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Top 5 Futuristic Music Instruments invented. 15 Músicos de la calle con instrumentos raros. 3-D Printed Violins and Guitars Push the Boundaries of Art and Tech. Hydraulis 16/40 - Cicerón y el Timbre del Órgano - Prof. Manuel Lafarga. Hydraulis 14/40 - Las Máquinas de Herón de Alejandría - Prof. Manuel Lafarga. Zeusaphone Z-85 Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor. Wheelharp. Laserharp II Jean Michel Jarre. Blue man group - I feel love Leno. Blue Man Group Rods and Cones from Venetian (HQ) Music Box & Modulin - 2 new music instruments ("All Was Well" by Wintergatan)

Wintergatan - Marble Machine (music instrument using 2000 marbles) Celesta - the instrument’s origins - the making of the celesta in the Schiedmayer workshop. The Nutcracker's celesta with Kelly Zuercher. A Demonstration Of Oskar Sala's Mixtur-Trautonium Formant Filters. TELHARMONIUM - 66 years before the first Moog synth! (music: "Dream of the Past" by LIMARstudio)

Legendary Instruments - Jean Michel Jarre. Moog Minimoog Solo. Star Trek Theme on Theremin. Leon Theremin playing his own instrument. Theremin - Clara Rockmore play "Hebrew Melody" (Achron) Piano Invented By Leonardo Da Vinci. El piano que soñó Leonardo Da Vinci.