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10 Ways That Mobile Learning Will Revolutionize Education

10 Ways That Mobile Learning Will Revolutionize Education
Smartphones and tablet computers are radically transforming how we access our shared knowledge sources by keeping us constantly connected to near-infinite volumes of raw data and information. We enjoy unprecedented instant access to expertise, from informal cooking lessons on YouTube to online university courses. Every day people around the globe are absorbed in exciting new forms of learning, and yet traditional schools and university systems are still struggling to leverage the many opportunities for innovation in this area. Recently frog has been researching how learning models are evolving—and how they can be improved—via the influence of mobile technologies. We have been focusing on the concept of mLearning—where "m" usually stands for "mobile" but also just as easily for "me." 1. Up until now, most people relegated "education" to a finite time in their lives: entering school at around five years old and attending school institutions all the way to university. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Noste si vlastní přístroje! Text článku: Jsou firmy, které kvůli snazší kontrole a vyšší bezpečnosti dat trvají na tom, aby jejich zaměstnanci používali pouze služební technologie, které jsou spravovány podnikovými IT administrátory. Podobný tradiční přístup lze nejsnáze realizovat v podmínkách lokální sítě, tj. u zaměstnanců sedících v kanceláři, pracujících na stolních počítačích a dodržujících pevnou pracovní dobu. Jenže toto je model, který je překonaný. Dnes je u mnoha pracovních činností naprostou samozřejmostí, aby se zaměstnanec pohyboval z místa na místo nebo aby podstatnou část své práce dělal z domova. Situace ve školství je nápadně podobná. Přístup, který se momentálně prosazuje třeba právě u nás, patří k nejsnadnějším a nejlevnějším. Asi bych neměl zapomenout, že teoreticky může existovat ještě jeden model využití technologií ve vzdělávání. Podívejme se na zkušenosti ze škol v zámoří, které již model BYOT používají. Použití vlastního zařízení ve výuce má ještě další důležitý přínos.

Mobile Metrix 2.0 Positioning your business to thrive in the mobile economy requires the most accurate and detailed view of mobile media usage. What advertisers are looking to do is understand how many people of what kind are engaging with this medium and how deeply they are engaging, and they tailor their expenditure and their budgets to that data. Mobile Media Metrics promises to give advertisers exactly that kind of data. Bob Wootton Director of Media & Advertising ISBA, The Voice of British Advertisers comScore Mobile Metrix will do for mobile what comScore MMX did for the traditional online space; provide a trusted set of audience measurement standards to help the industry advance to the next level. John Kahan General Manager, Data & Analytics Microsoft’s Online Services Division Brian Murphy Senior Director AOL comScore Mobile Metrix brings Unified Digital Measurement to smartphone devices by combining on-device metering with census-level data.

Université numérique Enseignement supérieuret Recherche Date d'impression : 19.04.14 Page: Accueil > Stratégie > Stratégie Enseignement supérieur > Université numérique Université numérique Nous suivre Suivre l'actualité enseignement supérieur et recherche Sur internet Actualité 10.04.2013© Fotolia Livre blanc "la démarche ePortfolio dans l'enseignement supérieur français" Le Service de la stratégie de l'enseignement supérieur et de l'insertion professionnelle publie un livre blanc sur la démarche ePortfolio dans l'enseignement supérieur. 8.11.2012© Fotolia Livre blanc 'Accompagnement et formation des enseignants aux usages du numérique' Un livre blanc sur l'accompagnement et la formation des enseignants du supérieur aux usages pédagogiques du numérique est en cours de finalisation... L'essentiel Toute l'actualité Université numérique Web TV Toutes les vidéos Les recherches les plus fréquentes : Annuler

Researchers develop ‘smart’ touch-responsive internet-enabled newspaper My European speaking tour (ending today) has had two primary themes: crowdsourcing and the future of corporate IT. However at a couple of points, notably a guest lecture to Moscow’s Higher School of Economics’ School of Journalism, I have delved into the future of media. As always, my well-known Newspaper Extinction Timeline has come up as a hot topic of discussion. One of things I always have to point out is that we should not be comparing newspapers with the tablets of today when we think about the choices people will make in how they access news. The e-ink initiatives have some way to go, however it seems there are other paths to this outcome, as shown in this video. In a post on BBC College of Journalism website Paul Egglestone of University of Lancashire’s school of journalism writes: The research project is called Interactive Newspaper, which says: Interactive paper is a type of “smart” paper.

