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20 Foods That Are Killing You Slowly | Healthy & Pretty. Did you know that there are foods you are eating every day that are killing you slowly? Most of us have a number of these foods on our menu, but if you combine all of these, you’ll get a deadly combo and you need to start making changes to your diet. So analyze what you eat and start making the right choices today. Here’s the list of 20 foods that are killing you slowly. Try to avoid or limit the intake of these foods as much as you can. Some of these foods lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and even cancer. 1.

Canned tomato sauce is a killer in disguise. Rabarbara – zašto je dobra za zdravlje i kako ju koristiti? | Povrće - Kreni zdravo! Rabarbara je višegodišnja biljka (može doživjeti i 30 godina) koja se uzgaja zbog njene atraktivne, sočne crvene, zelene ili ljubičaste stabljike. U prosijeku se uzgaja od 7 do 9 godina. To je zeljasta biljka porijeklom iz Sibira te je popularna u mnogim dijelovima Europe i Sjeverne Amerike. Iako je poznata kao voće, ova biljka zapravo je povrće. Rabarbaru je u Europu donio Marco Polo. Botanički, pripada obitelji Polygonaceae, rod: Rheum, a poznat kao Rheum rhabarbarum. Uzgoj rabarbare Rabarbara je biljka umjerene, više prohladne klime. Sadi se u rano proljeće ili u jesen. Cvijet je potrebno odmah otrgnuti čim se pojavi pupoljak, jer cvjetanje rabarbare usporava razvoj novih listova.

U težim slučajevima, može doći do zatajenja bubrega, konvulzije, kome ili smrti. Zašto je Rabarbara dobra za zdravlje? Rabarbara je jedno od najmanje kaloričnih povrća. 100 grama svježih stabljiki ima samo 21 kaloriju. Opće je mišljenje da je rabarbara bolja ako su stabljike tamnije crvene boje. Ocjena članka: Krpelji – kako se prirodno zaštititi?

Uz komarce, u prirodi nerijetko prijete i krpelji - neugodni i opasni prenositelji bolesti. Najčešće bolesti koje prenose krpelji uključuju krpeljni meningoencefalitis (KME), Lajmsku bolest i erlihiozu. Vrebaju u travi, grmlju, šumovitim predjelima, pa je oprez preporučen prilikom šetnje, kampiranja ili izleta na otvorenom. Iako komercijalni proizvodi nude velik izbor sredstava, mi vam donosimo isključivo prirodna rješenja i savjete kako što bolje zaštititi sebe i svoju obitelj od ovih malih nametnika. Prirodni načini zaštite od krpelja 1. Režanj češnjaka ili jedna kapsula češnjaka kojeg ćete konzumirati otjerat će krpelje iz vaše blizine. Krpelji ne vole miris češnjaka, koji se isparava putem znoja pa se ova zdrava i ukusna namirnica svakako mora naći na jelovniku ako planirate u prirodu.

Ova supernamirnica poznata je po svom antibakterijskom i protuupalnom djelovanju, bogata je aktivnim tvarima koje jačaju imunitet, pa ju je dobro koristiti i nakon uboda krpelja. 2. 3. 4. Kako? Sourdough bread: a beginner's guide - The Clever Carrot. In 2013, my culinary resolution was to learn how to bake bread. I researched, tested and baked countless loaves with both good and bad results. My journey began with a yeasted ‘no-knead’ recipe, and eventually worked my way up to the holy grail; sourdough bread. Sourdough is unique because it does not require commercial yeast in order to rise. It’s made with a fermented culture of flour and water, or a ‘starter’ which acts as a natural leavening agent. Sourdough is known for its characteristic flavor (ranging from mild to strong), chewy texture and crisp crust.

From a health standpoint, it dominates when compared to standard loaves. And it tastes darn good. In this tutorial, I will attempt to explain the sourdough making process based on my personal experience. There is no kneading involved and you do not need a bread machine. The information is divided into sections for easy reference. And now, I present the longest post ever… The Starter Where to Obtain a Starter How To Use Your Starter The Salt.

3 Basic Yoga Ab Exercises - dummies. By Larry Payne, Georg Feuerstein These yogic postures for the abdominal muscles incorporate a team approach that values slow, conscious movement, proper breathing mechanics, and the use of sound. The emphasis here is on the quality of the movement rather than sheer quantity. Exploring push-downs Push-downs strengthen the abdomen, especially the lower abdomen. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor, at hip width.Rest your arms near your sides, palms down.As you exhale, push your lower back down to the floor for 3 to 5 seconds.As you inhale, release your back.Repeat Steps 2 and 3 six to eight times. <img src=" width="535" height="243" alt="[Credit: Photograph by Adam Latham]"/>Credit: Photograph by Adam Latham Trying yogi sit-ups Yogi sit-ups strengthen the abdomen, especially the upper abdomen, the adductors (insides of your legs), the neck, and the shoulders.

