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Image processing. OpenGL. Fast Generation of Single-Solution Mazes. WPF. 10 programming languages that could shake up IT. Do we really need another programming language?

10 programming languages that could shake up IT

There is certainly no shortage of choices already. Between imperative languages, functional languages, object-oriented languages, dynamic languages, compiled languages, interpreted languages, and scripting languages, no developer could ever learn all of the options available today.

Android developement

DirectX. Translating mathematics into code: Examples in Java, Python, Haskell and Racket. Caution: Math has no side effects The fatal mistake newcomers make when translating math into code is using mutable data structures where only an immutable structure was correct.

Translating mathematics into code: Examples in Java, Python, Haskell and Racket

Mathematics has no side effects. Math cannot modify the value of a variable--either global or local. It cannot mutate an element in an array. And, a mathematical function always returns the same value for the same input. The literal rendering of mathematics into code cannot contain side effects. Mathematics is a purely functional language. Of course, once the constraints on an implementation are understood, it's usually possible to exchange immutable data structures for mutable ones in key places to achieve performance savings. Julia, I Love You. Declaring variables and functions — Tart v0.1.1 documentation. Variable Declarations In Tart, there are three keywords that are most often used to declare a named value: var, let, and def. var defines a mutable variable.let defines an immutable variable.def defines a function or property.

Declaring variables and functions — Tart v0.1.1 documentation

Nyquist (programming language) Nyquist is a programming language for sound synthesis and analysis based on the Lisp programming language.

Nyquist (programming language)

It is an extension of the XLISP dialect of Lisp. With Nyquist, the programmer designs musical instruments by combining functions, and can call upon these instruments and generate a sound just by typing a simple expression. The programmer can combine simple expressions into complex ones to create a whole composition, and can also generate various other kinds of musical and non-musical sounds. Tart - Tart is a strongly-typed general purpose programming language.


Go. LISP. Research in Programming Languages. Is there still research to be done in Programming Languages?

Research in Programming Languages

This essay touches both on the topic of programming languages and on the nature of research work. Audio-Gallery-Suite (A complete audio gallery solution made with HTML5/CSS3/Jquery-JS/C#) Synth. Patchwerk lets you control a massive analog synthesizer from your browser, and streams the results back to you and everyone connected.


The interface on this site is linked to a physical synth cabinet connected to the world's largest homemade modular synth, currently housed at the MIT Museum. Turn a knob here, and Patchwerk will turn a motorized knob on the cabinet. If someone at the Museum grabs a knob, you'll see it turn too. When you first connect, you'll be in OBSERVE mode, which means that you can hear the synth and see what the controllers are doing, but won't be able to activate the knobs or buttons yourself. To switch to CONTROL mode, enter your name in the box at right.


Java. Hacking Wifi Network Using Backtrack.Hack WiFi Network. Wifi. Wifi or Wireless Fidelity is the name of a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide wireless high-speed Internet and network connections (as if you didnt know..)

Hacking Wifi Network Using Backtrack.Hack WiFi Network. Wifi

,Wifi has become an integral part of our lives today. Wifi is secured using a WPA protocol which intends to secure Wireless LANs like Wired LAN’s by encrypting data over radio waves,however, it has been found that WEP is not as secure as once believed.Now almost anyone can hack into a Wifi network by generating the valid WEP key using Bactrack. Read on to learn how.. Step by step Guide to Crack WinRAR.

Hi folks, its been a long time since I have posted some thing technical, so I will be writing about the challenge I got at NIT KU, where I cracked WinRAR 3.80 using a disassembler and will tell you the same here.

Step by step Guide to Crack WinRAR

You can crack any version of WinRAR using this method and need not to pay for the registration fee and you can do this all by your self, easily. Furthermore, major software are cracked using the same way,but just get a bit complex in the methodology. This tutorial is intended for those who are new to cracking and disassembling. Disclaimer – By Reading this tutorial You agree that this tutorial is intended for educational purposes only and the author can not be held liable for any kind of damages done whatsoever to your machine, or damages caused by some other, creative application of this tutorial. In any case you disagree with the above statement, stop here. The Tools. Protovis. Protovis composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots.


Unlike low-level graphics libraries that quickly become tedious for visualization, Protovis defines marks through dynamic properties that encode data, allowing inheritance, scales and layouts to simplify construction. Protovis is free and open-source, provided under the BSD License. It uses JavaScript and SVG for web-native visualizations; no plugin required (though you will need a modern web browser)! How to Create a Visual Library of Images in HTML5 Canvas. As a user interface fan, I could not miss the opportunity to develop with HTML5 Canvas. It unlocks a whole new set of ways to visualize images and data on the web. In this tutorial, I’ll walk you through how to create one for your site. Application overview Tools.

CG Programming

Processing. HTML5. Ruby.