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Pokémon GO

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Pokemon Go, lärares iver och barns lärande | Håkan Fleischer. Häromdagen fick jag en fråga på Facebook: Vad tycker du om Pokemon Go? I undertexten till frågan kunde anas att frågan ställdes ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv. Pokemon Go har blivit otroligt populärt på kort tid. Kort sagt kan sägas att det handlar om en digital skattjakt (samla pokemons) som använder sig av augmented reality. Målet är att samla virtuellt utplacerade pokemons helt enkelt. En bra genomgång av hur Pokemon Go fungerar finner du här. Media har så klart blivit tokiga kring detta. Pokemon Go och undervisning Samtidigt kan man ana att ett gäng i skolsverige naturligtvis vill slänga sig över Pokemon Go. När det gäller nätbaserade flugor är det dock samma sanning som alltid som gäller: Det är kunskapskraven i läroplanerna som skall styra verksamheten.

Skolan har dubbla uppdrag – att verka fostrande och att utbilda i enlighet med läroplanernas innehåll. Liknande slutsatser har dragits av andra, bland annat Malin Siwe i Expressen. Pokemon Go – nya skäl för mobilförbud? Pokémon GO – JL Skolutveckling. Pokémon GO kombinerar känslan av skattjakt med klassiska gamificationelement som att levla upp, att försöka få sin samling (Pokémons) komplett (habegäret när man kan få en unik Pokémon…) och att hela tiden få belöningar för olika delmål. Spelet kommer garanterat att få en väldigt stor del av de ungdomar som suttit stilla och spelat dataspel att ge sig ut och röra på sig, vilket är precis vad de vuxna önskat, men oftast inte lyckats med.

I lördags (16 juni) släpptes spelet till den svenska marknaden (tillsammans med ca 25 andra länder). Tyvärr innebar det överbelastning för servrarna och spelet låg nere ett antal timmar under eftermiddagen i går. Jag kommer att dela upp texten i 3 delar, del 1 för föräldrar, lärare och andra som vill få en kort inblick i vad Pokémon GO är (och det kommer de flesta föräldrar och lärare att behöva veta!) Del Pokémon GO är en app till mobiltelefon (finns både för iPhone och Androidtelefoner) som har blivit en dundersuccé i de länder där den släppts.

Del Ägg Lag. Pokémon Go Database. Ways To Use Pokemon Go In The Classroom | Teaching Ideas. Pokemon Go is an AR (augmented reality) game in which you explore the real world and use a mobile app to 'catch' hidden Pokemon creatures. These appear on your map and can be collected, trained, evolved and also used in battles. The game can be used as the starting point for learning in many different subjects. Many of the activities below can be completed in the classroom after a fun-filled session of catching Pokemon outdoors (although this isn't essential). If you have any other ideas, please leave a comment at the bottom of the page. Thanks! English Create a set of instructions to teach people how to play Pokemon Go.Write a review of the game. Maths Calculate how far you have travelled during your Pokemon catching sessions.Use the game to discuss position and direction, e.g. in which direction is the nearest Pokestop? SaveSave Science Choose a Pokemon and write a report about it.

Computing Create a video tutorial that teaches people how to play the game. Design Technology Art Music Geography. Pokémon Go guide, best tips and tricks. Be smart about the way you incubate eggs As well as finding Pokemon out in the wild, you can also collect eggs from PokéStop interactions. Once you have collected an egg, jump into your Pokémon collection screen, and then select the tab on the upper right to access them.

You start the game with an incubator that you can use as many times as you like, and also find and purchase additional one-time incubators so you can have multiple eggs brewing at once. Tip: it pays to be smart about where you put your eggs; placing longer-lasting 10km eggs in the finite supply will make them last longer, since they're based on the number of uses, not distance used. Pokémon Go - Egg chart, Incubators, and hatching 2km, 5km and 10km eggsWhat to expect to hatch after putting in those miles. Can you use fool the game with public transport to hatch eggs and find Pokémon? You can get a starter other than Charmander, Bulbasaur and Squirtle There's a science to finding Pokémon out in the world Is Pokémon Go down?

Pokémon Go: Best Pokémon with the strongest Attack, Defense and HP stats revealed. By Matthew Reynolds Published 21/07/2016 Now you've settled into the game and mastered how to find and catch Pokémon, you'll want to get into taking over Gyms for your chosen team, and the best way to do that is by forming the best and most strongest Pokémon possible. Players have recently discovered that hidden stats mirror those of the original game, giving us insight into how Pokémon rank according to Attack, Defense, Stamina (or HP / hit points). This is helpful if you want to craft a team with different strengths and weaknesses, but with these elements combined together, we also know the best overall Pokémon in Pokémon Go. Once you have settled on which Pokémon to target, then be sure to read our Pokémon Go CP calculations guide to squeeze out the best possible stats from each capture, so you know which specific creatures to train as you go, and our Pokémon Go guide, tips and tricks page to pick up a few pointers you might not know.