Strengthening with yogi sit-backs. Manger bien la semaine. 5 Steps for Macrobiotic Beginners. 1. Eat Whole Grains When I say "whole", I mean it. These days, huge corporations (and even the USDA food Pyramid) are understanding that not all carbs are bad. So now your favorite breads and cereals include whole grain flour. But when you pulverize a grain into a powder, it's not actually whole anymore. Think about your best friend: She's got great hair, a perky nose and a husky voice. Now imagine pulverizing her into a powder--is she the same? Whole grains are cheap and easy to cook. 2. I know I sound like your mother here, but "CHEW YOUR FOOD!!

By chewing well (50-100 times a mouthfull--gulp!) 3. Think about it. Neither China nor Japan have ever included dairy food in their daily diets, and they seem to be doing okay; much less breast cancer than in the West, very little osteoporosis and obesity a downright rarity. The whole idea that milk is the Perfect Food for combatting bone loss is not only wrong, but some people would argue that dairy food is a major contributor to the problem. Top 5 prehrambenih proizvoda koje pod svaku cijenu treba izbjegavati.

Koliko god privlačno izgledali, kunuli se u svoje ne tako štetne sastojke i tako dalje i tako dalje, postoje prehrambeni proizvodi koje pod svaku cijenu treba izbjegavati Mirisne, slasne sa sto vrsta punjenja, pa ruku na srce i ne tako skupe, ukusne krafne izbacite iz menija. Većina tih okruglih slastica sadrži čak 35 do 40 posto štetnih masnoća i šećera. Dušu dalo za prestanak rada kvožilnog sustava. Ne, ne i ne. Domaća ili nedomaća, masnija ili manje masna , činjenica je da u nekim djelovima Hrvatske ona uživa kultni status. Najomiljenija grickalica starih i mladih. Kaloričnim bombama u plastičnim bocama ime je gazirano piće. Dugoročna konzumacija gaziranog donosi oslabljene kosti, umjetna sladila povezana su s napadima tjeskobe i povećanom željom za slatkim.

The Dangers of Soy. Promoting soy foods as health foods while ignoring the dangers of soy and soy derivatives should be considered a crime against humanity. If you think this statement is too extreme, read this article to the end, and then see what you think! The dangers of soy are thoroughly documented in the scientific literature, which makes it hard to believe that many health and fitness communities and counselors, and most health food stores, still promote soy products as ultra-healthy foods. Hopefully this harmful misrepresentation of soy foods will begin to change as the dangers of soy become better known.

A Summary of the Dangers of Soy Soybeans and soy products contain high levels of phytic acid, which inhibits assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc. Soaking, sprouting, and long, slow cooking do not neutralize phytic acid.Diets high in phytic acid have been shown to cause growth problems in children. Top of Page But Don’t Oriental Cultures Eat Lots of Soy? Health Benefits of Red Wine. Savjetovalište o E-brojevima. Evolution's Next Step - Passing Knowledge and Experience. The theory of evolution might be obsolete as biologist develops a system that can predict that the next step will be a technical living form that will be able to pass its experience and knowledge to the next generation.Darwin’s theory of evolution focuses on the best adapted organisms but leaves out the succession of living things during the process.

The developer of this new theory, called the “operator hierarchy” is biologist Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis, who improved the hierarchy of life by adding a classification of inorganic natural matter. “Biologists’ take on the hierarchy of life has been pretty careless up to now, [and] this hinders the discipline,” says Gerard Jagers op Akkerhuis. Jagers identifies the particles that are independently formed from other particles, directly beneath them in the evolution hierarchy, and calls them “operators” . Every closure is a step towards a new form of self-organization and a new unique entity – a new operator.

Health. Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans, it is the general condition of a person's mind and body, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain (as in "good health" or "healthy").[1] The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Systematic activities to prevent or cure health problems and promote good health in humans are undertaken by health care providers. Applications with regard to animal health are covered by the veterinary sciences. The term "healthy" is also widely used in the context of many types of non-living organizations and their impacts for the benefit of humans, such as in the sense of healthy communities, healthy cities or healthy environments.

Determinants[edit] The environment is often cited as an important factor influencing the health status of individuals. Reach Your Goals More Quickly: Use Incremental Change. Regardless of who you are, where you live, how much you make, or even your education, your life is on a certain path — similar to a train on a track. You know there are going to be twists and turns, ups and downs, but you can easily figure out where you’ll end up professionally and personally if you stay on the track you’re currently on. For example, if you continue to save this amount, you’ll end up with this. If you continue to eat like this, you’ll end up like that. If you continue to talk to your spouse like this, well, you get the gist. If you look at the path you’re on and you like where you’re headed, you can sit back and keep doing exactly what you’ve been doing and enjoy the ride. There are two ways to change direction to create a better, fuller, richer life: incremental change and radical change.

