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Mozilla Firefox. By: Adam Campbell, M.S., C.S.C.S. Want a fat-burning workout that fits your life? Then check out this routine that uses moves from The Women’s Health Big Book of Exercises. You can do it almost anywhere, and you can do it fast—yet you’ll be amazed at how quickly it gets your heart-pumping. All you need is just one pair of light dumbbells—5 or 10 pounders! —to target every part of your body while burning tons of calories. So you’ll never have to leave your house or even use a treadmill. The best part: You can tailor the routine to fit your schedule. Make this your best year yet with this body-transforming workout! Directions: The workout is simple: There are 5 exercises. One note: This workout is made for light weights. Beginners: You may need to start out a little easier. Fitness buffs: If you want to make the routine harder, just increase the amount of the 60-second station that you spend working, and decrease the amount that you rest.

Bonus: Get outside with these backyard workout ideas! | Fitness Advice, Workout Videos, Health & Fitness | Simple Ideas That Are Boderline Genius (Part 3) Looking for more about [term]? Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 1 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 2 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 4 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 5 Top. Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius. Looking for more about [term]? Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 2 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 3 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 4 Simple Ideas That Are Borderline Genius part 5 Top. You Know You Want Sexy Abs! | healthkicker.

The next month or two of work on Xanga 2.0 is going to be busy, so I wanted to share with everyone a roadmap of how we’re thinking about things! We’re dividing the work on this project into four basic phases. Phase 1. Data migration As described here, we’ve imported over every account that we have on Xanga over to the new system so that anyone who could sign into Xanga can still sign into Xanga 2.0. Finally and most important of all, we’ve imported over 2 million blogs from the old system. . * We’ve archived the blogs of the hundreds of thousands of blogs where the user has logged in in the past 5 years and has at least two subscribers. * We did an additional set of archives for 200k users who had logged in the past year and had at least 10 blogs. * We’ve also archived the blogs of every single user that’s ever been premium at any point in the past… And of course, a lot of you guys archived your own blogs using the old Xanga archive generator.

Phase 2. Phase 3. Phase 4. Jello Shots! This Post is ALL Mandi. I think she has had a few of these this morning so disregard her grammar and over excitement. See ya next week! - Dan I love jello shots. if you know me personally then you have most likely had my jello shots at least once because ill take pretty much any excuse to make them. To break it down for you: jello + alcohol = awesome Now when I first tell people about my obsession with jello shots I think they immediately flash back to some college party where there were two types of jello shots: green with a handle of ten dollar vodka and yellow with a handle of ten dollar rum.

The basic method is as follows: boil one cup of water, add one packet of jello, mix two minutes (don't skimp on this it will be grainy!) My basic tools. bowl and spoon for mixing, flat measuring cup for easy measuring of liquids, ladle and spouted measuring cup for filling. I get these little cups at a restaurant supply store. Move from the mixing bowl to something easier to pour with. Yellow Bird Project : Charity T-Shirts: Bon Iver, The National, Of Montreal, Rilo Kiley, Bloc Party, The Shins...

50 Life Secrets and Tips. Memorize something everyday.Not only will this leave your brain sharp and your memory functioning, you will also have a huge library of quotes to bust out at any moment. Poetry, sayings and philosophies are your best options.Constantly try to reduce your attachment to possessions.Those who are heavy-set with material desires will have a lot of trouble when their things are taken away from them or lost. Possessions do end up owning you, not the other way around. Become a person of minimal needs and you will be much more content.Develop an endless curiosity about this world.Become an explorer and view the world as your jungle. Stop and observe all of the little things as completely unique events. Try new things. Get out of your comfort zone and try to experience as many different environments and sensations as possible. Read “Zen and the Art of Happiness” by Chris Prentiss.This book will give you the knowledge and instruction to be happy at all times regardless of the circumstances.

Subway Sandwich Calorie & Carb Nutrition Calculator - Eddie On Everything. View my other Calorie Calculators here. Subway Nutrition Calculator Select each ingredient on your sub from the drop-downs. You can choose as many ingredients from each list as you want. As you add ingredients, they will be added to the Nutrition Facts table. You can delete ingredients after they are added by checking the “x” next to the ingredient name in the Nutrition Facts table. I love eating at Subway. But Subway makes it hard to discover the nutritional values of a particular sub. This is because on their nutritional sheet, they list the calories, carbs, fat, etc., for a particular sub based on a certain set of pre-defined ingredients. So I created this calculator that lets you determine the nutritional content of any sub. Ask E. Jean: 25 Things Every Woman Should Know. Alternate Sleep Cycles.

Most people only think that there is one way to sleep: Go to sleep at night for 6-8 hours, wake up in the morning, stay awake for 16-18 hours and then repeat. Actually, that is called a monophasic sleep cycle, which is only 1 of 5 major sleep cycles that have been used successfully throughout history. The other 4 are considered polyphasic sleep cycles due to the multiple number of naps they require each day. How is this possible? How is this healthy? Well the most important of every sleep cycle is the Stage 4 REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep, which has been shown to provide the benefits of sleep to the brain above all other stages of sleep.

When changing over to a polyphasic cycle, the lack of sleep tricks the body into entering REM sleep immediately instead of 45 to 75 minutes into sleep like in the monophasic sleep. This way, you still get the benefits of 8 hours of sleep without wasting all of the time it takes to get to REM cycles, resulting in a much more efficient sleep cycle. How To Train Yourself To Be In The Mood You Want. Dec 27, 2010 When you have major changes going on in your life, or you’re just frustrated about where you are, it’s easy to get trapped in a cycle of depression, bad moods and frustration. I know, I’ve been there … and when I’m not careful, I still get there more than I want to. But when I’ve had a particularly hard time, I hit these moments where I’m in a foul mood, or I’m just feeling paralyzed, and I’m just stuck. Sometimes I just stew in that and stay there, but sometimes I actually get intelligent and pull my way out of it.

I’m going to outline the framework that I’ve been using successfully to really get myself resourceful and motivated (and in a better mood) when I’m feeling stuck. First Up: Using A Framework to Escape From Paralyzing Emotions When we feel bad, it’s hard to “feel good” again. The reason for this is that steps take the emotion out of our situation and give us direction to simply act. A: AGREE With Yourself That You Don’t Want To Be In This Mood Right Now. Dave. Secret's Safe | Share A Secret, See A Secret. CompassionPit. Print - 4 Weeks to a Better Body. Cleveland Clinic Answers 20 Depression Questions. Rev Up Your Weight Loss | iVillage Challenges. Envisioning Development: What is Affordable Housing? 30 Habits that Will Change your Life.

Developing good habits is the basic of personal development and growth. Everything we do is the result of a habit that was previously taught to us. Unfortunately, not all the habits that we have are good, that’s why we are constantly trying to improve. The following is a list of 30 practical habits that can make a huge difference in your life. You should treat this list as a reference, and implement just one habit per month. Health habits Exercise 30 minutes every day. Productivity habits Use an inbox system. Personal Development habits Read 1 book per week. Career habits Start a blog. What do you think? Update: A reader put together a downloadable copy of all these habits.