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Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 8 Excellent Augmented Reality Apps for iPad

Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 8 Excellent Augmented Reality Apps for iPad
In this post Educational Technology and Mobile Learning is providing you with a list of some awesome augmented reality apps for your iPad but before that let us first see what the concept of augmented reality is all about . Augmented reality is a relatively new digital phenomenon that is brought about by the recent development in the field of technology and particularly mobile technology. In augmented reality the line between the virtual world and the real one is blurred. Engineers use some sophisticated technologies to pull out graphics from television screen and computer display and integrate them into real world environments. Augmented reality spices up the natural world with computer enhanced sounds, graphics, and feedback.If we are to put augmented reality in a continuum that has in one end computer generated environments and in the other end real world environments then augmented reality would be closer to the latter. Check out the augmented reality apps below Related:  Intercultural education for pupils aged 9-13

Augmented Reality in Education String Augmented reality is a 3D learning environment which connects real and virtual world. It provides interactive tools for learning, and fosters informal learning. My Top 3 Augmented Reality Apps: Quick Writer: is a text editor which enable you to watch things while you are typing. Digital Storytelling with Augmented Reality: Zooburst: is a digital storytelling app that lets you create your own 3D pop-up book. How to Create Augmented Reality: You can create augmented reality with Metaio! Some Articles on Augmented Reality: Something to think about 7 Ways Augmented Reality Will Improve Your Life You might think augmented reality is the way of the future, but really, it has its roots in the 20th century. Morton Heilig, the "Father of Virtual Reality," patented the Sensorama Stimulator, which he called an "experience theater," on Aug. 28, 1962. Over time, the idea of using technology to create a layer over the real world has been honed and refined and put in our palms, thanks to the proliferation of smartphones. Confused about what augmented reality is? In short, it's a way to use technology to redefine space, and it places a virtual layer over the world with geographic specificity ensuring a good fit. Check out the video below — in real life, the woman is holding what appears to be a simple box of LEGOs. While mainstream examples of AR have been, to date, on the fluffy side (like this and this), the technology has promise as an urban utility. "It's not a futuristic, fringy thing "It's not a futuristic, fringy thing," says Goldrun founder Vivian Rosenthal. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Augmented Reality and Applications for Education – Part 2 Guest post by James Roberts. Though many would say that augmented reality is destined to play a role in the future of education, others would point out that it’s already here. Here is a lowdown on what Augmented Reality is and some ways it can be used in the classroom. Augmented Reality (AR) is the combination of reality and virtual reality, and allows you to put 3D content and images into the real world. Following is a selection of free applications that utilize Augmented Reality that can enhance learning in a number of subject areas: An great tool for making Astronomy more interesting and interactive is Google Sky Map for Android – with it, you simply point the camera on the stars on the smartphone, and Google Sky Map will attempt to identify them. For more insights into developments in instructional uses of Augmented Reality applications, check out last week’s post, “The Evolution of Augmented Reality Applications for Education and Instructional Use”. About Kelly Walsh Print This Post

Seven Habits of Highly Effective Intercultural Communicators | Sherwood Fleming's Intercultural Communication Insights In an increasingly interconnected world, intercultural communication skills are more important than ever. Many of us are finding ourselves conducting business with people from a variety of cultures. Such contexts require the creation of new communication practices that go beyond simply the mastery of whatever language we are using. I’ve identified seven communication habits of highly effective intercultural communicators, drawn from my training and consulting work with clients operating within intercultural business environments. 1. Taking risks of any kind is uncomfortable for many people. 2. They do not keep a who-should-adapt-to-who-first score card. 3. By listening with intercultural ears I mean that effective intercultural communicators have an ability to listen impartially. By seeing with intercultural eyes I mean that despite received wisdom on this point, they also ignore body language when dealing with someone from another culture. 4. 5. 6. 7. How Do You Measure Up?

20 Ways to Use Augmented Reality in Education Second Life proved an incredibly valuable tool for educators hoping to reach a broad audience — or offering even more ways to learn for their own bands of students. Augmented Reality Development Lab: Affiliated with Google, Microsoft, and Logitech, the Augmented Reality Development Lab run by Digital Tech Frontier seeks to draw up projects that entertain as well as educate. The very core goal of the ARDL involves creating interactive, three-dimensional objects for studying purposes. Reliving the Revolution: Karen Schrier harnessed GPS and Pocket PCs to bring the Battle of Lexington to her students through the Reliving the Revolution game, an AR experiment exploring some of the mysteries still shrouding the event — like who shot first! PhysicsPlayground: One of the many, many engines behind PC games received a second life as an engaging strategy for illustrating the intricate ins and outs of physics, in a project known as PhysicsPlayground. FETCH!

lennon Teachers' Guide to Augmented reality Augmented Reality is a concept that has been around for sometime now but with the latest innovations in the digital world, augmented reality has been foregrounded posing serious questions as to its relevancy in education and learning. What is Augmented Reality ? Augmented Reality is exactly what the name implies: an augmented version of realty created by mixing technology with the known world. It might be a distorted, augmented, or less augmented version of the actual world but in its basic form, augmented reality is a simulation or rather a way of superimposing digital contents into the real context. Augmented reality has its origins as early as the 1950s and has progressed with virtual reality since then, but its most significant advance have been since the mid 1990s when researcher Tom Caudell coined the term "augmented reality," What is the difference between virtual reality and augmented reality? Augmented Learning ? How does augmented reality works ?

freedom Augmented Reality: The Future of EdTech By: Drew Minock Augmented reality is defined as “a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented (or supplemented) by computer generated sensory input such as sound, video, graphics, or GPS data.” (Wikipedia) We have discovered that augmented reality is much more than the definition describes – it is the future of educational technology. It all started on March 21st at the MACUL Conference in Detroit when the great Leslie Fisher showed the $20 bill trick using an app called Aurasma. That was the moment that would change everything. Augmented reality allows us to put objects in the hands of our students that would have previously been impossible. There are several augmented reality applications available to download onto your mobile device, but few give you power to create your own experience like Aurasma. Augmented reality allows the students to engage in, and create a magical learning experience that their classmates can interact with.

About Us | TeachUNICEF TeachUNICEF is a portfolio of free global education resources. Resources cover grades PK-12, are interdisciplinary (social studies, science, math, English/language arts, foreign/world languages), and align with standards. The lesson plans, stories, and multimedia cover topics ranging from the Millennium Development Goals to Water and Sanitation. Our mission is to support and create well-informed global citizens who understand interconnectedness, respect and value diversity, have the ability to challenge injustice and inequities and take action in personally meaningful ways. What is UNICEF?

Meaningful Integration of AR Meaningful Integration of Augmented Reality in Education Below you will find a list of ideas and apps to help meaningfully integrate augmented reality into education. This list will continue to grow as we collaborate with amazing educators on game changing ideas! Homework Mini-Lessons: Grade Level: All grades We use Explain Everything for many activities in our classrooms. Grade Level: PK-2, ELL This app uses augmented reality to engage the students in learning their letters. Grade Level: K-3 This fun app uses augmented reality to engage students in solving addition and subtraction problems. Student created book reviews: Grade Level: All grades Students can create short video book reviews of the book they have read from the classroom library or school library. Faculty Photo Wall Personalize your school's entryway by hanging a photograph of each staff member. PTA Support/Recruiting Rubrics Grade: All Learning Targets: Exit Slips/Tickets Words of Encouragement Mystery Reader or Staff Members Yearbook!
