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17 Ways To Immediately Improve Your Website Traffic. Join us live at Entrepreneur's Accelerate Your Business event series in Chicago or Denver. Secure your spot » As entrepreneurs we can often feel like the deck is stacked against us when it comes to the digital world. We don’t have the same budgets as our massive competitors, nor do we have the army of marketers that they can employ. So how can a small- or medium-sized business, against overwhelming odds, carve out its piece of the market? The tips below will show you how. 1. Facebook is a great promotion tool whether you’re in the B2B or B2C industry. 2. Staying with Facebook, you can also give that email list of yours a second life. Related: 4 Ways to Successfully Link Build to Increase Website Traffic 3. Twitter remarketing works in almost the exact same way as Facebook remarketing. 4. Just like Facebook, you can target Twitter users on their mobile devices by uploading their emails into Twitter. 5.

Twitter Cards is a great tool to drive traffic to your site. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Franchise Tour. 6 Cash Flow Essentials for Your Startup. Managing cash collections probably wasn’t what drew you to entrepreneurship in the first place, but it’s a crucial part of running a business. At the end of the day, no business can sustain itself without cash -- this is especially true for a bootstrapped startup. Eighty-two percent of businesses are forced to close their doors due to inadequate cash management. While that statistic might be alarming, you can save your startup from this fate by restructuring your cash collections to work for you rather than against you. In an ideal world, you receive payments for the actual value of the services you provide during a specific time period. This is called cash basis accounting, and it offers a clear view of the amount of resources you’re expending and the corresponding cash flow.

Therefore, you can focus on renewal marketing once a year as opposed to every week or month. However, most startups use accrual accounting -- recognizing revenue when it’s earned rather than when payment occurs. 1. 1418245093-how-make-first-ecommerce-sale-infographic. 7 Basic Social-Media Tips to Set Your Marketing Right. When it comes to marketing your brand online, if you’re not on social media -- and doing it right -- you’re missing a huge opportunity.

That said, busy entrepreneurs and other professionals often have a difficult time navigating the quickly growing world of social media. Fortunately, we’re here to your rescue. Here are some helpful tips to get you off on the right foot. 1. Just as there are recipes for favorite foods, there are formulas for effective posts, tweets and #latergrams -- depending on the social site. 2. Business is, ultimately, all about connections -- and not just the professional networking kind. 3. Before you can capitalize on what’s going right, understand what you’re doing wrong. 4. Believe it or not (and why not, really?) 5. At the beginning, the next big thing is just some new thing that nobody’s paying much attention to. 6. The New Year is almost upon us, and that means new strategies where social media is concerned. 7. 5 Ways to Leverage Your Social-Media Following to Close Sales. Like all savvy business owners, you’ve invested significant resources into building up a social network you are proud of.

You’ve got a wide fan base, enough “likes” and “followers” to make you feel validated, and have begun to generate engagement among your consumers. You’re on every major platform and a few of the newer, more experimental ones. You’ve seen and done it all - now you simply have to sit back and relax, right? While the benefits of having an extensive online social presence are numerous, many businesses – particularly small businesses – are not utilizing their networks to their fullest potential.

Social media is about public relations, yes, and there is long-term value in keeping an open dialogue with your customers. But there can also be intrinsic value in your social network – opportunities to make money that you might be missing. Here are five simple, low-cost ways you can generate sales directly from your social network. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5 Things You Must Do to Successfully Launch a Business.

The effort required to launch a new venture can seem daunting. Of course, specifics vary based on the type of business you're establishing; manufacturers face unique challenges, as do retailers and consulting firms. But once you have your concept and your finances in line, there are some basics that are universal. We talked with business owners, consultants and professors to boil down the bare necessities of getting a startup off the ground into a handful of manageable steps. Apply these fundamentals to your own industry, and you'll be ready to tackle the specifics of creating your successful business. 1.

Validate your idea. Einas Ibrahim, founder of Talem Advisory, a New York City startup consultancy, says the biggest mistake she sees new entrepreneurs make is starting to work on a business idea before confirming that there is market demand. "Don't work on the business until you've validated the idea," Ibrahim says. 2. Even the best business plans go awry. Image credit: Jesse Dittmar 3. The 10 Key Legal Documents for Your Business. Documents play an essential role in protecting the interests of the business and business owners over the course of a company’s lifetime. Here is a list of the 10 most common legal documents to help you determine what your business needs. 1. Company bylaws for corporations. Most states require corporations to keep a written record of bylaws, although you don’t need to file the document with a state office.

Related: The Legal Ins and Outs of Forming a Partnership 2. Your minutes should be detailed enough to serve as your corporation’s “institutional memory.” 3. 4. Related: Rocket Lawyer: Cutting Out Small Business Attorneys' Fees 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. In most cases, you don’t need to create any of these documents from scratch. Related: Using the Web to Get Legal Information.

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Maker Shop. Entrepreneurship. Guide Through Entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship Corner: Stanford University's free podcasts and video clips of entrepreneurial thought leaders and innovators from Silicon Valley. 18 Cool Inventions From the Past. The time between the wars – the Great War and WW2 was one of great loss and uncertainty, but also one of invention, creativity and new ideas. The horrors of WWI shattered enlightenment belief that progress would continue and reason would prevail. New ideas and patterns of life developed in the 1920′s and in the way that people looked at the world [1]. The fast pace of technology change in the 20′s brought us the lie detector, traffic signal, bubble gum and Penicillin.

An all-electronic moving-image television system somewhat similar to that used today was invented and demonstrated in 1929 [2]. The 30′s were not less invention-intensive bringing us the jet engine, helicopter, tea bags, sticky tape, ballpoint pen and the first photocopier [3]. However, somewhere between these great world-changing inventions there were some fun and sometimes even hilarious inventions the world has forgotten. Bike Tyre Used As Swimming Aid (Germany, 1925) One Wheel Motorcycle (1931) Radio Pram (USA, 1921) Business Model Canvas Explained.

Biz Model Canvas.