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What Jim Carrey Explains In 1 Minute Will Change Your Life Forever. Seriously. Tag Archive for "Military" - THE EDGE OBSERVER. The Police III and Police EVO are the latest multi-tool offerings from Extrema Ratio Knives. Extrema Ratio has made a name in the consumer market making well built tools with recognizable, stylish designs. They also collaborate with, and supply divisions of the Italian military and police force. Their largest folder, the R.A.O. is probably the most well known of these models. The Police III and EVO, as the name may imply also fall into this category.

(left) Police EVO (right) Police III Extrema tends to generate iterations of their folding knife designs, classified in categories such as BF (Basic Folders), MF (Medium Folders), Heavy and Heaviest. The Police III and EVO fill a gap in the line-up for a larger Swiss Army Knife like tool. Both the III and EVO have four main tools : a marlin spike, emergency rescue cutter, carbide tungsten glass breaker and a blade. The Blades are made from Böhler N690co and measure 3.45” (87 mm ) in length. The pattern on the EVO is a sheep’s foot profile. Survival Skills | Survival Life on Pinterest.

Insect queen. Witch body armor is right for me. Cosleeping and Biological Imperatives: Why Human Babies Do Not and Should Not Sleep Alone. By James J. McKenna Ph.D. Edmund P. Joyce C.S.C. Chair in Anthropology Director, Mother-Baby Behavioral Sleep Laboratory University of Notre Dame Author of Sleeping with Your Baby: A Parent’s Guide to Cosleeping Where a baby sleeps is not as simple as current medical discourse and recommendations against cosleeping in some western societies want it to be. And there is good reason why. Definitions are important here. Unfortunately, the terms cosleeping, bedsharing and a well-known dangerous form of cosleeping, couch or sofa cosleeping, are mostly used interchangeably by medical authorities, even though these terms need to be kept separate.

Bedsharing is another form of cosleeping which can be made either safe or unsafe, but it is not intrinsically one nor the other. Nothing can be further from the truth. When done safely, mother-infant cosleeping saves infants lives and contributes to infant and maternal health and well being. Research Understanding Recommendations Like this: The French are right: tear up public debt – most of it is illegitimate anyway | Razmig Keucheyan. As history has shown, France is capable of the best and the worst, and often in short periods of time. On the day following Marine Le Pen's Front National victory in the European elections, however, France made a decisive contribution to the reinvention of a radical politics for the 21st century.

On that day, the committee for a citizen's audit on the public debt issued a 30-page report on French public debt, its origins and evolution in the past decades. The report was written by a group of experts in public finances under the coordination of Michel Husson, one of France's finest critical economists. Its conclusion is straightforward: 60% of French public debt is illegitimate. Anyone who has read a newspaper in recent years knows how important debt is to contemporary politics. As David Graeber among others has shown, we live in debtocracies, not democracies. The audit is part of a wider movement of popular debt audits in more than 18 countries. This is plain false. Love Hurts: A Kit to Survive any Heartbreak by Melanie Chernock. We’ve all had our fair share of heartbreaks throughout our lives and there’s nothing better than those tried-and-true items we take comfort in during those painful times. Melanie Chernock set out to make a first aid kit that combined all the things to help mend a broken heart and she calls it Love Hurts .

The kit definitely brings in a bit of humor because frankly, we all need to laugh through the pain, am I right? The essentials included are: dark chocolate, vodka, a candle with matches, bubble bath, candy hearts with choice words, a mix CD, and if all else fails, a pack of tissues. All the items come neatly contained in a compact kit. Calvin & Hobbes' creator has been secretly drawing this comic strip! Flug Stuttgart (STR) - San Francisco (SFO) : billige Flüge buchen. 27 Photos That Demonstrate The Power Of Makeup. #5 Is Unreal. Snow cat for sale - Google-Suche. Photo to Pencil Drawing Converter - Turn your photos into pencil drawings online for free. It's the most powerful and configurable software ever created to transform a photo or any kind of picture in an amazing artistic colorful drawing.

By using this online software, you can generate very realistic drawings like the ones made by the best professional artists. Changing the interface parameters, you can get several kinds of strokes, pressures, blends and colors, so it's possible to produce kinds of art made by using different drawing techniques and different medias. The example images shown below exemplify some of the many different drawing styles you can create. the drawings below are just samples. They don't show all types of art that can be generated from a photo or figure by using the software. if your result is not as good as you expected, probably it's caused by the color distribution of the input image. Original photo : Beasts Battle. Victoria's Secret Sport - Women's Sportswear, Sports Bras & Workout Pants. Top 100 First Names in East Europe & statistics. Horrible Hounds of the UK. Bad-Ass Workout of the Week: Survival of the Strongest. Real-life Hunger Games: Two young men held for setting up deadly spiked booby traps on popular Utah hiking trail 'for fun'