Why the Future of Social Is in the Palm of Your Hand When I leave the house in the morning, the first thing I check is that I have my phone with me. It's not my keys nor my wallet, but my phone that I'm most worried about forgetting. My mobile device has become my lifeline in a lot of ways — and I know I'm not alone. When I walk outside, it seems hard to find someone who's not on their phone. Long before Facebook bought Instagram last month, the mobile social networking boom was upon us. This was the jumping off point for a discussion on stage at Mashable Connect with me, Brett Martin, co-founder and CEO of Sonar, Steve Jang, co-founder, chief product designer and CEO of SoundTracking, and Bart Stein, co-founder of Stamped on Saturday. Self-Expression in Real Time Social networks were built on the notion of sharing. The features built into mobile devices, such as cameras and GPS, enable even the most casual tech user to easily create his or her own media. Stronger Relationships For Martin, it's certainly a concern. Enriched Lives What's Next?

Pour aider à choisir sa formule de E-learning L’explosion récente des MOOC profite à OpenClassrooms. Lancée sous ce nom en septembre 2013, la plateforme de cours en ligne connaît un succès grandissant auprès des étudiants. Une réussite qui encourage la start-up parisienne à s’élargir à d’autres marchés, notamment celui des entreprises souhaitant enrichir leur catalogue de formations. lundi 15 décembre Lancée en mai 2013, la plateforme d’e-mentoring Unatti convainc de plus en plus d’entreprises. mardi 9 décembre Le compte à rebours a commencé : dès le 1er janvier 2015, le compte personnel de formation (CPF) remplacera le droit individuel à la formation (DIF). mardi 2 décembre Comment démontrer la contribution de la formation à la réalisation des objectifs de l’entreprise ? jeudi 27 novembre A quelques semaines de l’entrée en vigueur de la réforme de la formation professionnelle, Demos a concocté de nouvelles offres. mardi 25 novembre Les résultats du 16e baromètre de Cegos ne sont pas réjouissants. jeudi 20 novembre lundi 17 novembre

How Tablets Will Change Higher Ed Tablets are set to change computing with intuitive operating systems, web browsing, access to hundreds of thousands of apps, and even the option to attach a keyboard. From the start, we knew tablets would be big—they’re more mobile than laptops but easier to interact with than phones. It hardly needs to be said (but we’ll say it anyway) that Localist performs well on tablets of all makes, but let’s not kid ourselves: when we say “tablets,” we mean the iPad. Apple’s tablet represents 89% of the US tablet market! Tablets are being adopted at an impressive rate, and tablet purchases are expected to outpace smartphone purchases over the next two years. Tablet ownership among college students has correspondingly skyrocketed and a Pearson Foundation survey found that it has tripled from a year ago. Your school should be preparing to incorporate tablets into campus life and the classroom. Why Tablets are Not the Same as Mobile Tablets Will Transform the Classroom Keeping up with Students

Facebook buys Glancee in another mobile play Facebook confirmed on Friday night that it has purchased Glancee, a mobile app that uses your location and Facebook login to connect you with like-minded individuals who happen to be near you in real life. Details of the deal were undisclosed but it looks like Glancee will be shutting down and some or all of the team will be joining Facebook — and they will be working on location-related features for the giant social network. Facebook confirmed the deal in a written statement: We are thrilled to confirm that Facebook has acquired Glancee. On the heels of Facebook’s $1 billion buy of Instagram, this deal likely isn’t in the same league financially, but some view it as another indication that Facebook needs to ramp up its mobile experience. Glancee does have some cool elements, and the promise of being able to connect my virtual Facebook life with my physical one using the Glancee app is certainly compelling.
