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F | Most Popular. Tear of the black tiger] - NG. Secret Life. Russian freerunners (Erik Mukhametshin & Gisych Alexandr).avi. Der Conny ihr Pony. No Mas Presents: Dock Ellis & The LSD No-No by James Blagden. Alice in Wonderland or Who is Guy Debord? excerpt 2. Herman Dune "Tell Me Something I Don't Know" College humor. Untitled. How to create watermelon art - by Pacific Dawn crew. Fasching - Kostüm das Spaß macht. Le Flâneur (music by The XX) Father and Daugher HD. TWO DOGS DINING. Slow loris with a tiny umbrella. Dick und Doof - Lachen ist gesund. Watch Documentaries and Animated Films Online -

The Most Basic Form of Mind Control is Repetition. Documentary Heaven :: Food For Your Brain | Free Online Document. TARZAN (REMI GAILLARD) Witzig. Second Wind. Balance. A platform floats in a neutral space. Strange men, identical except for the numbers on their back, appearing as though out of some dystopian future, must work in concert to prevent the platform from tipping. The emergence of a strange box, a new development in this closed and sterile space, disrupts the tedium but also the teamwork, as each man wants to individually inspect and enjoy the box—threatening them all as the platform becomes increasingly unbalanced.

Directed by German brothers Wolfgang and Christoph Lauenstein, Balance is a remarkable piece of animation that has held up very well through the years. Winner of the Academy Award for Best Animated Short in 1989 , it has been featured in a few animation collections on video, including the now sadly out of print, “The World’s Greatest Animation”, where it headlined alongside another famous film we reviewed on this site, Nick Park’s Creature Comforts. What shines here instead is idea and execution. Add though a context. Short of the Week.

SIGNS. Johanna Blakley: Lessons from fashion's free culture | Video on. Shorts Bay - Life in Short Films. AT-AT day afternoon. Color Sticks In Fire Pit. Rescue Aid Society Theme - English.