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Mobile learning

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Definition. Définition mobile learning. Mobile Learning. Mobile Learning ©UNESCO/NOKIA | ©UNESCO/Pakistan project Today over 6 billion people have access to a connected mobile device and for every one person who accesses the internet from a computer two do so from a mobile device.

Mobile Learning

Mobile technology is changing the way we live and it is beginning to change the way we learn. UNESCO is working to help governments and individuals use mobile devices to advance Education for All Goals; respond to the challenges of particular educational contexts; supplement and enrich formal schooling; and, in general, make learning more accessible, equitable and flexible for students everywhere.

Mobile Learning. Le Mobile Learning est une formation e-Learning adaptée aux usages mobiles des apprenants.

Mobile Learning

Il est apparu récemment et permet de délivrer des formations à distance sur d’autres supports que les ordinateurs. Un apprentissage nomade Ainsi, grâce aux nombreuses applications développées, l’apprenant peut poursuivre sa formation, où qu’il soit, grâce à un appareil mobile, qu’il s’agisse d’un smartphone (téléphone mobile intelligent qui permet entre autres de naviguer sur internet), d’un lecteur multimédia comme l’iPod, d’une tablette mobile telle l’iPad ou encore depuis une console de jeux portative.

Les capacités techniques de ces supports en font des outils d’apprentissage à distance à part entière, puisqu’elles sont généralement capables de lire la plupart des supports exploités en e-Learning comme des textes, des vidéos, du son, des images, de la reconnaissance graphique/gestuelle ou bien de la synthèse vocale. Une modalité supplémentaire pour les formations mixtes. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 8 Excellent Augmented Reality Apps for iPad. In this post Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is providing you with a list of some awesome augmented reality apps for your iPad but before that let us first see what the concept of augmented reality is all about .

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 8 Excellent Augmented Reality Apps for iPad

Augmented reality is a relatively new digital phenomenon that is brought about by the recent development in the field of technology and particularly mobile technology. In augmented reality the line between the virtual world and the real one is blurred. Engineers use some sophisticated technologies to pull out graphics from television screen and computer display and integrate them into real world environments. Augmented reality spices up the natural world with computer enhanced sounds, graphics, and feedback.If we are to put augmented reality in a continuum that has in one end computer generated environments and in the other end real world environments then augmented reality would be closer to the latter. 7 Ways Augmented Reality Will Improve Your Life. You might think augmented reality is the way of the future, but really, it has its roots in the 20th century.

7 Ways Augmented Reality Will Improve Your Life

Morton Heilig, the "Father of Virtual Reality," patented the Sensorama Stimulator, which he called an "experience theater," on Aug. 28, 1962. Over time, the idea of using technology to create a layer over the real world has been honed and refined and put in our palms, thanks to the proliferation of smartphones. Usages Mobile Learning. Effective%20User%20Interface%20Design%20for%20Mobile%20Learning. Adaptable Mobile User Interfaces for e-Learning Repositories. The paper describes a system enabling creation of adaptable mobile user interfaces for e-learning repositories, such as Moodle.

Adaptable Mobile User Interfaces for e-Learning Repositories

The system design is based on a user interface adaptation framework, called ASIS, which enables combining... more The paper describes a system enabling creation of adaptable mobile user interfaces for e-learning repositories, such as Moodle. The system design is based on a user interface adaptation framework, called ASIS, which enables combining dynamically-generated Web content with calls to SOA services. By using service calls as a means of interfacing elearning repositories instead of their standard Web interfaces, we can build new interfaces with significantly reduced complexity, focusing on important content and tasks, which is critical in case of small-size mobile devices. Download (.pdf) Share.

World_differences_in_the_use_of_mobile_phones. Mobile Learning: Course Interface Design for Smartphones (e.g. iPhone) Versus Tablets (e.g. iPad) When designing a course for mobile devices we have to make a fundamental decision: are we going to design the course for both smartphones or tablets...or both?

Mobile Learning: Course Interface Design for Smartphones (e.g. iPhone) Versus Tablets (e.g. iPad)

If we choose to support smartphones, we don't have a lot of screen real estate. How do we account for that? If we choose to support tablets, we have a lot more screen real estate. How do we take advantage of that? Smartphones First off, what we are designing is a content-based experience. Take a look at these screenshots from Rapid Intake's mLearning Studio in which navigation controls are hidden by default then displayed on top of the content by tapping the screen. This approach allows the learner access to all navigational controls, but keeps them out of the way so the learner has as much screen real estate as possible to interact with. These controls can then be used to allow the learner to access other tools that need the full screen, such as the Table of Contents and Glossary. NICOP 2012 / e-Education. 50 Must-Download Apps For Lifelong Learners.

Long after degrees have been conferred and careers have been launched, many folks just can’t seem to quit school.

50 Must-Download Apps For Lifelong Learners

For them, life provides an overstuffed cornucopia of educational opportunities that don’t necessarily require hefty loans and navigating different professorial strategies. Those with a lust for learning who happen to also enjoy testing the limits of what the iPad offers definitely don’t have to worry about finding resources to pique their fancy. Hundreds, if not thousands, of apps are out there just twitching for users to fire them up and absorb a mental nugget or two.

History and Geography Language, Reading, and Writing. Mise en relation "User à User" Helpouts by Google. SecretGuru - Talented people you can hire to create fun, new, memorable experiences. Apprentissage et tablette tactile - Accueil. MoLeaP - The mobile learning project database. Mobile Learning for Humanitarian Relief Operations. 6 Higher Education Institutions Leading the way with Mobile Learning Apps. As the high-tech world evolves from dial-up access to lightning-fast smartphones, students benefit from a more mobile classroom.

6 Higher Education Institutions Leading the way with Mobile Learning Apps

But as anyone with a smartphone or tablet already knows, no two apps are alike. Some universities offer fully functional online classrooms in their mobile apps, while others only offer a directory and map. A mobile-friendly classroom means more access for students who are used to already getting things done on the go with their handheld devices (If you’re someone who enjoys creating apps, you may want to learn how to become a mobile app developer).

Students see big incentives for mobile learning Incoming students at Seton Hall University received free smartphones in 2012, according to U.S. University of Phoenix Students at the University of Phoenix study in over 200 institutions and online. Compatibility: iPhone, iPad, AndroidAverage Rating: 4+ (iPhone), 4.3 (Android)User Review: “I love this app. Apprentissage en ligne. 10 Ways That Mobile Learning Will Revolutionize Education. Smartphones and tablet computers are radically transforming how we access our shared knowledge sources by keeping us constantly connected to near-infinite volumes of raw data and information.

10 Ways That Mobile Learning Will Revolutionize Education

We enjoy unprecedented instant access to expertise, from informal cooking lessons on YouTube to online university courses. Every day people around the globe are absorbed in exciting new forms of learning, and yet traditional schools and university systems are still struggling to leverage the many opportunities for innovation in this area. Recently frog has been researching how learning models are evolving—and how they can be improved—via the influence of mobile technologies.

We’ve found that the education industry needs new models and fresh frameworks to avoid losing touch with the radically evolving needs of its many current and potential new constituencies. Check Out These Apps.