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Ring My Bell: New Bike Reads Your Mind. EmoRate. Future Applications EmoProfiles The list of potential applications for Affective Computing aka Computing With Emotions is incredible.


As the technology develops people will develop EmoProfiles, profiles of their emotional reactions to videos, songs, books, reviews, anything and everything that sparks an emotional reaction (which basically is everything since we are emotional beings). The definition I have come up with for an EmoProfile: “An EmoProfile is a profile that contains data cataloguing your emotional reactions to various stimuli, tagged by keywords and other ontological aids and statistics, in a manner that allows one profile to be compared with another or a group of other profiles digitally by any reasonable computing device.” As adoption of EmoProfiles spreads they will become powerful tools for predicting what someone likes and dislikes, and how compatible people will be with each other and when interacting in a group.

Emotion Based Recommendation Systems Emotion Guided Search. OpenViBE. Emotiv EPOC EEG Headset Hacked. Bryan Bishop September 13, 2010 An Interview with Cody Brocious Cody Brocious has created Cody's Emokit project, an open source library for reading data directly from the Emotiv EPOC EEG headset. The Emotiv headset is a consumer EEG headset. In common slang, it's a brain-computer interface. H+: So, why did you get into Emotiv hardware in the first place? CODY BROCIOUS: A consumer-grade EEG headset is a game changer. CB: Emokit — there's not much to it. H+: How would people use it? CB: You instantiate the Emotiv object from Emokit, set the ID for the headset, then there's a function that gives you a generator. H+: That sounds simple. CB: Yeah. H+: What has Emotiv's response been so far?

CB: I posted the announcement copy on their forums. H+: How do you think Emotiv will respond? CB: As for how Emotiv is going to respond to any of this, there are a few different possibilities. It's clear that Emotiv is a company in the consumer brain-computer interface market. Smartphone Brain Scanner [Mobile Informatics Lab] Affective computing. Affective Computing is also the title of a textbook on the subject by Rosalind Picard.

Affective computing

Areas of affective computing[edit] Detecting and recognizing emotional information[edit] Detecting emotional information begins with passive sensors which capture data about the user's physical state or behavior without interpreting the input. The data gathered is analogous to the cues humans use to perceive emotions in others. For example, a video camera might capture facial expressions, body posture and gestures, while a microphone might capture speech. Forum. Yeah.


The question about accuracy is a bit like nailing down jelly (jello for our US readers ) How do you measure emotions in the first place so you can compare the outputs and come up with a number? Our internal measures ran between 65% and 100% depending on the emotion, the subject and possibly the phase of the moon. Excitement is pretty solid - it's quite easy to measure objectively and we figure it's over 80% accurate for over 80% of people. Engagement/Boredom is also pretty good and again it's not hard to measure objectively.

Partners. UserManual.pdf (объект «application/pdf») Graduate Project of Onur Varol. This project is awarded 1st Rank Price in these competitions. The main purpose of this project is processing EEG signals and classifying them for different cognitive actions. I started this project as a final year project of Electronic Enginnering under advisory of Associate. Prof. Müştak Erhan Yalçın . In this project I started acquiring data form Emotiv Epoc . I am working on processing live EEG data, feature selection and classification of EEG signals for different cognitive actions. Emotiv Epoc is neuro-signal acquisition and processing wireless neuroheadset. SDK also includes different suites to detect different kind of EEG signals. Also it can be used to train on Control Panel and save user profile for trained action.

The Research Edition SDK includes a research headset: a 14 channel (plus CMS/DRL references, P3/P4 locations). Mouse emolator is the my first project using Emotiv SDKs. I experienced this kind of problem before when I tried to make HMI using Image processing.


BrainDriver - a mind controlled car. EPOC Mind controlled Robot. Mind Control Device Demonstration - Tan Le.