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Blues And Folk - Chroniques, Origines, Musique et Histoire... Bordeaux | Sarah Arnould. Camille Cathudal. Kathukitchen I, dessin numérique, 2014 Hère VI, aquarelle sur papier, 15x21 cm, 2011 Hère V, aquarelle sur papier, 15x21 cm, 2011. Madeline Von Foerster's Earthly Concerns. Madeline von Foerster has been described by premier American biologist Edward O. Wilson as an artist "who brings new imagery and a novel approach to conservation," playing an important role in the artistic community's ability to promote environmental consciousness and engage the public in a vital dialogue concerning humanity's place in and impact on nature. Although her paintings are stylistically linked to the techniques and content of the Flemish Renaissance masters, her work is nonetheless intensely relevant to the modern world, depicting issues of deforestation, endangered species, and war. by Laura Hines.

The Digital Comic Museum - Free and Public Domain Comic Books. Franco Brambilla. Personal Archives.