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Is China's Mosuo tribe the world's last matriarchy? Two women row a canoe made of driftwood across a lake, their eyes fixed on a destination in the distance.

Is China's Mosuo tribe the world's last matriarchy?

The woman in the foreground bites her bottom lip with determination. There's a steeliness in her expression that says she's done this many times before. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. There Is No Time. There Never Was and There Never Will Be. By: Josh Richardson, Prevent Disease Everything exists in the present moment and it’s a fundamental principle of the Universe that many of our scientists are still trying to grasp.

There Is No Time. There Never Was and There Never Will Be

Time does not actually exist and Quantum Theory proves it. There are things that are closer to you in time, and things that are further away, just as there are things that are near or far away in space. But the idea that time flows past you is just as absurd as the suggestion that space does. Scientists May Have Just Figured Out Why Time Moves Forward, Not Backwards. Griffith University Associate Professor Joan Vaccaro has put forward a suggestion on why there’s a difference between the future and the past.

Scientists May Have Just Figured Out Why Time Moves Forward, Not Backwards

According to her calculations, the laws of physics don’t have to distinguish between time and space, but since we don't experience time in the same way as space, something must make time different. And she thinks the answer is in a special class of quantum phenomena. Certain quantum phenomena don’t behave in the same way if you’re going forward or backward in time, and she suggested that these are the key to understanding the arrow of time – the "asymmetry", or one-way direction, of time. And she said that in particular, subatomic particles known as K and B mesons could provide some interesting information. Kroppen behöver K vitamin – både K1 och K2.

Bromsa mördarsnigeln – med daggmask. Geometric Impala. This weekend I finally had some time to brush up some of my Adobe Illustrator skills.

Geometric Impala

I've bookmarked this course called 'Illustration for Designers: Create Your Own Geometric Animal' from DKNG a few months ago. It's an excellent course run by one of my favourites. I featured their work numerous times already on my Inspiration Stream. My steps. 40% OFF Infographic Elements Bundle ~ Presentation Templates on Creative Market. 09.11.2015 Update: Added .pptx format (for Microsoft Powerpoint) Approximately all of infographic elements were exported into Microsoft Powerpoint - .pptx format.

40% OFF Infographic Elements Bundle ~ Presentation Templates on Creative Market

For more details check this link: or last 3 images from preview section. All powerpoint's graphs are fully editable (using data from Excel spreadsheet). Infographic Bundle contains 3 sets of infographic elements. This sets contain fully vector graphic objects. How-To-Make-An-Animated-Movie. How To Make Movies: Helpful Infographic Flowchart Guides. Shooting video with DSLR cameras cost a fraction of the price of using professional video cameras.

How To Make Movies: Helpful Infographic Flowchart Guides

A lot of photographers nowadays are learning to shoot on a totally different way because of the introduction of video capabilities in DSLRs. It’s like learning to shoot in sequence with transitions especially for wedding photographers who want to expand their service. Here’s a video by Philip Bloom on getting the best looking footage while shooting with DSLR DSLR Rig And Gear For Video Production And Filmmaking. Cozy Industrial Home Tour - A few weeks ago I went to Charlotte with one of my best friends, Rachael.

Cozy Industrial Home Tour -

While we were there we drove down to Columbia SC to see our other friend Melissa & meet her precious new baby. It was so fun to see her and spend the day at her beautiful home. While we were there I Instagrammed a photo of her kitchen & since then a lot of people have been asking to see a tour of her home. Anatomy and Motion Studies by RenegadeStudios on DeviantArt. Svampriket. Svampriket » Fyra tecken på att GTA 5 inte lämpar sig för barn. Svampriket » Förmågan att förstå.

Character Design References på Pinterest. Color Theory på Pinterest. Main/Palette Swap. And that's not even counting Reptile, Smoke, Ermac, Rain, Noob, Chameleon...

Main/Palette Swap

"It's just like the old days, reusing the boss, changing its color and pretending it is completely new. " In 2D game development, the creation of sprites is a labor-intensive task. Healthy News and Information. By ANYA V The avocado is believed to have originated in Puebla, Mexico.

