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Gulbin Kiranoglu

About ethnography, research & insight. Marx & Philosophy Society. Dissent Magazine. LENIN'S TOMB. Against the Current. SOLIDARITY was formed as part of a project of regroupment of the U.S.

Against the Current

Left. This publication, as part of this project, presents many points of view. As such, debates are frequent and informative, and the level of analysis is very high. Against the Current's goal is to promote dialogue among activists, organizers, and serious scholars on the Left. U.S. Marxist-Humanists. New Left Review. Social Network Unionism. Critical Legal Thinking. Naked capitalism. Azad Alik. Türkiye İnsan Hakları Vakfı. İnsan Hakları Derneği. İnsan Hakları Ortak Platformu. DEMOKRAT HABER. Turnusol. Richard D. Wolff. Immanuel Wallerstein. ZNet. Welcome to ZCommunications.


The site has ZNet and ZMag content, topic and place pages under the Focuses link in the top menu - reading lists and whole books, debates, interviews, multimedia, Blogs, Forums, comments, a Store, Sustainer program, WISC, and more. Relating to Z. Neil Smith. J_spot. Journal of Social Structure. Sociological Research Online. Ephemera. The Socjournal. Cybersociology. Understanding Society. Politicsmatter.

Technosociology. Everyday Sociology Blog. By Karen Sternheimer As a self-starter, I like self-help books, and have read or listened to number of audio books in the genre.

Everyday Sociology Blog

I have listened to many books on discovering one’s passions and creativity, on personal finance, relationships, career building, and those promoting emotional well-being. I can truly say that I have learned a lot from them, and they have taught me how to understand myself and others better. Family Inequality. Careers – in Theory. David Harvey.