What is incremental change? There’s nothing wrong with incremental change. The trick is to focus on “er.” How can you bench press 100 pounds more than you can bench press right now? Why Do Some People Learn Faster? | Wired Science  The physicist Niels Bohr once defined an expert as “a person who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field.” Bohr’s quip summarizes one of the essential lessons of learning, which is that people learn how to get it right by getting it wrong again and again. Education isn’t magic. Education is the wisdom wrung from failure. A new study, forthcoming in Psychological Science, and led by Jason Moser at Michigan State University, expands on this important concept. The Moser experiment is premised on the fact that there are two distinct reactions to mistakes, both of which can be reliably detected using electroenchephalography, or EEG. The second signal, which is known as error positivity (Pe), arrives anywhere between 100-500 milliseconds after the mistake and is associated with awareness.

The experiment began with a flanker task, a tedious assignment in which subjects are supposed to identify the middle letter of a five-letter series, such as “MMMMM” or “NNMNN.” How To Prevent Alzheimer’s by Learning Another Language. Wrinkles, gray hair, failing eyesight, brittle bones. As the saying goes, getting old is not for sissies. Most of the bodily changes that come with aging have remedies. They can’t be completely avoided or cured, but they can be compensated for to a degree.

You can get stronger glasses, or bifocals. You can color your hair, if vanity demands it. You can take calcium to stave off osteoporosis. But what can you do about memory loss and dementia, specifically Alzheimer’s Disease? There is no cure for Alzheimer’s Disease, but recent studies are showing that bilingual people do not suffer from the disease the same way monolingual people do. How exactly does learning a language do this?

Language lessons are no substitute for professional medical care, and they’re not a cure. Commit to learning a new language, and keeping your brain young and healthy. Caroline Ruddy is a freelance blogger for PickTheBrain. Don’t Forget To Follow PickTheBrain on Twitter! Related Articles: Spiel des Jahres - Alle Spiele des Jahres. Kulkmann´s Gamebox - 7 Wonders. As the former IGA-winner Through the Ages has shown to us, the "boardgamization" of all these endless ages of human civilization has led us to hard challenges of resource management, building wonders and other modern comforts and, of course, investing lots of playing time. However, as it seems the Belgians with Sombreros (a.k.a. Cédrick and Thomas from REPOS) have become fed up with these never ending gaming evenings, and so they have decided to publish Antoine Bauza's newest game 7 Wonders which brings us three ages of civilization in a nutshell.

I must confess that I was rather intrigued by the idea of a fast playing civilization game, and I was getting even more curious by the fact that 7 Wonders can be played with up to seven players! I couldn't imagine that any sustainable build-and-development concept could be played with so many people within a reasonable timeframe, and so I was looking forwards to the publishing of the game at the SPIEL 2010.

Igrajte društvene igre!| Igrali smo: 7 Wonders. Velike piramide u Gizi, Artemidin hram u Efesu, Semiramidini viseći vrtovi u Babilonu, Grobnica perzijskog cara Mauzoleja u Halikarnasu, svjetionik u Aleksandriji, Zeusov kip u Olimpiji i Kolos s Rodosa. To je sedam velikih arhitektonskih dostignuća antičkog doba. Sedam svjetskih čuda i sedam velikih gradova. U ovoj igri vodite jednog od njih. Koristite prirodne resurse vaše zemlje i povedite ju na put razvoja. Razvijajte trgovinske odnose sa svojim susjedima i ojačajte svoju vojnu moć. 7 wonders je igra kartama, autora Antoina Bauze, u kojoj se razvija civilizacija.

Ovaj opis se bazira na drugom izdanju igre koje je primjetno izmijenilo neke komponente. Knjižica s pravilima je vrlo kvalitetno napravljena. Na karticama su vrlo jednostavno i pregledno, simbolički, opisane mogućnosti kartice pa igranje igre, iako nije lokalizirana, ne bi trebalo predstavljati problem igračima koji ne znaju engleski. Sve je izuzetno atraktivno oslikano i pravi je užitak oku igrati ovu igru. Deutscher Spiele Preis. Spiel der Spiele. 5 Health Risks of Too Little Sleep - Planet Green. The Art of Seeing (9780916870485): Aldous Huxley, Laura Huxley. Meditation May Protect Your Brain | Miller-McCune Online.

Google Body - Google Labs. 7 Common Walking Mistakes You Should Avoid. Skin Deep: Cosmetic Safety Reviews. Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals. Genealogy.