Healthy News and Information

The oldest evidence of the avocado was found in a cave in Puebla, Mexico and dates back to around 10,000 BC. Native to Mexico and Central America, the avocado is classified in the same family as camphor and cinnamon. 3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum From Your Brain. Aluminum accrues to toxic levels over time in certain tissues, such as bone, the heart, and the brain.

3 Mineral Waters That Can Remove Aluminum From Your Brain

The brain and its associated nervous system are where diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, MS, chronic fatigue and other neurological or auto-immune diseases manifest... There has been a dramatic increase in neurological diseases linked to aluminum toxicity. The blood brain barrier doesn’t stop aluminum’s intrusion into our gray matter. Aluminum accumulates and remains in tissue that doesn’t have a rapid cellular turnover. Apoptosis is the natural cell death and replacement process that occurs throughout the body, excluding cancer cells. Homemade Diatomaceous Earth Toothpaste - It's a love/love thing. Delicious Ginger Tea Dissolves Kidney Stones, Cleanses Liver & Obliterates Cancer Cells (Recipe)

You're going to fall in love with this drink: One of the most health-beneficial plants on earth – ginger, is abundant in medicinal properties, among which it reduces inflammation, stimulates digestion and boosts immunity. Ginger owes its flavor and aroma to several different essential oils: gingerol, shogaol and zingerone. The Known Universe by AMNH - The Resonance Project. High Performing, Low Cost Living Roofs. One million plastic bags are used every single minute, and each is used for an average of twelve minutes and then most are thrown away. Plastic bags do not readily biodegrade, lasting hundreds of years. The light bags are easily caught in the wind, resulting in bags in trees, landscapes, and waterways. Hundreds of thousands of water animals (fish, mammals, birds, and reptiles) die because they eat plastic bags, mistaking them for food. How to Build a Living Roof that is High Performing & Low Cost.

One million plastic bags are used every single minute, and each is used for an average of twelve minutes and then most are thrown away. Plastic bags do not readily biodegrade, lasting hundreds of years. The light bags are easily caught in the wind, resulting in bags in trees, landscapes, and waterways. Hundreds of thousands of water animals (fish, mammals, birds, and reptiles) die because they eat plastic bags, mistaking them for food. As plastic bags break down, they contaminate the environment with toxins, including PCBs, DDT, and nonylphenols.

These toxins in turn threaten human health (even at low exposures), contaminate soil and waterways, threaten the health of many animals, and enter the food chain when fish and other wildlife eat the plastic. Popular Organic Bread Company Bought Out By Staunchly Pro-GMO Corporation. Dave Dahl, the new $55 million dollar man, has overcome a lot in his life to build a wildly successful organic bread company. PHOTO: The organic revolution has also coincided with a gluten-free revolution, but there are still millions of people who love their bread way too much to ever give it up. Our bread has changed in many different surprising ways over the years, but there are plenty of breadmakers doing it the right way that have sprung up as consumers demand healthier, non-GMO and organic choices. Of the new guard of breadmakers the emerging big organic brands like Rudi’s and Ezekiel (sprouted grain breads) stand out, but another fast-growing option customers are falling in love with is Oregon-based Dave’s Killer Bread, which makes everything from whole grain to sprouted breads and even hamburger buns.

With its signature buff guitar-playing hippie mascot (a likeness of co-founder Dave Dahl), the bread has the look, feel and even the taste of a small-time artisan outfit. Coconut Milk Ice Cream Recipe: The Ultimate Metabolism-Boosting Dessert! Coconut Milk Ice Cream: The Ultimate Metabolism-Boosting Dessert! Metabolism boosting ice cream?

Yes- you heard that right! Let’s talk about why… Coconut milk: While traditional ice cream can be a great treat for many, many people with sub-par health can have dairy allergies or sensitivities, making it more stressful to digestion and the immune system (not the best thing for boosting the metabolism and fat loss). Ikea’s Refugee Shelters Are a Game Changer. Build A Cabin In A Week For Under $5000 - Homestead Notes. SoundBow — Binaura. 17 hilarious parenting comics that are your life. Apply This Baking Soda And Lemon Mask On Your Face and Something Amazing Will Happen…I’m Trying This. Outdoor Hot Tub Ideas: Dutchtub. Almond Breeze Is Being Sued For Containing Almost No Almonds.

