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Undervisningsopplegg. Foreign Language Teaching Methods. About the Site Foreign Language Teaching Methods focuses on 12 different aspects of language teaching, each taught by a different expert instructor.

Foreign Language Teaching Methods

The site contains video footage from an actual methods course held at the University of Texas at Austin. This flexible resource is designed to be used by foreign language teachers as a component of a classroom methods course or as a stand-alone course for independent learners. “While I was taking this course, I was already changing what I was doing and I can already see the difference. ” The Franco-American WebSite ; intercultural ; tips for americans about France and Paris ; France and the French. Kladdeboka.wikispaces. Opplegg om årstidene, månedene etc Opplegg om skolen og skolehverdagen.


Smart om å starte timen i forhold til årstidene - du trenger bare programvaren, ikke tavla forklaring væ Været på fransk - oppgaver etc. Undervisningsopplegg i klokka med bruk av SMART-board. Du trenger ikke å bruke ei smartboardtavle for å gjennomføre oppleggene.