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Neighborhood Postcard Project. The Neighborhood Postcard Project is a worldwide participatory project that fosters community connection through storytelling exchange.

Neighborhood Postcard Project

Residents share personal positive stories about their neighborhood on a postcard and those postcards are delivered to random people in different neighborhoods within that same city to break down stereotypes and build community. The project began as the SF Postcard Project in April of 2013 in San Francisco. I was working on a project with youth in San Francisco’s Bayview neighborhood and they went out and talked to people in their neighborhood and asked them what they wanted to improve in Bayview. They heard about gang violence, unemployment, and drug use — but they finally came back and said that all they wanted to do was change other people’s perception of Bayview.

I found that extremely powerful. Since then, people all over the world have expressed interest in adopting the project in their community. Fremtiden starter i morgen. Speaker prep notes. Medium. Google Like a Boss! - Misc. Watch These 4 Girls Destroy The Female Stereotype Like The Monsters They Are. Ashton Kutcher Just Told A Bunch Of Teenagers How To Be Sexy, In The Smartest Way Ever.

Mi Petit Madrid * Vintage. Explore. Inventario de lugares únicos. Font. Collaborating with a 4-year Old. One day, while my daughter was happily distracted in her own marker drawings, I decided to risk pulling out a new sketchbook I had special ordered.

Collaborating with a 4-year Old

It had dark paper, and was perfect for adding highlights to. I had only drawn a little in it, and was anxious to try it again, but knowing our daughter’s love of art supplies, it meant that if I wasn’t sly enough, I might have to share. (Note: I’m all about kid’s crafts, but when it comes to my own art projects, I don’t like to share.) Since she was engrossed in her own project, I thought I might be able to pull it off. Ahhh, I should’ve known better. Oh no she didn’t! Not surprisingly, I LOVED what she drew. Soon, she began flipping through my sketchbook, looking for more heads. Sometimes I would give her suggestions, like “maybe she could have a dragon body!” 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands. 9 Ways to Keep You Fresh, Inspired and Creative. Explore. The 30 Happiest Facts Of All Time. The 100 Rules for Being an Entrepreneur Altucher Confidential.

If you Google “entrepreneur” you get a lot of mindless cliches like “Think Big!”

The 100 Rules for Being an Entrepreneur Altucher Confidential

For me, being an “entrepreneur” doesn’t mean starting the next “Facebook”. Or even starting any business at all. It means finding the challenges you have in your life, and determining creative ways to overcome those challenges… I believe that creating multiple income streams is important for everyone. However, in this post I focus mostly on the issues that come up when you first start an actual company. These rules also apply if you are taking an entrepreneurial stance within a much larger company (which all employees should do). Just as good to be an “entreployee” as an “entrepreneur”. For me, I’ve started several businesses. Maybe 17 have failed out of 20. I’m invested in about 28 private companies. Storify · Make the web tell a story. Laughing Squid.

MÁRGENES / Cine Español Online - Home. Leafcutter Designs - World's Smallest Post Service. How Game of Thrones would look set in the 1990s. So Mike Wrobel, a pretty kick-ass graphic designer from France, unleashed something awesome on the internet: Game of Thrones characters redesigned as 80s rockstars, 90s tomboys and high-school jocks.

How Game of Thrones would look set in the 1990s

It's like watching an episode of Saved by the Bell, with the occasional dragon roaming past the lockers, skateboard clutching punks and chirpy cheerleaders. Plus the make-out scenes would probably be a little steamier... Scroll down to see your favourite characters in fashion's most colourful decades. Sign up for a month's free LOVEFiLM trial to watch all your favourite films and TV shows for free. Plus, you can get your hands on a free £20 voucher to spend at Topshop or Topman. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Humans of New York. Meg Jay: Why 30 is not the new 20. Inventario de lugares únicos. 13 Ways to be Happier. Without realising it, many of our thought habits get in the way of our happiness and cause us to get stuck into negative patterns of thinking.

13 Ways to be Happier

Below we will look at 13 ways we can rewire our thoughts and minds into allowing ourselves to feel the happiness that we deserve, freeing us to live, love and be happy. We will look at how we can liberate ourselves from those thoughts and mental habits that hold us back and hold us down, we will look forward to a better, happier and more positive new us. Follow this advice and not only will you feel better but those around you will too, after all, only a lit candle can light other candles. 1. Let go of your complaining Throughout the day we could potentially find countless things to complain about, the weather, the traffic, the service we got at a restaurant but how does this constant whinging make things any better for us?