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Deep Cleaning Hacks. How to be one of those super ORGANIZED MOMS. A Typical English Home: How To Create A Clutter Free Home. After sharing my post on keeping a tidy home, somebody asked me if I had any more tips about controlling the amount of clutter.

A Typical English Home: How To Create A Clutter Free Home

Clutter is something which a lot of people struggle with, because we are constantly bombarded by media which wants us to buy things that will make us happier, more stylish or less bored. Even reading your favorite home blog can be a hazard because you spot ideas that would look oh-so-stylish if you bought something similar for your house. But if you get to the stage where the number of possessions in your home seems out of control and is making you miserable, it is time to take action. Untitled. If you've been looking for a way to organize baseball hats, ties, scarves, sunglasses or jewelry this simple 10 minute project could be just the thing.


It's working like a charm in my boy's closet! As you know I've been working on reorganizing his entire closet after I had a meltdown and declared war on the wire shelving. ;)