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TweetBeat: what were the Sentiments on Twitter during Hurricane Sandy? Greek/Roman/Norse/Germanic/Druid/etc. TV related. Daria. Cartoon World. Sick Art. Anime/TV Series/Movies. Psychology Studies. Rhino. Ear Training Sites. New Tab. IMAGENES Y STOCK PIXIV NIPPON. Publicidad. Nathanbarnes. A visual exploration on mapping complex networks. Livestrims. Paginas programas. World of Records. Livestrims. Data Viz examples. A visual exploration on mapping complex networks.

Cartoon world

New Tab. Generation Anime. Rhino. Yeho. Humor,curioso. Irish Comic News » COMICS ON ICN: The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls. Sarah Elliott has been posting her latest comic work in progress on facebook over the past while and it caught my eye. I asked her would she let me post it when it was done and happily she agreed. I’ll let her explain what it’s all about: I did this for my final comic assignment in college in Ballyfermot and continued it on afterwards. It’s based on a page from Emilie Autumn’s book ‘The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls’. It’s a mixture between autobiography, fantasy and psychological study, as well as being beautifully illustrated by Autumn.

I am a huge fan and have incredible respect for Autumn, so getting her permission to actually share and publish this comic was just amazing. As I’ve yet to get my hands on the actual book, but still wanted to use its story for the assignment, I searched for some pages online. Like this: Like Loading... Tumblr. Character Name Generator. Ever get stuck for names of NPCs your player characters run into that you never expected to provide them? Here? S a fast and easy way to have many monikers on hand when Rodar the fighter wants to know the name of the brash drunk challenging him to a fight in the tavern, or the name of the shy barmaid over whom they?

Re fighting. Simply follow the instructions below to produce names for all sorts of characters, including PCs if you like. While eight steps appear below, you only have to complete the first three to make the generator work. Once you?


Funny Vine Videos, Funny Vines, Funniest Vines | English anime. Revideous | Discover and watch the best Vine videos. Possibilities. Navigation. Job. Evolution. Complete 1 | Photo by Facing Costumes. The social network for professionals in entertainment - Animation, Movies, Visual Effects, Games, Illustration, Concept Artists, and more. If you make cool stuff, join us! Touhou Perfect Songs. Drawing. Design. Metal \m/ Music Theory. TV Series/Shows. Anime/TV Series/Movies. Piano. Piano. Naruto (photo collection) Open The Pod Bay Doors, MAL: The Rumpus Interview With Lori Emerson. It is summer and the Rocky Mountains loom large and golden over Boulder, Colorado, where the university spreads out in matching brown-yellow stone.

Schools of mountain bikers zip past the traffic on their way up, up, up—where endless blue skies and wild spaces await. But I am on my way down, down, down: I’m visiting the Media Archaeology Lab, housed in several rooms of the lower level of an ordinary-seeming house just a block or so off campus. Down the stairs into the cool shade of a cut-rock patio I go, brushing my hand against the rough, cave-like walls. Through the window I get a glimpse of what I’ve driven 700 miles to see: a working media lab of obsolete computers (and other technology), the only lab of its kind in the country. Walking into a room full of computers that are practically pre-historic in computer-years, I feel the sort of reverence one feels at a museum—at first I want to stand at a distance and take photos.

I spoke to Lori Emerson by e-mail, shortly after my visit. Movies. Android Interaction Design Patterns | Photos du journal - Wake The Fuck Up. Creative design. Users Love Simple & Familiar Designs – Why Websites Need to Make a Great First Impression We form first impressions of the people and things we encounter in our daily lives in an extraordinarily short timeframe. We know the first impression a website’s design creates is crucial in capturing users’ interest. In less than 50 milliseconds, users build an initial “gut feeling” that helps them decide whether they’ll stay or leave.

This first impression depends on many factors: structure, colors, spacing, symmetry, amount of text, fonts, and more. In our study we investigated how users’ first impressions of websites are influenced by two design factors: Visual complexity — how complex the visual design of a website looks Prototypicality — how representative a design looks for a certain category of websites Users Love Simple & Familiar Designs – Why Websites Need to Make a Great First Impression The Sketchnotes Channel at Core77 The Core77 Sketchnotes channel The Space of Design The Space of Design.

Tags. Pokemon. Anime. Watch Cartoon Episodes & Free English Dub Anime Streaming Online. Heels - Photos du journal. Piano. Pearltrees videos. Gun x Sword Episode 12 | AnimeFate. Piaget & Vygotsky in 90 seconds. Anime. Anime Fate - Photos de couverture. Pearltrees videos. Husein66. Music. Sparkilambda. ANIME!!!