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Life of Pix Life Of Pix is a community who shares free high-resolution photos with no Copyrights restrictions. Photos are for personal & commercial use. We post new photographies every week ! All images are donated to the public domain by our community. Subscribe to our newsletter to get notifications. Register to Life of Pix Log in to Life of Pix Forgot your password ? Forgot your password? Add location One or more pictures were removed because they were too small Each picture needs to be at least 1MB in size. Maximum number of uploads reached. One or more pictures were removed because they were too big Each picture needs to be at most 25MB in size. Your picture details were saved. Upload your photos Upload more photos Or drag and drop your photos in this section We accept JPG format in high resolution, files between 1 Mo and 25 Mo. Add a location Type a tag and press Enter to add a tag Press backspace to remove a tag Generate tags Save this picture Uploading in progress . . . Life of Pix galleries Nature City

Banco de Imágenes: Fotos Libres de Derechos y Vectores - 123RF Images Libres De Droit Gratuites: La Liste Définitive Des Meilleurs Sites (2017) Une des choses les plus ennuyeuses quand on écrit un article est de trouver une image thématique. La dite image doit être de bonne qualité, expressive, attirante et elle doit aussi être unique. Il existe plusieurs moyen d’y arriver : Utiliser Photoshop (ou n’importe quel autre logiciel d’édition graphique)payer un infographisteacheter des images de qualité ou opter pour la solution utilisée par 99.99% des blogueurs : Utiliser Une image libre de droit. Le terme libre de droit permet d’utiliser des images et des photos sans demander la permission à leurs auteurs. Ce qui ne veut pas dire qu’on pourrait les utiliser n’importe comment et pour n’importe quel sujet. En fait, l’éthique y joue énormément. Pour acquérir une image libre de droit de bonne qualité et surtout thématique, l’idéal est de chercher dans ce qu’on appelle des banques d’images. Il en existe plusieurs qui proposent une multitude de photos classées par catégories. Et le plus beau, c’est que pour la plupart, c’est totalement gratuit !

Life Of Pix - Free Stock Photos & Images - Photography 24 Really Cool Photoshop Actions To Enhance Photography Photoshop actions are the best — they save time and make you more productive during post-processing. They can be used to speed up repetitive tasks, make quick work of time consuming edits, and give you a little creative inspiration. So here are 24 Really Cool Photoshop Actions To Enhance Your Photography These actions are not simple, filter-playing actions. The steps they take have been studied and thoroughly tested, making these actions true image enhancers. Download PROActions Bundle – Film & Special Effects → HDR legendary image actions work for any image size (doesn’t matter how large it is) Download HDR Legendary Image Action → So, here are 100 photo styles to quickly enhance your images. Download 100 Photo Styles → 90 Premium Actions Set is a pack of professional Photoshop actions perfect for photographers and graphic designers. Download 90 Premium Actions Set → Download Photograph to Sketch Art – Photoshop Action → Download PRO Actions – 30 Film Effect Styles → Typograph!

Art en alta ressolució Con frecuencia os recomendamos diferentes recursos relacionados con el mundo del arte. En esta ocasión os hablamos acerca de la iniciativa del Instituto de Arte de Chicago, que ha publicado una completa colección con imágenes de alta resolución de un gran número de obras de arte. En concreto, la institución ha recopilado miles de obras de arte de artistas de la talla de Picasso, Monet, van Gogh o El Greco, entre muchos otros. Una de las ventajas es que una gran parte de las obras mostradas son de dominio público, lo que significa que tenemos total libertad para utilizarlas. Es importante tener en cuenta que no sucede con todas, pero siempre podemos revisar los derechos de autor en la página de cada obra. La web nos permite aplicar diferentes filtros para localizar las obras de nuestros artistas favoritos, encontrar aquellas correspondientes a una fecha concreta o las enmarcadas dentro de un estilo determinado.

Snapseed - Aplicaciones en Google Play Snapseed es un completo editor de fotos profesional desarrollado por Google. • 29 herramientas y filtros, incluidos Quitamanchas, Pincel, Estructura, HDR y Perspectiva (consulta la lista a continuación) • Abre archivos JPG y RAW • Guarda tus diseños personales y aplícalos a nuevas fotos más adelante • Pincel de filtro selectivo • Todos los estilos pueden retocarse con un control detallado y preciso • Revelado de RAW: abre y retoca archivos RAW DNG y guárdalos de forma no destructiva o expórtalos como archivos JPG • Mejorar foto: ajusta la exposición y el color automáticamente o manualmente con un control detallado y preciso • Detalles: hace destacar de un modo mágico las estructuras de superficie en las imágenes • Recortar: recorta en tamaños estándar o personalizados • Girar: gira la imagen 90° o endereza un horizonte inclinado • Perspectiva: corrige líneas inclinadas y perfecciona la geometría de horizontes y edificios • Quitamanchas: quita al vecino inoportuno de tu fotografía de grupo

WikiMédia Commons Accueil Si vous parcourez Commons pour la première fois, vous pouvez commencer votre visite par les images remarquables, les images de qualité, les images de valeur ou les vidéos remarquables sélectionnées par la communauté. Vous pouvez également parcourir les galeries de nos contributeurs les plus doués : découvrez nos photographes et nos illustrateurs. Vous pourriez également être intéressé(e) par l’image de l’année.

raumrot: 681 FREE Hi-Res pictures for your personal and commercial projects. Outstanding Hi-Res Photos for FREE. CC BY / By: Markus Spiske Generic Photos 1. Foter Foter boasts having access to over 335 million stock photos within their database. 220 million of these photos are licensed under the Creative Commons. 2. Pixabay is a search engine that has access to over 1 million stock photos and growing. 3. StockSnap has a searchable collection of high-resolution photos that are not bound by copyrights. 4. Finda.Photo Free Stock Photos has a simple and clean search engine to find CC0 licensed stock photos. 5. Unsplash is a great source of high-quality artsy photos that are suitable for just about anything. 6. Flickr is known by mostly everyone and they have years of reputation as a photo-sharing website. 7. Just as the name implies, Free Images is a source of stock photos that are free to use for whatever project you have. 8. New Old Stock is a collection of antique photos (that are mostly in black in white) that may be used without licensing or attribution. 9. 10. Shopify and E-Commerce 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 1. 2. 3.

Free Grunge Textures Categories Colors Bookmark 7 Resources for Free Science Pictures | StressMarq Pictures are essential in making scientific research more accessible and memorable. Papers, posters, and presentations can all benefit from accurate, visually appealing diagrams. While graphs and micrographs are important figures, they are not always sufficient to illustrate pathways and mechanisms, or to captivate audiences. Servier Medical Art (SMArt) This is an excellent resource for anatomy, biology, and medical illustrations. Somersault 1824 Disclaimer: this resource not free, but rather “pay-what-you-can.” Public Health Image Library Digitally colorized scanning electron microscopic (SEM) image depicts a number of yellow colored, Yersinia pestis bacteria, that had gathered on the proventricular spines of a Xenopsylla cheopis flea. The Public Health Image Library (PHIL) is a database of images from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta, USA. Wikimedia commons Pixabay

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