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HTML5test - How well does your browser support HTML5? Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. Feature table embedding The WCIU compatibility tables can be embedded through an iframe on your own website by appending "/embed" to any feature page's URL like this: id]/embed For additional customization, use the following form: Terms of use Use at your own discretion, and please do not abuse. While the service should be pretty reliable, I make no guarantees for uptime, correctness, etc. May I use your data in my presentation/article/site, etc? Yes, the support data on this site is free to use under the CC BY-NC 3.0 license. Do you have the data available in a raw format? Yes, the raw support data is available on GitHub and is updated regularly. Could you add feature X to the site? Adding features takes quite some time and there are many requests for additions. Which features do you choose to add to this list?

I use the following criteria: Most features are added in priority order from this list. How do you test support? When is a feature considered "supported"? Cross platform mobile development. Tin Can API - Understanding Tin Can API | Open Thoughts. Tin Can has been getting lots of people in a twist lately.

Early adopters are tweeting and blogging about it and anyone who’s anyone seems to be dropping it into conversations to prove they’re at the cutting edge of learning technologies. It is certainly doing the rounds as the Next Big Thing. But ask anyone, “What is Tin Can? Explain it to me” and more often than not you’ll just get a shrug of the shoulders and a quizzical look. This is because Tin Can API is pretty confusing to the newcomer. I can vouch for that because I am a newcomer to it myself. So what exactly IS Tin Can API? We have to start with SCORM. So what can Tin Can API be used for? Think about the possibilities. I watched/uploaded/commented Video A on YouTubeI borrowed Book B from the libraryI attended Conference CI posted Status D to FacebookI tweeted Tweet E to TwitterI scored 50% in an online quizI completed e-learning F in MoodleI bookmarked Website G on DiigoI joined Group H on YammerAnd so on…

Tin Can API Homepage - Programmable E-learning and Experience Tracking. External tool. Display and present responsive web designs. Browserbite | Cross browser testing with computer vision. CSS3 transitions - Adobe - The Expressive Web - Beta. | Pixel Perfect Responsive Design Testing Tool. Web mobile : introduction et glossaire. Le Web mobile a depuis longtemps envahi notre quotidien de concepteur de sites web : aujourd'hui, smartphones et tablettes font partie intégrante du parc de périphériques sur lesquels nous jouissons de notre dose quotidienne d'Internet, sur lesquels nous consultons nos sites web préférés, et pestons - à juste titre - lorsque celui-ci ne s'affiche pas correctement. Afin de mieux dégrossir ce vaste sujet, voici une introduction à la conception web mobile sous forme d'un glossaire des principaux termes et d'une double méthodologie pratique.

Glossaire Application native Correspond aux logiciels à télécharger que l'on peut trouver sur les boutiques "stores" (AppStore pour Apple, GooglePlay pour Android,…) développés dans un langage spécifique à chaque plateforme : Objective-C pour Apple, Java pour Android, … Application web (Web App) Une application web est le nom que l'on donne à un site web "classique" que l'on a adapté pour les mobiles.

Site web dédié Navigateurs mobiles Densité de pixels Retina. When can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc. MaharaDroid. Jleyva/umm : mobile moodle.