Best Pokémon by Attack stat in Pokémon Go. Pokémon Go - How to evolve Pokémon, when to Power Up and get free Candy. By Matthew Reynolds Published 17/07/2016 Once you have started collecting enough Pokémon, you'll want to turn your attention to evolve and strengthening them to discover new creatures and make them powerful enough to defend and capture Gyms. Here's how the evolution process works, and what you should be paying attention to. How to evolve Pokémon Powering up and evolving Pokémon require items known as Stardust and Candy. In short, the more Pokémon of one type you catch, the more Candy you get to power up and evolve that species in its family, so it's well worth catching those low level Pidgeys to get Candy for that eventual Pidgeon evolution.

When is the best time to evolve and Power Up Pokemon? As you play and collect Pokemon, you'll discover that not every capture has the same CP level. When it comes to increasing the CP of a Pokemon, there are a few important takeaways: As well as CP, you'll also notice a Pokemon also has other stats, such as its weight and height. Pokémon Go eggs: How to collect and hatch eggs in incubators to get the best rare Pokémon in Pokémon Go | WIRED UK. Part of the thrill of Pokémon Go is never knowing what might be lurking around the corner.

Hanging around canals hoping a Lapras will rear its mythical head, doing a few more laps of the local Pokéstops in the hope of stumbling across a Scyther – the fun is endless. But wandering around aimlessly will lead only to disappointment. And Rattatas. So many Rattatas. Of course, you catch them anyway because you really can't say no to that extra stardust, but you'll never master your local gym with a Raticate. To get your hands on the really rare Pokémon, you need to hatch eggs. Thankfully some kind soul over at has created a chart that tells players exactly how far they'll need to walk to hatch the rarest Pokémon. Credit The Pokémon Company / Niantic, Inc How to get eggs in Pokémon Go Eggs are available from Pokéstops and these are depicted on the app's map as blue cubes. Eggs may also be awarded to you when you level up. How to hatch an egg How to hatch eggs faster Lapras Snorlax Jynx.

Superbra tips to prepare you for gyms | Technology. Two weeks in, Pokémon Go fever continues, but as new players join it’s getting difficult to compete in gyms. Here’s some advanced tips to help you get the best out of what you’ve got. 1. Level Up It sounds obvious, but levelling up your trainer experience will make a big difference in the strength of Pokémon you can capture. Getting experience points is easy, but can be a bit tedious. Finally, if you’re using a lure or incense, or are about to hatch some eggs, use a lucky egg to get a double XP boost. 2.

You can increase the number of XP points you get from captures by landing the Pokéball in the closing circle, gaining at least 10 extra XP points per capture. 3. There are several ways to throw a curveball. It can be quite difficult to hit the Pokémon with a curveball, so make sure you have plenty of Pokéballs to hand before trying for the first couple of times. 4.

The strength of an evolved Pokémon is directly related to the strength of the starting beast. 5. 6. 7. 8. What Happens At The Gym In Pokemon GO? Believe it or not, there is more to Pokemon Go than capturing Pokemon. And by capturing a gym or Pokemon, we mean taking a Pokemon out of the wild and keeping it for your team. And by capturing a gym using those captured Pokemon, you take ownership of the gym with your designated team. And while there isn't any battling between you and your friends like in previous games, you can battle people for the ownership of gyms. We've put together some basic information to help you understand how a gym works in Pokemon Go, because it could prove to be very valuable. First, you need to know that in order to even interact with a gym, you need to be at least a level 5. So if you aren't yet a level 5 and want to start capturing gyms, keep capturing those Pokemon and work your way up!

It's important to understand what a gym looks like on the map or where you can find one. There are a few ways to tell the status of a gym. But what happens if you do try to fight it and you lose? Pokemon Go Guide: How do Gyms Work. Pokemon Go is easily the most popular game in the world right now. Players are running around catching Pokemon everywhere they can. But there’s more to the game than just finding and catching Pokemon. Gyms are the big gameplay mechanic that takes your experience to the next level, with teams vying over control of any major landmark in town.

But they’re a bit confusing to figure out, and the game doesn’t explain them much. So, we’re here to answer the question of how do gyms work in Pokemon Go. We’ve actually already put together a lot of info on gyms, including how to take them over and how to defend them from other teams. So, Pokemon Go gyms, how do they work? Once a Pokemon Go gym is taken over it should be at level 2, meaning two Pokemon can be placed here to defend it. To do this you select the training button on the bottom right, when viewing the gym information.

But this is just if your team already owns it. And that’s about it for how do gyms work in Pokemon Go. Pokémon GO.