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Critical Thinking in Global Challenges. About the Course Critical thinking is the ability to gather and assess information and evidence in a balanced and reflective way to reach conclusions that are justified by reasoned argument based on the available evidence.

Critical Thinking in Global Challenges

Critical thinking is a key skill in the information age, valuable in all disciplines and professions. This introductory course will give you the opportunity to better understand what critical thinking is, and to practice and enhance your critical thinking skills. To do so, we will use the context of some important global challenges that affect us all, and to which we have no clear “correct” solutions: for example, the risk and spread of serious infectious diseases in epidemics in modern societies, the implications of increasing human population on global resources, energy, environment and climate, and the challenges of human health and wellbeing in the modern world. The Skeptics Guide to the Universe. Introduction to Argument Structure of a Logical Argument Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, our arguments all follow a certain basic structure.

The Skeptics Guide to the Universe

They begin with one or more premises, which are facts that the argument takes for granted as the starting point. Fallacies. Dr.


Michael C. Labossiere, the author of a Macintosh tutorial named Fallacy Tutorial Pro 3.0, has kindly agreed to allow the text of his work to appear on the Nizkor site, as a Nizkor Feature. It remains © Copyright 1995 Michael C. Labossiere, with distribution restrictions -- please see our copyright notice. If you have questions or comments about this work, please direct them both to the Nizkor webmasters ( and to Dr. 4.605x - A Global History of Architecture: Part 1. Articles by Alfie Kohn. Tioki — Be Seen. Be Heard. Be Connected. Complete List of Instructional Strategies. Fifth Grade Interactive Math Skills - Multiplication Division. Kulturoloģija. Gulbenes novada valsts ģimnāzijas skolotājas Ligitas Zitānes izveidotās prezentācijas kultūras vēstures un kulturoloģijas mācīšanai un apguvei.


Prezentācijās izmantots audiālais noformējums. Partners for Success at Duke University. Free Math, English programs, games, worksheets for grades K-8 - educational site. Graphic Organizers. Free Math Worksheets. Bouncy Balls - Bounce balls with your mouse or microphone. Educational Games – Free Online Learning Games for Kids.

Fraction Worksheets and Printables. Reclaiming Real Basic Skills. By Nakonia (Niki) Hayes Raise your hand if you know what "basic skills" mean in today's world of math education.

Reclaiming Real Basic Skills

What's the basis for your answer? Is it from personal experience as a student, comments made by a teacher or administrator, or media reports on the "math wars" between traditional and progressive educators? It's a safe bet that most folks will say "basic skills" mean "knowing how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide correctly. " Classroom Management Techniques in Middle School. Artist Research Book by Kara LiCausi. Math Journals - LOVING Them!!! I'm LOVING my math journals this year.

Math Journals - LOVING Them!!!

We've only done 3 entries so far, but I've had so much fun with each one. I'm going to use foldables a lot this year in our journals (the students are really enjoying this) - and have used two already. I know I've already posted some pics of our math journals, but I plan on doing one blog post each week about what we've included. And Sunday seems to be a great day to do this. Marilyn Burns: 10 Big Math Ideas. Everyone's favorite math guru shares the top 10 ways you can enhance your students' math learning, test scores, and skills Several years ago, Michael, one of my third graders, wrote this in his journal: "I never used to look forward to math.

Marilyn Burns: 10 Big Math Ideas

All we did was add and subtract. Now I like it more. We work together in class, and we still learn math but in a better way. " In a sense, Michael described the challenge we face as math teachers-to help students become flexible thinkers who are comfortable with all the content areas of mathematics and able to apply their learning to problem-solving situations. Writing in Mathematics. Featured Topic: Writing in Math Class Teachers incorporate writing in math class to help students reflect on their learning, deepen their understanding of important concepts by explaining and providing examples of those concepts, and make important connections to real-life applications of the math they are learning.

Writing in Mathematics

Teachers use the writing assignments to assess student understanding of important concepts, student proficiency in explaining and using those concepts and each student's attitude toward learning mathematics. Writing in mathematics is a win-win for both teacher and student. Although it may be difficult to introduce this practice, it is well worth the effort. Everything You Need to Know About Math Journals. What’s Here Math journaling is a great way to get insight into your students’ thoughts about math and their problem-solving strategies and a wonderful addition to ANY math program from grades K-12.

Everything You Need to Know About Math Journals

Jeanne Simpson - Math Journaling. Math Center and Math Station Resources. Whether you call them Math Centers or Math Stations, you'll find loads of resources on this page for implementing them.

Math Center and Math Station Resources

I use the terms interchangeably, and they are more of a concept than an actual location in the classroom. In fact, math stations are often nothing more than a packet of hands-on materials with a set of directions. If you think math stations have to include elaborate and cute display boards, stop right there! Sure, you can make them elaborate and cute if you enjoy doing so and have the time, but math stations can be simple and easy-to-implement, too. The methods described on this page work well with the "middle grades" of 2 through 6. Enjoy the featured math station resources on this page, including a free webinar recording that provides an overview of how to use math stations in the upper elementary classroom. Piktochart: Infographic and Presentation Tool for Non-Designers.

Resources - Learning, teaching and assessment. Fractions, decimals and percentages Builder Ted Ordering decimals including negatives at higher levels. Requires Adobe Shockwave. Saloon snap Play snap with equivalent fractions, percentages and decimals. Multiples, factors and primes Grid game. Learning - Maths: Learning resources and online courses. MIT Visualizing Cultures. App for the iPad, Hands-On Equations 1. (Now available for download at the App Store for $3.99) "Dr.

Borenson has devised an ingenious iPad application called Hands-On Equations that not only makes it exceptionally easy to learn algebra, but makes it fun too. " - Dr. Alex Davidovic, founder of Gifted Child Magazine and holder of the International Chess Master title Description Teach. Explore Lessons. Timeline Eons. Easily one of the most intelligent—if not the most intelligent—apps that I have ever encountered.

The historical context that this app is giving me is wild and non-stop... Jango Pearce - [Timeline Eons] gives the user a whirlwind tour of history allowing you to dip in and out of historic moments in time. The design is excellent and its very intuitive, it packs in large amounts of information however it's still very easy to use. It provides very innovative ways to navigate through the app unlike anything else I have ever seen... What You Owe Your Students. Responsive® Blog. Often students struggling with emotional behavioral disabilities are overwhelmed by and over-reactive to daily events that seem mundane to others.

They become easily stressed and frustrated, can feel... Layout 1 - TTDM_RC_approach_disc_partial.pdf. Audz_vjic_rik69.pdf. Madonas pilsētas 1.vidusskola. Skolēnu pašvērtējuma ietekme uz skolēnu mācīšanās motivāciju un zināšanu kvalitāti (pētnieciskās darbības turpinājums) 2009./2010.m.g. Darbs ietver ievadu, 5 nodaļas un nobeigumu, terminu skaidrojumu, izmantotās literatūras skaidrojumu un pielikumus (pētījumā izmantotas anketas). Dzīvojot strauju pārmaiņu laikā, Svarīgi, lai Latvijas jaunā paaudze sagatavotos dzīvei sarežģītajā mainīgās šodienas un rītdienas pasaulē. Layout 1 - ET5intro.pdf. ChildDevelGuide.PDF - ChildDevelGuide.pdf. Guardian Teacher Network. Find Masters in Europe: all MBA, MSc., MA, LLM, MPhil and other postgraduate programmes - -


STUFF: Educational Materials. 1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters. MA ePedagogy Design – Visual Knowledge Building. Education. The Faculty of Education is a multidisciplinary expert organisation for training, research and development in the field of education and teaching.