Two men have been arrested for placing potentially deadly booby traps on a popular Utah hiking trail. Police say Benjamin Steven Rutkowski, 19, and Kai Matthew Christensen, 21, of Provo, confessed to setting trip wires that could send a 20lb ball of spiked branches into a person's head, or trip a passer-by into a bed of wooden stakes. The traps were discovered along the Big Springs trail in Provo Canyon last Saturday by a military-trained officer on foot patrol - before anyone was hurt. Local Fox News 13 reports U.S. Forest Service officer James Schoeffler was doing a routine foot patrol of the South Fork Canyon when he spotted the traps outside a building used by families and young hikers, called The Fort. The crude traps were designed to activate when a person entered the shelter. When tripped, one of the traps released a ball of wooden spikes tied to a rock with rope swinging from a tree. The Largest Vocabulary in Hip hop.

Legs knees together - Google-Suche. These 29 Pictures Will Convince You That This Can Happen Only In India. |LikedSharing.It – Best Social and Viral Content. India is a country that leaves one spellbound with its alluring contrasts and striking features. Here are some amazing pictures which will convince you that such things can happen only in India. Brick Walled That’s the new Flyover! Beware!! Love for the Dog Interesting Car? Jolly Ride.. Innovative use of ToothBrush Don’t mess. Just another day in India! Wants a Ride!! You complain about Work Stress? That’s a very Strong Bike!! She’s scared! That’s the berth! Watching TV in the pool Going Strong I got an AC! Poor Kids That’s an Auto Rickshaw? That’s engineering my friend! This isn’t crowded. Happy Go Lucky! That’s how you protect! That’s an important lesson I always get my chair! FaceBook Temple Facebook would not be interested in buying this! Goddess at work! That’s how Goverment Works Hope you had a good laugh..

Facebook. Gigahoes: A Future Mockumentary by Adam Lash. Update: The Gigahoes team was interviewed by the hilarious Ethan T. Berlin (he's written for Totally Biased, Superjail! , Bunk and many others) for his new Kickstarter podcast. Take a listen as Kevin, KL, and myself talk a little more in depth about the project and some of the things we have in store. (Jump to 22:20 for the Gigahoes section) Sex-bots have been talked about and featured in other shows and movies about robots, but they’ve never been explored, and never as a comedy. Each episode is about 8 mins long and follows A.I.’s sex-bots out on their calls with their eccentric clients and the sexual hilarity that ensues. Goals We believe that we can shoot and produce all 12 episodes for $5000. Our goal is shoot the series this spring/summer, with a weekly release schedule this fall. The Team Writers: Adam Lash & Kevin Gilligan - Adam and Kevin are both comedy nerds and just straight up nerds. / @theadamlash The Cast.

Thrilling Adventure Hour: The Graphic Novel... And Beyond! by The Thrilling Adventure Hour. We put together words for a living, but right now we are completely speechless. All we can say is thank you. Thank you for giving us the means to realize these goals that we've held for a long, long time. We are flattered and grateful that you like our show. All that remains is to point you in the direction of a couple of rewards that you, as fans, will appreciate. The CONCERT FILM DVD which is being offered here is an EXCLUSIVE, SPECIAL EDITION version and will only be available via Kickstarter.

The DVD will include as many bonus features as we can pack in, such as behind-the-scenes featurettes, podcasts, even original content made possible by this very Kickstarter campaign, the web-series, and MORE. The show itself is scheduled for Fall 2013. Easy reward navigation! In March 2005, we gathered a group of friends together to produce a stage play in the style of old-time radio called THE THRILLING ADVENTURE HOUR. Beyond Belief: Frank and Sadie Doyle are fast-talking married mediums. Afterlife Inc. – The Book of Life by Jon Lock.

“…a hell of a lot of fun to read and filled not only with fun ideas, but extremely creative ways of telling stories. " AIN’T IT COOL NEWS “Afterlife Inc. remains one of the most consistently imaginative, fun books on the market.” Alasdair Stuart, SFX MAGAZINE For con-artist Jack Fortune, death was just another step up the corporate ladder. As CEO of the newly modernised Afterlife Inc. Jack must now balance Big Business with the demands of his undead customers and the occasional threat from beyond time and space. “Afterlife Inc. Hi guys, Jon Lock here, writer and creator of Afterlife Inc. With the completion of this first trilogy of books, Afterlife Inc. has reached a major landmark; one I could scarcely have imagined when I started down this road. The Book of Life charts the entire Afterlife Inc. story to date over 376 super-sized, full colour pages. At nearly 400 pages (and weighing in at just under 2 kilograms!)

