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Web 2.0 et réseaux Sociaux

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MOS - MindOnSite SA. Susanbainbridge1. "Moodle" Official Music Video. Infographies. Education. La Censure sur internet. Mondes virtuels & réalité augmentée. Livres numériques. Réseaux sociaux. Web 2.0. The Semantic Web: What does “machine readable” mean? » As Smart as You Think. I went to a well-presented hands-on tutorial the other night on the Semantic Web and how to query it. It was fun to run queries like Find all the world’s landlocked countries with a population greater than 15 million and list their names in English, French, and Chinese or, perhaps more demonstrative of the ability to use data from multiple sources, List the corporations whose founders share a birthday with any of the actors appearing in Star Wars: The Next Generation .

Web 2.0. Cleave21. Education à l'information. GBL. What Comes After Web 2.0? It seems fitting that the Internet itself is rife with speculation about what form the successor to Web 2.0 will take.

What Comes After Web 2.0?

Are we nearing a new age for the Internet? Will Web 3.0 be a revolutionary shift and what exactly will its central features be? (Image source: Fotolia) Myriad questions require answers, but for the moment web users can only rely on extremely educated guesses as to what Web 3.0 will ultimately be like. Before considering ideas about what advances will be made by Web 3.0, it’s useful to first remind ourselves of some of the core characteristics of Web 2.0. Shellyw39. Online pedagogy. How to Spot a Social Gamer. E-commerce en France : les comportements des acheteurs et les sites gagnants. Chaque trimestre, les chiffres du commerce en ligne en France affichent des croissances insolentes.

E-commerce en France : les comportements des acheteurs et les sites gagnants

On compte désormais près de 20 millions de Français qui achètent en ligne et pour la période de Noël, ce sont pas moins de 7 milliards d'euros qui devraient être dépensés sur les sites marchands. Pour 2011, le chiffre d'affaires de l'e-commerce devrait dépasser les 37 milliards. Mais au-delà des données brutes, il serait intéressant de se pencher sur les motivations, les choix et les processus d'achats des cyber-acheteurs.

C'est à cette question qu'a tenté de répondre Pricewaterhousecoopers (PWC) à travers une vaste étude menée dans sept pays entre août et septembre dernier. 7000 web-acheteurs (uniquement de produits, pas de services) de 18 ans et plus ont ainsi été interrogés aux Etats-Unis, au Royaume-Uni, en France, aux Pays-Bas, en Allemagne, en Suisse et en Chine. Une fréquence d'achat en hausse Du côté des produits achetés, on observe d'importantes disparités. Understanding viral content marketing. Mostly Mobile: How the Internet Is Consumed in India [INFOGRAPHIC] As India becomes more connected, technology is disseminating in different patterns than it did in the West.

Mostly Mobile: How the Internet Is Consumed in India [INFOGRAPHIC]

Today, there are more mobile subscribers in the country than TV owners. Of the population of 1.2 billion, 100 million are online and 38 million are on social networks. But more than 858 million have mobile phones, and 59% of Internet users have only gone online through their mobile device. This We Are Social infographic, presented in slides, explores social, digital and mobile trends in India.

In a country where half the population is below 25, you can expect these rates to rapidly change. In rural areas, only 31% of Indians have ever even heard of the Internet. Though the rates of Internet users are low, online Indians are quite savvy. Internet et l'espace public. Connectivism. Imadnaffa. Cleave21. The Evolution Of Social Gaming. When we talk about social media as it relates to business, we probably all think about social networking and how it will most likely increase the productivity and the success of pretty much any company you can think of.

The Evolution Of Social Gaming

However, social media is so much more than just networking and getting customers to find your products. There is a whole area that pretty much everyone who is using Facebook for example has either tried or is being exposed to each and every time we are logged in. I am of course talking about social gaming. It’s a huge industry, and it’s not uncommon that gaming companies desert their main game developing areas for computers and consoles in order to solely create games that will be made available through social media.

