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The Mongoliad

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Interview with Jeremy Bornstein from Foreworld. As a follow-up to my Foreworld: The Mongoliad feature, I had the privilege of interviewing Jeremy Bornstein for an in-depth Q&A about the process of working on a project like Foreworld and the team behind its creation.

Interview with Jeremy Bornstein from Foreworld

Jeremy Bornstein Jeremy, you are the President and CTO of Subutai and a member of the creative team called The Cabal. Can you please further introduce yourself and tell me what you, The Cabal and Subutai have to do with this project? Professionally speaking, I’m mostly an entrepreneur at this point, so part of my normal thinking process is to notice when something seems like it could be an interesting and fun business. It seemed as if lots of factors were coming together to transform publishing, and what we were thinking about doing with The Mongoliad was a great candidate for exploring that space. Welcome. The Mongoliad. "The Mongoliad": A bite-size quasi Neal Stephenson epic - How the World Works.