitation pearls by a very simple test. Source: International Colored Gemstone Association