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What our language choices reveal about our personalities. In his new book, The Secret Life of Pronouns: What Our Words Say About Us , social psychologist James W.Pennebaker, chairman of the department of psychology at the University of Texas at Austin, looks at the hidden psychological messages our language choices reveal.

What our language choices reveal about our personalities

In your book, you argue that the pronouns we use provide clues about our personalities and relationships. ‘I’ seems to stand out above the others, and you say it’s especially good at exposing social hierarchies. Can you explain? Almost immediately, two people in any given interaction subtly agree on who is the higher status person. Their language usually matches that, with the higher status person using ‘I’ less and the lower status person using ‘I’ more. Birth control pill alters women's memories: study. Have you ever wondered why your memory of certain events is so different than everyone else’s?

Birth control pill alters women's memories: study

Researchers have discovered that your birth control may be to blame. Scientists at the University of California, Irvine, have found that hormonal contraception, such as birth control pills, can alter women’s memories. These medications don’t harm their ability to remember, the researchers emphasize. HIV Used to Fight Cancer. One deadly scourge may lead to cures for another.

HIV Used to Fight Cancer

A genetically modified form of the HIV virus was used by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania to re-program cancer patients' own immune systems to attack cancer cells. BLOG: Phosphorescent Felines Fight AIDS The treatment seems to have knocked out cancer in two patients and weakened it in a third. All three suffered from chronic lymphocytic leukemia, but researchers believe the technique could be adapted to take down other forms of cancer. The technique was recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine. Brain-Eating Amoeba Thrives in Warm, Fresh Water. Psychological Profiling. As of July 1, 2013 ThinkQuest has been discontinued.

Psychological Profiling

We would like to thank everyone for being a part of the ThinkQuest global community: Students - For your limitless creativity and innovation, which inspires us all. Personality & Psychological Profiling Instruments. Lucid Dreaming/Using. Dream stabilization[edit]

Lucid Dreaming/Using

Health warning to festival goers. 21 June 2011Last updated at 14:36 Crowds create infection risks Too much alcohol, drugs, and sex, coupled with poor hygiene, can be a health risk at festivals, an expert is warning. Sunburn, heat stroke, sprains and other minor ailments make up most casualties at music events, says Dr Mark Salter of the Health Protection Agency. But there are occasional reports of sexual health problems, heart attacks and chest complaints. Avoiding doing anything to excess is the best way to stay healthy, he adds. Dr Salter, a consultant in communicable disease control at the HPA's Health Protection Unit in the South West has been attending festivals, including Glastonbury, for 20 years, to offer health protection advice.

Continue reading the main story More top tips for festival health. Watch Free Documentaries Online. How to Plant Ideas in Someone's Mind - Lifehacker. 5 Psychological Experiments That Prove Humanity is Doomed. Identify a Lie with 6 Simple Questions. Post written by: Marc Chernoff Email We all fall victim to at least a few lies during the course of our lifetime.

Identify a Lie with 6 Simple Questions

A Russian girl was born with all her internal organs on the opposite side of where they normally are. Russian Sexy Twins. Age: 21 years Height: 172 cm Anna – Russian Cup winner in karate-do Rengokai (2008) winners of the tournament in karate (2006), IMR, a black belt Olga – the tournament winner of the International League of Martial Arts (2007), Silver medalist Cup of Russia on karate-Rengokai (2009), IMR, a black belt From the August issue of MH you might learn that having sex with twins among the five most common male sexual fantasies, but sexologists in one voice hard – you will not wait.

Russian Sexy Twins

We will not rest until you have checked it themselves have twins. Identical Twins Don’t Have Identical Fingerprints, Even from Birth. Today I Found Out that no two people in this world have identical fingerprints, not even identical twins.

Identical Twins Don’t Have Identical Fingerprints, Even from Birth

You would expect identical twins to have the same fingerprints as they are monozygotic, which means that they develop when a single fertilized egg splits in two, leading to two embryos. As they both came from the combination of the same egg and sperm, these twins have virtually indistinguishable DNA. Unusual 21st century deaths. Dr.

Unusual 21st century deaths

Hitoshi Christopher Nikaidoh, a surgeon, was decapitated as he stepped on to an elevator at Christus St. Joseph Hospital in Houston, Texas on August 16, 2003. According to a witness inside the elevator, the elevator doors closed as Nikaidoh entered, trapping his head inside the elevator with the remainder of his body still outside. 10 More Bizarre and Fascinating Medical Tales. Weird Stuff From miraculous survivals to bizarre medical disorders, the medical world is crawling with astounding tales.

10 More Bizarre and Fascinating Medical Tales

Here’s just a sampling of the many stories the medical community has to offer. Feel free to add your own astonishing medical tales in the comments… Thimethylaminuria is a rare metabolic disorder that causes the defect in a certain enzyme that breaks down trimethylamine, a compound released by protein-digesting bacteria, living in our stomach.