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Clean and organized

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Mason Jar Herb Garden. 7 Secrets of the Super Organized. A few years ago, my life was a mess.

7 Secrets of the Super Organized

So was my house, my desk, my mind. Then I learned, one by one, a few habits that got me completely organized. Am I perfect? Of course not, and I don’t aim to be. But I know where everything is, I know what I need to do today, I don’t forget things most of the time, and my house is uncluttered and relatively clean (well, as clean as you can get when you have toddlers and big kids running around). So what’s the secret? Are these obvious principles? If your life is a mess, like mine was, I don’t recommend trying to get organized all in one shot. So here are the 7 habits: Reduce before organizing. If you take your closet full of 100 things and throw out all but the 10 things you love and use, now you don’t need a fancy closet organizer. How to reduce: take everything out of a closet or drawer or other container (including your schedule), clean it out, and only put back those items you truly love and really use on a regular basis. 52 Weeks. 52 Weeks of Organizing was a series I ran each week in 2011.

52 Weeks

I’m leaving it up and accessible for anyone wanting to follow along at their own pace in the future. All the posts related to this series are listed below for your convenience. I’d like to challenge you to create a list of 52 organizing projects or habits that need to be done or developed around your home…dressers, drawers, closet, toys, paper, you name it. Having a plan is a great first step! Tackle one a week or more.

Looking for a place to start? If you’d like I’ve created a simple sheet to help you keep track of your 52 projects. 52 weeks of organizing checklist After all, organizing isn’t a means to an end, it’s an ongoing process that involves all sorts of habits, disciplines and maintenance. 52 Weeks: Introduction Week #1 Where will you start? While some of the weeks above provide practical organizing tasks, the majority of the tasks were intentionally created to teach basic organizing skills. {31 days to an organized home} Day One: Organizing with Purpose. I organize my home because I believe that when we clear out the things that don't matter, we make room for the things that do.

{31 days to an organized home} Day One: Organizing with Purpose

Because our hearts and minds can only take so much chaos. And life has enough chaos of its own. Because we need a daily refuge from the clutter and the noise and the blaring messages that wait on our doorstep. Because an uncluttered space creates an environment where we can learn and explore. 50 Ways to Make Your Home More Organized, More Attractive, and More Efficient. The modern home is far bigger than the home of just 30 years ago – and far more cluttered!

50 Ways to Make Your Home More Organized, More Attractive, and More Efficient

How can that happen? Basically, our demand for stuff is outstripping our ability to buy space – no wonder self-storage is one of the leading growth industries in the United States. Questions about runaway consumerism aside, what all this excess stuff means for most of us is more time spent maintaining our living spaces to keep some semblance of order in our lives. Most of us don’t want to spend our evenings and weekends – and more for work-at-home types – knee-deep in clutter, never sure where anything is, and constantly stepping over all those things that, for one reason or another, we just had to have.

We fight a constant battle against clutter around Chez Dustin. That’s why I asked you, our readers, to share some of your tips in one of the contests in the Great Big Summer Giveaway. General Household Tips Hide a cluttered bookshelf with a spring-loaded curtain rod and a set of curtains. Kitchen Cabinet Organizers - Ways to Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets. Simple and efficient kitchen cabinet organizers make your life easier by providing some built-in organization to kitchen cabinets.

Kitchen Cabinet Organizers - Ways to Organize Your Kitchen Cabinets

They will assist you in grouping like items together (one of the basic goals of organizing anything), and make things easier to see and reach. However, don't go overboard: simple and efficient also means streamlined. The trick is to add in helpful items, not add in more "stuff" just for the sake of organization. Test these products, mix and match and decide which make your life easier and which just take up space. 7. Photo / The Container Store Also called a cabinet dolly or a Lazy Susan, these allow you to store small objects and view them without having to take your entire spice collection out of the cabinet to find the cumin.

Spices Condiments Oils and vinegars The double stainless steel turntable, pictured left, is available at the Container Store. 6. Photo /The Container Store 5. Photo / Brylane Home. Cleaning Tips & Advice, Stain Removal, Tricks & Hints - Channel4 - 4Homes. CLEAN MAMA. Unclutterer: Daily tips on how to organize your home and office.