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Dysons Random Morph Map. Inspired by and using Dyson Logos' Geomorph Maps and coded by Rob Lang of The Free RPG Blog Dyson's Random Morph Map Press F5 for a new map or set tile width of to restrict the width. You can then screenshot or try printing straight from the browser. There are 30 morph types and used in the map. Needles of Knitting +5: Using The Craft Skill To Its Best Advantage. Back at the beginning of my career here at GDG, I wrote about the joys and benefits of making things with your own two hands, and I’ll be writing more about that in the future. In the mean time, how about some of that crafty goodness for your character? In the skill list of most pen-and-paper RPGs is the Craft skill. It may have a different name depending on the game, but it’s whatever roll you’d make to, well, make something. Aside from some obvious choices – Craft (alchemy) for potion brewers, Craft (blacksmithing) for characters who want to forge their own weapons and armor, Craft (bowyer/fletcher) for rangers making their own bows and arrows – the skill often gets ignored, and those precious skill points are spent on Perception and Diplomacy instead.

For many, putting ranks in Craft may seem like a waste. What good could Craft possibly do you? Lots of good, that’s what. Your Character Should Never Be Bored As a geek, you clearly have hobbies and interests outside of your job. Random Dungeon Generator Launcher - v 0.1.12 beta. d20 Dice Bag :: Pen, Paper, & Pixel. The 100 Most Important Things To Know About Your Character (revised) Quote from original Author(Beth):This list came about when, one day while struggling to develop a character for an upcoming Hunter game, my lovely roommate Nikki looked at me and said something like, "Wouldn't it be cool to have a list of questions you could go through and answer while you were making characters, so you'd make sure to consider all sorts of different elements in their personality?

" I agreed, and that very evening we sat down over hot chocolate and ramen noodles to whip up a list of 100 appearance-, history-, and personality-related questions (which seemed like a nice even number) to answer as a relatively easy yet still in-depth character building exercise. Later on, we went through the list again, took out the questions that sucked (because there were a lot of them) and replaced them with better ones. What you see before you is the result of that second revision. Just don't email us specifically to tell us how much we suck. That only results in cranky gamerchicks. - Beth. Character Sheets from Dyslexic Studeos. Zen and the Art of the Fireball&|&Troll in the Corn... So it is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss. If you only know yourself, but not your opponent, you may win or may lose.

If you know neither yourself nor your enemy, you will always endanger yourself. - Sun Tzu A party lives and dies by teamwork. Too often, the failure of one creates the failure of many. For when one commits to battle, the whole must commit to battle. The Essence of Tactics Retain your ability to act, and deny your enemy the ability to act. An enemy who is dead is denied all future actions. Two bloodied enemies have twice as many actions as one untouched and one dead enemy. A sleeping enemy is denied actions until he awakes. A slowed or immobilized enemy is denied actions only as long as nothing is within his reach. An action which misses is equivalent to an action not taken. While death is permanent, a great and mighty enemy cannot be killed quickly.

The master neither rushes to battle, nor flees it. Aid. Roleplaying Tips for game masters for all role-playing systems. The Mother Of All Character Questionnaires Use this list of questions to construct or add to your own characrer questionnaire. The questions cover different genres and types of details, so feel free to exclude or modify to suit your group. Questions are divided into broad categories. And similar questions and bunched into groups within their category.

For brevity, I cut out most follow-up explanation type questions, such as "Why", "how come", and so on. Introduction Questions Give a two or three word description of yourself. Physical Traits How old are you? History Where is your homeland? Family Who were your parents? Relationships Do you have any close friends? Personality/Beliefs. Crooked staff productions roleplaying aids. Please note that this site and its contents are Copyright © Kristian Richards 2002 - 2011 <p>Subscribe to RSS headline updates from: <a href=" />Powered by FeedBurner</p> Hello and welcome to the CSP home page! It is the aim of this web-site to provide a wide variety of roleplaying aids for both the GM/DM and player alike. Within these pages you will find a number of files and images (spread over a few differing sections) all of which are completely free* to download.

In some instances (such as with the adventures section) the downloads are compatible with the Dungeons & Dragons (3rd edition) role-playing game - though in most cases they should prove to be equally suitable for most types of role-playing / board games with little or no modification. For all the latest CSP news, updates, and even more free downloads be sure to check out... *However, a number of products are now for sale via RPGNow, DriveThruRPG, and lulu. Riddles. Fontennium - Magic Fonts. The Free RPG Compendium. Slack n Hash- Name Generators. After much deliberation… goodbye. Sort of. For now. I've neglected this site for a good couple of years, and let's face it, the months leading up to that point weren't exactly stellar either. It started out as a desperate attempt to hang onto the whole d20 System malarkey, and later on it collapsed into utter irrelevance.

So, time to own up, lower the curtain on this enterprise and consider my next step. Phil Smith , May 2011.