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Free photo galleries. IMAGES. One Big Photo - a Picture is Worth a Thousand Words. Illustrator Creates Extremely Detailed Doodles And Abstract Drawings In Her Sketchbook. Austin, Texas-based artist and illustrator Sophie Roach creates exremely detailed drawings in her sketchbook, using vibrantly colored patterns and abstract forms. images via via Sophie Roach / via Designtaxi.

Illustrator Creates Extremely Detailed Doodles And Abstract Drawings In Her Sketchbook

Free Vintage Posters, Vintage Travel Posters, Printables. Pinterest: Discover and save creative ideas. Authentic Materials for Teaching Languages: RESOURCES. Authentic Materials for Teaching Languages Authentic materials - also known as realia - can be described as anything created for native speakers of a language.

Authentic Materials for Teaching Languages: RESOURCES

The cookies in the photo on the left are a good example of realia - they were made in Germany for German consumption, and they are a great source of authentic reading material (before they get eaten, that is!) For learners of German. Click here for a PowerPoint presentation about the incorporation of authentic cultural materials into the world language classroom. There is a handout also available here that details some of the benefits of using these materials with students. There are an almost limitless supply of materials available online that come directly from the target cultures of the languages we teach. 10,000 Film Clips Now Available for Free in New Public Domain Database. For filmmakers, designers, photographers, and just about any kind of creatives, the public domain is an important resource, full of copyright-free materials that can be used and remixed to create new art.

10,000 Film Clips Now Available for Free in New Public Domain Database

The legal intricacies of copyright and public domain, however, can be daunting, and finding specific pieces of footage, for example, from organizations like the US National Archive can be a tedious and user-unfriendly experience. Royalty-free video marketplace Pond5 launched the Public Domain Project in order to solve this problem, opening up to the public a massive, thoroughly-organized treasure trove of about 80,000 copyright-free video clips, photos, sound recordings, and 3D models. Alongside the freshly accessible materials, Pond5 produced a handy explanation of the public domain to help artists ensure their ideas fall within the legal realm of each different kind of public domain.

Funky Poster Creator. Create a luxe photo collage with the most design-savvy, powerful collage maker this side of a free photo editor that works in your browser — nothing to download or install.

Funky Poster Creator

Fix your photos and add beautiful filters and text. Touch up facial features and create outstanding graphics. Ridiculously easy, staggeringlyLoads of collage templates to get you started Choose a collage layout that’s ready-made for cards your Facebook cover photo, and more. gorgeous.Customize layouts to make ’em yours Add new cells, resize cells, and move collage borders to your heart’s content! Returning from a big vacation or a memorable event, you've probably taken a ton of pictures to remember it by. Printing them all off and framing them is a costly endeavor that hardly seems worth the time, money and effort. Picture Collage Maker will let you do this quickly and easily. Gratisography: Free, use as you please, high-resolution pictures.

Free High-Resolution Photos. : royalty free photography project - a public domain stock photo collaboration. Sharing beautiful travel moments. Splashbase: find free, public domain, hi res photos. Free high-resolution pictures for personal and commercial use. SplitShire - Free Stock Photos & Images for commercial use. 5000 Free Stock Photos. Vintage and Modern Free Public Domain Images Archive Download - Public Domain Images.

Picjumbo — totally free photos for your commercial & personal works. Picography - Use however you like. Moveast. Hand-picked free photos for your inspiration - Magdeleine. Life Of Pix - Free Stock Photos & Images - Photography. Free stock photography. ISO Republic - High-quality, free photos for creatives.

PixTeller - Image Maker. PixTeller. Créer des affiches et des posters en ligne. Pixteller est un véritable studio de création graphique en ligne. Il vous permettra à vous et à vos élèves de créer en ligne des posters, des affiches, des bannières ou encore des cartes postales. Pixteller mixe simplicité d’utilisation et ergonomie ludique qui mettent l’outil à la portée de tous les âges ou presque. Cet outil graphique entièrement en ligne n’a pas besoin de mode d’emploi. On peut même l’utiliser si on le souhaite sans s’inscrire. Dès la page d’accueil du site vous pouvez cliquer sur un bouton pour créer votre premier poster. Vous allez ainsi pouvoir jongler avec les fonds, installer des images, insérer du texte, jouer avec les polices ( plus d’une centaine de typographies sont disponibles) pour obtenir le résultat souhaité.

Une fois finalisée vous pourrez télécharger votre création ou la partager par mail ou sur les réseaux sociaux. A la façon de Pinterest, vous pourrez suivre d’autres utilisateurs « liker » leurs créations et les commenter. Lien: Pixteller. Pixelmator. 6 Tools To Create Beautiful Image Quotes. If you’ve been using social media for a while, you’ve probably noticed the explosion of image quotes on platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr and Facebook.

6 Tools To Create Beautiful Image Quotes

Inspirational sayings and meaningful quotes about success, life, love etc have the uncanny ability to touch us in just a few words because they express what we all think, feel, hope, fear and desire in life. This is probably also why they tend to go viral. But in today’s fast-paced world, pictures, not just words, are becoming the new way to communicate. Besides the wisdom and the feel-good factor, I believe there are actually 3 important reasons why every business must add image quotes to their marketing mix.

Why You Should Create Image Quotes 1. Quote images are one of the easiest ways to add a visual element to your posts. 2. In other words, if you want to connect with your audience, you should “tell” less and “show” more. 3. How To Create Beautiful Image Quotes Top 6 Tools To Create Image Quotes #1. Flickr - Photo Sharing!