The Book of Life will eventually retail at £40. Thanks for the time, gang. Paneer (Ricotta) Pound Cake. Despite the number of cakes there are on my blog, I’m not really very fond of cakes. They’re eaten mostly by my family and friends who are always ready to eat cake. I avoid frosted cakes as I do not like buttercream, and though I love chocolate, I’m not overly fond of chocolate cakes. If I must eat cake, then I prefer plain vanilla or lightly citrus flavoured cakes. For someone who isn’t very fond of cakes, it’s rather odd that a pound cake has been on my mind for a long time now.

There’s something irresistible about the pale yellow, light, moist looking crumb and golden brown crust of that cake. The pound cake gets its name from the fact that a pound each of sugar, flour, butter and eggs go into making it. Now that’s a little too much butter and eggs for me. That beautiful cake, however, just brought back my pound cake obsession. All the recipes I came across seemed to need a minimum of 1 1/2 sticks of butter. Paneer (Ricotta) Pound Cake Ingredients: 3/4 cup cake flour 60 gm salted butter.

Code of Abs Workout. Mr. Putin Plug by Mstyle183 on Shapeways. You can now PRE-Order the PINK Skin Safe silicone Putin Butt plug at This is the Second of my political oriented figurines. As many of you guys know Russia is bringing an all out war against the civil right of Gay people in Russia. Leading the charge is Mr. Putin and his homophobic leadership. I wanted to ridicule Mr. (This model can only be 3d printed in sandstone color print. If you think Mr. I originally made this to bring attention to what is happening in Russia.. Amazing Oasis: Here Are 30 Relatively Simple Things That Will Make Your Home Extremely Awesome. If you want to make your home more efficient (and look better while you’re at it), you don’t necessarily have to break the bank.

Sometimes, the simplest changes can make a world of difference. Take these 30 simple home improvement ideas, for example. You wouldn’t think that moving your outlets or adding an end table could change the flow and cool factor of your house, but it can. And if you follow these tips, it will! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Share this list with others! Source: Amazing Oasis: Here Are 30 Relatively Simple Things That Will Make Your Home Extremely Awesome. Beim Popeln erwischt! So hast du Superhelden noch nie gesehen. The Gaslamp Killer - Nissim (with Amir Yaghmai)

"Wer liefert was" Germany - the Supplier Search. <p>Um alle Funktionen der Lieferantensuchmaschine „Wer liefert was“ für die Suche nach passenden Anbietern für Ihr Business (also Herstellern, Dienstleister, Großhändlern und Händler) nutzen zu können, aktivieren Sie bitte Javascript oder verwenden Sie einen Browser, der Javascript unterstützt. </p><p>Weitere Informationen zu Onlinewerbung im B-to-B, Keywordadvertising (SEA/SEM) sowie einem Firmeneintrag bei Deutschlands führender Lieferantensuchmaschine finden Sie über die unten stehenden Links. </p> Häufige Suchen Branchen im Fokus wlw-news VorteileKampagneFokusbranchenKarrierebereich Messtechnik & Analysetechnik Hygrometer, Datenlogger, Sensoren, Temperaturfühler, Manometer Informationstechnik & Kommunikationstechnik Sprechanlagen, Kundenkarten, Netzwerktechnik, EDV-Service, Entwicklung von Software Automatisierungstechnik & Prozesstechnik Verfahrenstechnik, Automatisierungstechnik, Druckregler, CNC-Steuerungen, Steuerungstechnik Elektrotechnik & Elektronik Bau Industriebedarf Antriebstechnik Büro.

Haddaway - What is Love? - Music box version dedicated to Abba G. Right angle three gear change. JOBBÖRSE - Stellenangebot. A Sunstone Villa Engagement Session, Annie + Tad - KT Merry Photography | Destination Weddings Worldwide. Lodi, San Joaquin County, California land for sale - 12.5 acres at LandWatch. Urban exploration: Hasard collieries, Cheratte. Photo of the mine shaft number 1, depth 170m, dating from 1907. The building of these collieries began in 1860. Closed in 1977, the coal mine in Cheratte belonging to 'Les Charbonnages du Hasard' still retained 600 miners, but during the production peaks this number was over 1500. It was the first coal exploitation electrically powered in Belgium. Thirty years later, the site is still here, right in the middle of the small town of Cheratte. Remains go from the miner safety helmet and gas mask to the workforce archives. The site itself is composed of nice medieval-like buildings.

Lachlan patterson. Costaki Economopoulos. #15 What if we change - Perennial Paradise - Zaytuna Farm. #15 What if we change - Perennial Paradise - Zaytuna Farm. Grand Designs S09 E13 The Woodsmans Cottage: 2nd Revisited SD ( Standard Definition ) Extraordinary Toroidal Vortices. Taylor Couette Flow - High Viscosity Liquid. Princeton invention delivers 3D sound from ordinary laptop speakers.