These games are entirely online and can be played on pretty much any device whenever you have the urge to. It will take you from the early stages of gaming in 1972 to today’s billion dollar gaming industry, and all within this infographic. All the world’s a game. Jeux vidéo du futur: quand le virtuel dépassera le réel - 19/11/2011. Internet change le cerveau? Health and Social Media. Brain Bugs: How the Brain's Flaws Shape Our Lives. By Maria Popova What our memory lapses have to do with optical illusions, advertising, and the bliss of ignorance.

Brain Bugs: How the Brain's Flaws Shape Our Lives

In 1876, Thomas Edison coined a term we use to this day to describe those pesky glitches, malfunctions and other deviations from the intended paths of technology: It has been just so in all my inventions. The first step is an intuition — and come with a burst, then difficulties arise. [Curation] : Pearltrees,, Storify,,... à la recherche de l'information ultime. Cet article a été publié il y a 6 ans 7 mois 20 jours, il est donc possible qu’il ne soit plus à jour.

[Curation] : Pearltrees,, Storify,,... à la recherche de l'information ultime.

Les informations proposées sont donc peut-être expirées. On le sait maintenant, en plus du terme de community manager, celui de curation ou content curator (définition selon Vincent Berthelot : « Le curator est celui qui transforme l’information qu’il a recueilli pour en faire une agrégation concise et porteuse de sens soit pour information soit pour décision. ») fait une entrée fracassante dans le domaine du marketing social. La Curation… C’est pas de la triche !! Je vous présentais dernièrement un article pour optimiser les contenus sur vos réseaux sociaux.

La Curation… C’est pas de la triche !!

Je vous y ai présenté la notion de curation. Vous savez ce phénomène étrange qui propose de prendre le contenu réalisé par les autres pour vous créer un contenu de qualité. Eh non ce n’est pas de la triche… La preuve même celui qui à réalisé les contenus vous dira merci si vous faites une curation de qualité. Faites une curation de mes articles autant que vous voulez. Documentary Tube – Watch Documentaries Online for FREE. Search for "The+Virtual+Revolution" - Documentary Tube. The Virtual Revolution In this documentary Dr Aleks Krotoski looks at how 20 years after the invention of the World Wide Web, every aspect of our lives is being influenced.

Search for "The+Virtual+Revolution" - Documentary Tube

The web’s biggest names – including the founders of Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, Apple and Microsoft, and the web’s inventor have joined her to explore how far the web has[...] Watch Documentary Online Now Gamer Revolution Computer games are a global phenomenon and $ 25 billion a year industry. Watch Documentary Online Now Visions of the Future In this new three-part documentary, leading theoretical physicist and futurist Dr Michio Kaku explores the cutting-edge science of today, tomorrow and beyond. Web 2.0. ELEMENTOS. Identité numérique- CLEMI. Définition Mon identité numérique est à multiple facettes : ce que je mets de moi en ligne, ce que d’autres peuvent mettre sur moi, les activités de recherche, d’achat, de communication pour lesquelles j’utilise Internet définissent mon identité numérique.

Identité numérique- CLEMI

Elle n’est donc pas facile à circonscrire, ni à maîtriser complétement. Mais il est très utile de savoir la construire en partie. Le leadership et l’intelligence collective P.N.L. Avec Robert Dilts.

Le leadership et l’intelligence collective P.N.L.

– Digital Storytelling, Transmedia and Crowd Sourced Funding with David Varela « Digireado. 27/11/2011 at 2:14 pm | Posted in Authors, Funding, Transmedia, Writers | 1 Comment Tags: Australian Society of Authors, Booksquare, David Varela, J.C. Hutchins, Kickstarter Many times when I’m thinking about digital I’m focussing on ebooks, enhanced ebooks or apps. It was really interesting yesterday to attend a session at the Australian Society of Authors with UK writer David Varela where he discussed the options available to authors, including transmedia, crowd sourced funding and how he arrived at this interesting point in his career. David studied poetry at College in the UK, and has worked in advertising, theatre, radio and film.

These days he describes himself as a storyteller – in whatever medium the story requires. Do you have a burning desire to write? When Hutchins wrote his first book it was a mammoth 300,000 words long and publishers and agents really didn’t know what to do with it and the rejection slips mounted up. Technology. Technology. Isabelbornet. iPad for Teaching & Learning. Mind Mapping.