6 Mental Habits that Make You More Susceptible to Feeling Depressed. 18-åringens varning för energidrycker sprids som en löpeld över hela nätet. How To Make An Herbal Tincture For Migraines. How your brain heals itself. This Interactive Graph Predicts How And When You Are Most Likely To Die. How You Will Die. An hour on this bicycle will give your house enough power for 24 hours. Photos de la publication de 3dfirstaid... - 3dfirstaid visual architecture. These Pictures From The Past Might Be The Most Powerful I Have Ever Seen. Beebe Botanicals - catalog. Unbelievable Pictures Illustrate How Cell Phones Suck Our Souls Everyday. 3dfirstaid visual architecture.

9 Amazing Health Benefits of Matcha Tea. Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added To All Vaccines. Takepart. Trinity From The Matrix Explains How We Are Living In An Actual Matrix. The New Micro Houses - 1663 - Concept. Camping Pod-Euro Pods. Larch Sectional Buildings. Passive-insulated-caravans. 49' Crossover Houseboat: an Evolution in Yachting. Extreme weather house boat floats in Silicon Valley backyard. Renewable Energy Finally Makes Sense… And That’s Why It’s A Threat.

Modern Kenjo Cabin is a solar-powered floating room for a family in Sweden. Japanese studio Sandwich wraps a passive solar home in diagonal wood offcuts. Earthy modular VIMOB home can be erected in even the most hard-to-reach locations. ”LRF vilseleder om mjölk” - Opinion. Want to Raise Resilient Kids? A Navy SEAL Says Always Do This. 10 Words Every Girl Should Learn. Ollas: Unglazed Clay Pots for Garden Irrigation. 90 Pounds of Tomatoes from 5 Plants. One Man’s Genius Idea To Grow Tomatoes. Healthy News and Information. New 27-acre village will house Austin's homeless for $210 a month. Groundbreaking in Dallas – The Cottages at Hickory Crossing : CSH.

It Looks Like Your Average Garden Shed, But Just Wait Until He Opens The Door... 5 Signs You Have a Magnesium Deficiency. Healthy News and Information. Abandoned Chinese Fishing Village - When Nature Is Allowed To Take It Back. This Is Not ‘New Age’ BullSh**’ – The Real Effects That ‘Earthing’ Can Have On Your Body. Hunting for DNA in Doggerland, an Ancient Land Beneath the North Sea. These 29 Clever Drawings Will Make You Question Everything Wrong With The World.

Glass-encased Maintenance-Free House is built to last. Rio Grande: Towable tiny living, supersized. The Umbrella Home: A Simple Underground House Design. Big & Small House proves less really can mean more. Tiny Leaf House can accommodate a family of four – and it has wheels. Leaf House Version.3: A tiny house for sub-zero temperatures. Front Range tiny house has plenty of rustic charm. Students create solar-powered tiny house. Victorian Prepper tiny house is ready for doomsday. Rio Grande: Towable tiny living, supersized. How to Find a Spring or Seep on your Off Grid Property. This Ancient Breathing Technique Will Provide Instant Drug-Free Anxiety Relief. These 29 Clever Drawings Will Make You Question Everything Wrong With The World. EWAO Bolivia Gives Legal Rights To The Earth. Zakázané video válcuje internet. Proč jej nesmíme vidět? - Česko Aktuálně. Stiegler on Daesh and ‘the age of disruption” The Top 7 Benefits Of Using Branching Scenarios In eLearning.

This is What Happens to Your Body When You Eat 3 Bananas a Day. WAVE Eco Cabin. MIT scientist links autism to Monsanto’s Roundup and predicts HALF of U.S. children will be autistic by 2025. A Cabin in the Woods of Norway by Huus Og Heim Arkitektur. The Pneumad portable shelter inflates itself. Eviankonferensen. Healthy News and Information.