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How Information Graphics Reveal Your Brain’s Blind Spots. This story was co-published with Source.

How Information Graphics Reveal Your Brain’s Blind Spots

Visual Evidence. 70 Ways to Increase Your Brain Power. 28.

70 Ways to Increase Your Brain Power

Creatine. This is a compound found in meat, used by athletes to help build muscle. Now the evidence is here to show that it helps your brain as well. Proceedings B , a journal published by the Royal Society reports that the research showed improvement in working memory and general intelligence resulting from creatine supplementation. The dose used in the study was 5 grams per day. 35. 36. Claims, Evidence, Reasoning: Integrating Art & Science. Antoinette Pippin teaches fifth grade at the Dr.

Claims, Evidence, Reasoning: Integrating Art & Science

Theodore T. Alexander Jr. Science Center School in Los Angeles. Antoinette’s school is the result of a collaboration between the California Science Center and the Los Angeles Unified School District. How They Get It: A New, Simple Taxonomy For Understanding. How They Get It: A New, Simple Taxonomy For Understanding by Terry Heick How can you tell if a student really understands something?

How They Get It: A New, Simple Taxonomy For Understanding

Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences. Howard Gardner: We have schools because we hope that someday when children have left schools that they will still be able to use what it is that they've learned.

Big Thinkers: Howard Gardner on Multiple Intelligences

And there is now a massive amount of evidence from all realms of science that unless individuals take a very active role in what it is that they're studying, unless they learn to ask questions, to do things hands-on, to essentially recreate things in their own mind and then transform them as is needed, the ideas just disappear. The student may have a good grade on the exam. We may think that he or she is learning, but a year or two later there's nothing left.

The idea of multiple intelligences comes out of psychology. Outline of the Internal Family Systems Model.


TO UNDERSTAND IS TO PERCEIVE PATTERNS. Questioning. 110302-MINT-TIPSa.png (1300×1926) DZone. I’ve written previously about the power of recombination, and that perhaps we need to redefine innovation away from the invention of something completely new towards something that builds upon things that have been deployed elsewhere.


Despite this, it’s nevertheless rare for copying to be quite so openly promoted, so it’s pleasing to see the launch of a new platform that is designed specifically for that. The Promotion of Plagiarism A group of NGOs have recently launched a platform, called Sphaera (pronounced s’faira), which they hope will encourage the copying of successful initiatives from around the world. The platform will provide a facility for organizations to share what has worked for them. This information will then be turned into tools, processes and frameworks by the platform, in order for other users to make use of them. “Where governments and corporations fail to address the urgent problems of the 21st century, social entrepreneurs step in to develop innovative solutions. Jeff Hawkins: Brain science is about to fundamentally change computing. Bloom's taxonomy - Methodologies and Approaches in ELT.

Sniffing out the brain's predictive power: Human brain 'smells' what it expects rather than what it sniffs. In the moments before you "stop and smell the roses," it's likely your brain is already preparing your sensory system for that familiar floral smell.

Sniffing out the brain's predictive power: Human brain 'smells' what it expects rather than what it sniffs

New research from Northwestern Medicine offers strong evidence that the brain uses predictive coding to generate "predictive templates" of specific smells -- setting up a mental expectation of a scent before it hits your nostrils. Predictive coding is important because it provides animals -- in this case, humans -- with a behavioral advantage, in that they can react more quickly and more accurately to stimuli in the surrounding environment. The study, published in the Oct. 6 issue of the journal Neuron, was led by Christina Zelano, a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Jay Gottfried, M.D., associate professor of neurology at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and attending physician at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. Ideeënmaker: Tien manieren om je notitieboek te vullen. Create and share visual ideas online.

Jump-Starting Tips and Tools. Synesthesia and the Poetry of Numbers: Autistic Savant Daniel Tammet on Literature, Math, and Empathy, by Way of Borges. By Maria Popova.

Synesthesia and the Poetry of Numbers: Autistic Savant Daniel Tammet on Literature, Math, and Empathy, by Way of Borges

KM for the future: strategic outlook, smooth launch. Increasingly, organizations are focusing more on the purpose of knowledge management initiatives and less on the technology itself.

KM for the future: strategic outlook, smooth launch

More organizations have a strategic intent when they launch new applications and a clearer set of goals. "KM is about sharing and leveraging collective knowledge," says Kent Greenes, president of Greenes Consulting. "We view it as the ‘boundaryless' flow of knowledge. " In some cases, the flow is across the whole enterprise, and in some cases, it is across different organizations.

In one of the examples that follows, a large and geographically dispersed organization has taken on the task of evaluating, tracking and measuring risks associated with departments throughout the company to guide its corporate risk strategy. Multiple-Intelligences. Knowledge management. SuperHuman Technology.

Problem solving skills

Brainware. Critical thinking. Thinking skills. Memory improvement. Mindmaps. Reflecting - Effective Communication Skills. Reflective Practice. What is Reflective Practice?

Reflective Practice

Reflective practice is, in its simplest form, thinking about or reflecting on what you do. Affect. Creativity Innovation Genius.