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Så odlar du havtorn. Havtornet kallas för Nordens apelsiner.

Så odlar du havtorn

Brandgula, aromatiskt syrliga och fulla av C-vitamin. Här får du råden som hjälper dig lyckas med odlingen. Välj rätt havtornsplantor Det krävs både en hane och en hona för att det ska bli bär. Ofta tas sorterna fram i par eftersom hane och hona måste göra sitt samtidigt för att det ska bli bär. Andra fina sorter är den storvuxna honsorten ‘SOL’ och honplantan ’Ljubitelskaja’ Plantera kiwi i trädgården. Herr och fru kiwi Utöver växtsättet är det viktigt att se till att du införskaffar två kiwiplantor, en honplanta och en hanplanta.

Plantera kiwi i trädgården

Det finns självpollinerande sorter, men vad jag kunnat se är det mindre härdiga sorter som passar bäst att odla i låga odlingszoner i till exempel växthus. Honplanta och hanplanta ska stå nära varandra så att insekter enkelt kan flyga emellan och fördela pollen mellan blommorna. Jag sätter en hanplanta och en honplanta längs den här spaljén. Planteringen är enkel. Noga att beskära kiwi Under första säsongen ska kiwin växa uppåt och bilda de kraftiga huvudgrenarna. Odla blåbärstry.


Odla blåbärstry - Gröna rader. 12 nyttiga bär för trädgården - Gröna rader. Råd&Rön - De svenska superbären. Acai, goji och inkabär sägs innehålla en formidabel mängd nyttigheter.

Råd&Rön - De svenska superbären

Gemensamt för dem är att de är exotiska och dyra. Men det finns också svenska superbär att plocka runt knuten – helt gratis. Hanna Eneroth, nutritionist på Livsmedelsverket berättar vad som menas med superbär: Blackberries. Plant Care Guides (National Gardening Association) Growing Berry Shrubs (National Gardening Association) Red raspberries produce a main crop in midsummer, while some varieties such as 'Heritage' produce a second crop in fall.

Growing Berry Shrubs (National Gardening Association)

Blackberries make the perfect edible hedge, keeping unwanted visitors out of your yard while yielding quarts of rich, flavorful berries. Not only will blueberries produce an abundance of fruits in late summer, the foliage turns a brilliant red in autumn, adding to the fall foliage show. Red currants make an attractive shrub while producing juicy, tart fruits that are great for jams, jellies, and juice. When you think about growing berries, strawberries are likely the first fruit that comes to mind. While these luscious berries are a favorite addition to an edible landscape, there are other berry-producing plants that not only yield an abundance of fruit, they also make attractive landscape plants. Also, many of these berries make excellent shrubs and hedges. Why Berries?


Raspberry. Strawberries. 3 najzdrowsze owoce świata, które musisz mieć w ogrodzie! How to make a better Strawberry Pallet Planter. Blueberries. A second key to success is soil.


Blueberries demand soil quite different from that enjoyed by most other garden plants. For blueberries to thrive, the soil must be well aerated, moist, very high in humus, and—most important of all—very acidic. These conditions are not, however, difficult to create. Start by doing a soil test, then acidifying it, if necessary to a pH of between 4 and 5.5 by mixing in sulfur, a natural mineral, the season before you plant your blueberries. The amount to use depends on your soil's initial pH and your soil's texture, and ranges from one to seven pounds per hundred square feet. Related: 3 Fruits To Grow in Pots Proper Planting Now you're ready to plant. Right after planting, spread a three-inch layer of organic mulch over the ground.

Once the plants are settled into their new home, give them a thorough watering. Pruning + Feeding Your blueberries won't need any pruning at all for their first three years. Related: Black + Blue Berry Galette. How to grow Strawberries. How to grow Strawberries (everything you need to know) How to grow Blueberries (everything you need to know) Using Coffee to Get a Perfect PH for Blueberries. Healthy News and Information. Blueberries are packed with health benefits, they are filled with antioxidants and phytonutrients.

Healthy News and Information

They help improve memory, prevent age-related memory loss, they have a low glycemic index, regulates blood sugar levels, improve cardiovascular health, protect the retina from oxygen damage, and can help prevent cancer. Healthy News and Information. How to Grow Blackberries.

Healthy News and Information

Plant Once, Harvest For Years To Come Blackberries are a type of bramble fruit.There are four types of blackberries: thorny erect types (mainly wild), thorny trailing types, thornless trailing types, and thornless upright types. Thorny blackberries have the best fruit quality but are less grown due to the annoyance of harvesting around thorns. In addition, thorny blackberries are hardier than the thornless ones. Position: Plant your blackberries in full sun and in well-drained soil. Propagation/Planting: Growing Blueberries in Containers. Good news!

Growing Blueberries in Containers

It’s easy to grow blueberries in containers on your deck or patio. That’s a boon for small-space gardeners—and it’s fun to have the berries to pick at the outdoor breakfast table even when you have a blueberry hedge elsewhere in your yard. Blueberries are at the top of the health-boosting hit parade and they’re popular with all ages. And species! Your dog may “pick” the ripe berries if you don’t watch out. Two blueberry varieties stay small and won’t need extensive pruning to thrive in your containers: * Northern Highbush ‘Top Hat’ grows best in cool climates (USDA zones 3-7) * Southern Highbush ‘Sunshine Blue’ is a surprise to many, as it does well in warm climates (USDA zones 5-10) Healthy News and Information.