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Tener y no usarlos | Página12 | La otra mirada. El gobierno sostiene que con un ahorro del 20 por ciento en el consumo no habría impacto en las tarifas, pero incluso con un uso racional de la energía será difícil alcanzar esa meta. PaginaI12 expone sobre la base de un trabajo realizado por el Centro de Investigación y Desa- rrollo en Energía del INTI el consumo energético de los principales artefactos domésticos, con un uso diario mínimo. Grandes electrodomésticos. Una heladera común de 300 litros consume 150 watts por hora (W/h), lo que para un uso diario de 24 horas, implica unos 54 kilowatts (kW) mensuales.

Si tiene freezer, el peso en la factura asciende a 64,8 kW y si se trata de sólo el freezer, a 81 kW. Un horno microondas adiciona 19,2 kW al mes, tomando en cuenta un uso de una hora diaria, mientras que un lavarropas automático de 5 kilogramos de carga implica (con la misma periodicidad de utilización) un consumo mensual de 5,25 kW. Inundar el mundo de petr leo. La nostalgia de Donald Trump por las energías y el camino que lleva al infierno Introducción de Tom Engelhardt La administración Trump, hoy en formación, es una mezcolanza de generales y multimillonarios; en el caso del probable nuevo secretario de Defensa, el general de la infantería de marina retirado James “Mad Dog” Mattis, incluso los hombres de armas parecen haber hecho algo más que algunos dólares en estos últimos años.

Por ejemplo, una vez retirado, Mattis, accedió al directorio de General Dynamics, el gigante de la industria armamentista, como uno de los 13 “directores independientes”, que según se sabe acumulan por lo menos 900.000 dólares en acciones de la empresa y otros 600.000 en metálico de disposición inmediata. Así es, y todavía hay un requisito más para ser admitido en la administración Trump: el civil designado debe estar preparado para demoler el sistema con que él o ella se encuentre. La obsesionada política energética de Trump y la pesadilla planetaria por venir. Electric and magnetic fields associated with the use of electric power questions and answers english 508. Graphene supercapacitors created with ‘traditional paper making’ process, rivals lead-acid battery capacity. Materials engineers at Monash University in Australia have devised a method of producing graphene supercapacitors that have the same energy density as the lead-acid battery under your car’s hood.

Not only are these supercapacitors about 10 times more energy-dense than commercial devices, but the method of producing the graphene inside the supercapacitors seems to be novel as well. The engineers say they used a process that is similar to traditional paper making — and that it could easily and cost-effectively scaled up for commercial production of graphene, and graphene-based supercaps. Supercapacitors are essentially small batteries that can recharge and discharge almost instantly. While this results in a very high power density (lots of watts), their energy density is generally very low (watt-hours). Graphene, however, could change all that. That’s the theory, anyway. Capillary action sucks the graphene flakes together, creating a dense structure that’s similar to paper.

Salt Water Flow Cell Car Gets European Approval. A car which uses an electrolyte flow cell power system is now certified for use on European roads. The car is called the Quant e-Sportlimousine, which made its debut at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show. Not only can this car run on salt water, but it is claimed that the car has peak power of 920 horsepower (680 kW), 0-62 mph (100 km/h) in 2.8 seconds and a top speed of 217.5 mph (350 km/h). “We are delighted as pioneers to be able to present an automobile driven by flow cell technology on public roads, and one which achieves not only fantastic performance values but also zero emissions, a projected top speed of over 350 km/h (217.5 mph), acceleration from 0-100 in 2.8 seconds, a torque of four times 2,900 Nm (2,139 lb-ft) and a range of more than 600 km (373 mi)” said Nunzio La Vecchia, the visionary behind the development of the sports car.

“We’ve got major plans, and not just within the automobile industry,” says NanoFlowcell AG Chairman of the Board Prof. Forget batteries: future devices could store power in wires. Batteries have always been one of the biggest problems when developing small lightweight electronic devices. They're big and bulky, taking up a serious chunk of the real estate inside your smartphone or tablet. So imagine if they could be dispensed with, and replaced by a new type of internal wiring that can actually store power inside the body of the wire itself. That's the goal of a team of nanotechnology researchers at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. Professor Jayan Thomas and Ph.D. student Zenan Yu have developed a way to cover copper wires with a sheath made from alloy nanowhiskers, which then become one of the two electrodes needed to create a supercapacitor.

A second tube with nanowhiskers is then added, with a thin plastic boundary layer placed between the two sheaths to complete the capacitor. The inner copper core of the wire still retains its ability to conduct electricity, only now with the added ability to also store that energy. Dr. Researchers Develop Lithium Ion Battery That Can Charge an Electric Car for 27-Years. The problem with electric cars these days is that their lithium-ion batteries need to be replaced every few years, with some costing in the upwards of $10,000+. Researchers at the Center for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research Baden-Wurttemburg (ZSW) have developed one of the most efficient lithium-ion batteries yet, and in an electric vehicle they’re expected to retain 85% of their capacity after being charged every day for “about 27.4 years.”

According to Inhabitat: “After 10,000 complete charging and discharging cycles, with a complete charge and discharge cycle per hour, these lithium-ion batteries still retain more than 85% of the initial capacity. This means that an electric car with those batteries could be fully charged every day for about 27.4 years and still be going strong. The power density of these batteries, which measures the available power per unit of weight, is also very high at 1,100 watts per kilogram. Source: New Battery Tech. Battery Technology. Cooperativa Eléctrica Concordia | Simulador de Consumo. Científicos convierten CO2 en combustible líquido. Investigadores de la Universidad de Pittsburgh desarrollan una nueva tecnología que puede transformar dióxido de carbono en metanol, utilizando únicamente agua y luz solar. El dióxido de carbono (CO2) es uno de los gases menores más importantes para el complejo ciclo global de la vida en la Tierra.

Sin embargo, la acción antropogénica iniciada desde el comienzo de la era de la industrialización ha ido incrementando su concentración a los largo de los últimos 100 años, hasta superar las 400 partes por millón volumen. Mientras el máximo histórico sigue subiendo año tras año, investigadores estadounidenses han desarrollado una tecnología que podría ayudar a reducir estos niveles, convirtiendo el CO2 en combustible líquido utilizando únicamente agua y luz solar. En un principio, los investigadores de Pittsburgh tuvieron que enfrentarse al hecho de que el CO2 es una molécula estable que requiere una cantidad enorme de energía para que reaccione.

Imágenes | vía pixabay y Wikipedia.


Eléctrica renovable. Doble Engineering Company. Energías renovables y no renovables.