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This is What Happens When You Run Water Through a 24hz Sine Wave. What!? How is this even possible? Because science, my friends. Brusspup’s (previously) latest video explores what happens when a stream of water is exposed to an audio speaker producing a loud 24hz sine wave. If I understand correctly the camera frame rate has been adjusted to the match the vibration of the air (so, 24fps) thus creating … magic zigzagging water. Or something. Here’s a little more detail: Run the rubber hose down past the speaker so that the hose touches the speaker. Brusspup did a similar experiment last year where it looked as if the water was flowing in reverse. List of Free Books. Impact: Earth! Fundamentals of quantum mechanics. - StumbleUpon.

- StumbleUpon. Free Physics Books. TOP TEN UNSOLVED PROBLEMS IN PHYSICS. Astronomy picture of the day. Free Astronomy Books Download. - StumbleUpon. Physics Simulations and Artwork. Here is a 3D view of a hydrogren atom in the 4f state. The left image was made in C++ using a technique described by Krzysztof Marczak to make it volumetric like a cloud of smoke. The right image was made in Mathematica by adding 2D cross-sectional layers. The animations were made in POV-Ray using DF3 density files. The right animation shows what a "12o" orbital might look like. POV-Ray has a built-in internal function for the 3d orbital: // runtime: 4 seconds camera{location 16*z look_at 0} #declare P=function{internal(53)}; #declare P0=P(0,3,0,0); box{-8,8 pigment{rgbt t} hollow interior{media{emission 0.5 density{function{(P(x,y,z,0)-1.2)/(P0-1.2)} color_map{[0 rgb 0][1 rgb 1]}}}}} Links Atomic Orbital - time-dependant hydrogen atom simulation, by ? | Home. Crazy Physics Facts.