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Shield of the Trinity Earliest attested version of the diagram, from a manuscript of Peter of Poitiers' writings, c. 1210. The Shield of the Trinity or Scutum Fidei is a traditional Christian visual symbol which expresses many aspects of the doctrine of the Trinity, summarizing the first part of the Athanasian Creed in a compact diagram. In late medieval England and France, this emblem was considered to be the heraldic arms of God (and of the Trinity). smashbox palette masterclass 500 × 383 - 1600 × 1600 - 700 × 700 - 829 × 553 - 528 × 539 - P3O Examined – What Does it Mean for your PPSO? P3O – Portfolio, Programme and Project Office – The New GuidanceWednesday 18th March 2009 – Birmingham Area – Venue: Aston Lakeside In the Spring 2009 PPSOSIG (Programme and Project Support Office Specialist Interest Group) conference, delegates were invited to learn more about the P3O guidance; the reality of using the new P3O guidance; the opportunity to understand more about Portfolio Management and its links to P3O; become familiar with the new P3O accreditation and understand more about how P3O will work for them, their PMO and their organisation. The 18th March was a beautiful Spring day in Birmingham and over 100 programme and project office professionals gathered to learn more about one of the biggest changes in their profession for almost a decade; the introduction of the P3O guidance Read on to find out more about the conference and view the presentations and outputs from interactive sessions. Opening the Spring 2009 conference Chris Walters Question Time: Using P3O – The Reality

5 Principles of Highly Effective Content Share There is a ton of content out there—and it can get pretty chaotic. Large companies, on average, have approximately 39 Twitter accounts, 32 separate blogs, 30 Facebook accounts, and 29 LinkedIn accounts. Sacred geometry As worldview and cosmology[edit] The belief that God created the universe according to a geometric plan has ancient origins. Plutarch attributed the belief to Plato, writing that "Plato said God geometrizes continually" (Convivialium disputationum, liber 8,2). In modern times the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss adapted this quote, saying "God arithmetizes".[2] At least as late as Johannes Kepler (1571–1630), a belief in the geometric underpinnings of the cosmos persisted among scientists.

smashbox palette masterclass 500 × 383 - 1600 × 1600 - 700 × 700 - 829 × 553 - 528 × 539 - 500 × 620 - P3O Foundation: PMO, Portfolio & Programme Management Course: PM-Partners As businesses increasingly adapt portfolio, programme and project management, there is an increasing need for an effective infrastructure, namely the programme/project office, to support them. The need for an effective support structure increases not only with the number of programmes and projects undertaken, but also with the significance placed on these initiatives. Portfolio, Programme and Project Offices (P3O®) is the latest best practice guidance from the Cabinet Office addressing this functionality.

TrackMaven's Competitive Intelligence Blog A little over a year ago, I joined TrackMaven as employee number four and designer number one. My year has been filled with two website redesigns, marketing collateral of all sorts, a one-day conference’s brand and collateral, more email templates than I can recall, several new features to the TrackMaven platform, art-direction for our upcoming explainer video, project management in the development of certain features, and even some embarrassing voice overs. I’m still designer number one but 2014 has a lot in store for our design “team” so I wanted to take a moment to look back over the last year and recap some of the important things I’ve learned. One of the benefits, but also challenges, of being the only designer is having the ability to touch literally every piece of the brand.

Viseart Eyeshadow Palette - Viseart These are some of the best eyeshadows that I've ever owned and I've owned a lot from many brands such as Makeup Geek, Makeup Forever, MAC, Urband Decay, Tarte, Too Faced, Kat Von D, Anastasia Beverly Hills, and many, many more. These shadows have great pigmentation, smooth application, easy blend-ability, and they don't have tons of fallout or kick up product when using a brush. One of the great things about this palette is that all of the shadows are equally as good as the next. This palette may seem expensive, but $80 for 9 eyeshadows is actually quite reasonable.

OGC P3O (Portfolio, Programme and Project Office) Well, I have sat the Foundation and Practitioner exams. Here is a summary, and no i will not be giving away answers, telling you what the questions were or telling you what the case studies have been (because it won’t help). This is an out line to put things into perspective. After this post i will start to discuss the P3O terminology, principles and topics. P3O foundation Exam The foundation exam is designed to test your general knowledge of the P3O guide and the specific principles and terminology. Eye Tracking 101: How Your Eyes Move on a Website Putting together a great looking website is a great start, but it is just a start. True web design requires you to venture beyond the aesthetic and into the worlds of User Experience and Conversion Rate Optimization. Knowing how the viewers of your site really see it can help to shine light on new and/or missed opportunities within your current design. It may also bring out the need for new elements or changes. While there are plenty of options for improving CRO, eye tracking analysis provides some of the most useful information for optimizing your biggest digital marketing asset, your website.
